Yeah, all of the bosses usually have their own mechanics so you'll have to pay attention every turn to figure out their patterns, especially when you suddenly get debuffs or the boss get buffs.
I haven't unlocked last 2 buildings (still need 5 damaged manikins, 2 ferriki orbs, and 7 vulnyx fangs) so I hope stage 7 is released after I'm done though. lol
Level 75
Terrifyingly Thrifty
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Posted: 7/16/2018 at 11:03 AM
Post #22
Two challenges!
You should tame one of each sylesti with boosted stats. There is a catch. You can choose the catch:
a.) The sylesties must all be a certain colour (of your choosing). So if you picked pink, then all pets you catch must be pink.
b.) or assign a colour cycle (of your choosing) to determine which pets you are allowed to for example...rainbow. If you chose rainbow as a 'cycle' then every pet you catch must follow next along the sequence. So if you find a red aurleon, then, the pet after you catch should be an orange pet.
(if you want a greater challenge, then impose a species cycle as well as a colour cycle. So...if you find a red aurleon, then the next pet you catch must be an orange bulbori, then after that a yellow draeyl...)
Hardcore mode! Assign a pet to be a 'hardcore' pet. This means that when it faints in battle, you must release it into the wild. You should choose a pet (or a party of 3) that are all level 0. Double points if you purposely avoid overpowered armor. Triple points if the pet in question is valuable in some way...
Level 75
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Posted: 7/16/2018 at 11:41 AM
Post #23
Challenge Ideas:
1) Collecting A LOT of Avi Items
Try collecting (read: HOARDING) avi items! If all of them is too much, try collecting a set of slightly rarer avi items, or maybe a lot of one item (i.e. 500 swirling snows).
1.5) Collecting Items
If you don't like avi items, you can collect other things, like lesser traps, pet dyes, etc. If you're looking for a cheap thing to collect (since you're doing that 10 mil challenge) I suggest fairy mushrooms.
2) 6 vis PB tagged
a. you can collect them, specifically for one species
b. you can try to breed the first 6 vis of that theme
c. you can fill your stables with only them 3) Specific Tagged
a. You can collect a specific Theme
b. You can try to own the enitre population of that theme
4) Ugly/Pretty Tamed
Try to catch one ugly and one pretty tamed of each species (no dyeing).
A Challenge inside the challenge:
a. All of the pets you catch are 1 vis
b. all of the pets you catch are from the LG
c. all of the pets you catch are epic, legendary, etc.
5) Live on sylestia
why not?
Level 70
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Posted: 7/16/2018 at 1:27 PM
Post #24
AHAHAHA these are all great!
1.I'm stuck on Avi items since I am still confused where they come from, butI think I like the fairy mushroom hoard since I need them for CoD (keep giving people lv50 armor)
2. I might attempt the breeding of a 6vis PB but I'm not sure atm
3. Ummm nah (doesn't like festivals)
4. Maybe? It might correlate with the max stat challenge
5. I'm sorry- my heart is on flightrising XD
Level 70
Joined: 11/2/2014
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Posted: 7/16/2018 at 1:29 PM
Post #25
1. Not sure with this one, my stables are a bit full
2. Nuzlocke in Sylestia, hmmmm interesting idea
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