Looks all good! Would you like me to play the heir/her owner as an NPC or is she traveling alone?
Also, does she have her Bakh Naks in her inventory/on her person?
and how many coins does she have? I forgot to be a little more specific about that, so I should probably say that 1 coin is about $5 (4.37 Euros)
p.s. which of the 11 heirs does your character serve? on a scale of 1st in line to the throne to 11th
She looks all good!
Edited By DruidOfBees on 1/29/2019 at 5:13 PM.
Level 62
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Posted: 1/30/2019 at 12:58 AM
Post #22
Lets say 4th in line to throne.
If okay, yes, can you play the heir ^^ I'd presume they'd have the money.
Since bakh nakhs are small and easily hidden, she keeps them on her hands at all points.
Ivys magical information keeper!
Calamity the infernal // artificial Magi experiment // volcanic deadlands of Gemora // huge hoard of magic items
Kenaq Pridion the Enchanter // Magi // Quyin // Abilities to create magic items // Accident happened
Callie // Lady oriahs Ex-Wife
Dust Stalker // 13 feet tall // weak points are throat, eyes, fins, and underarms // attracted to bright lights
Prince Oba to be married to 2nd princess of Jaivika
Percy // Tribal village // Slave house with Leto // Knew from nomadic routes
Anjox // Traveling martial arts performer
Jek // Travelling doctor // Parrat named Cherry
black string with a deep purple charm
Edited By IvyCat on 7/27/2019 at 5:12 AM.
Level 69
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Posted: 1/30/2019 at 7:02 AM
Post #23
((Alright, if you don't mind, I'll toss you right into the game now!))
You look around at the bustling city, full of well dressed people. Usually, you wouldn't be wearing very nice clothes, but your master insisted you both dress to blend in with the local culture, as to not bring suspicion or attention to yourselves.
"Come now, we shouldn't linger in such a place too long, if someone is to recognize me, someone dangerous to us, that wouldn't be an ideal situation" Qirollik Oba, the fourth heir to his country, Ekanacava, said to you, motioning for you to follow. "Though admittedly, I have no idea where to start our search for a magi... I'll let you decide, we could go to the market, or search outside of town... maybe we could find a a tavern and ask around for any rumors... or somewhere else, what do you think?" He asks you, giving you the choice to decide where they go. "Though, if we leave the city, we should find a map to figure out where we'd travel next" He said, unsure of which direction the nearest town was.
Edited By DruidOfBees on 1/30/2019 at 1:55 PM.
Level 62
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Posted: 1/30/2019 at 10:21 AM
Post #24
You look around at the bustling city, full of well dressed people. Usually, you wouldn't be wearing very nice clothes, but your master insisted you both dress to blend in with the local culture, as to not bring suspicion or attention to yourselves.
"Come now, we shouldn't linger in such a place too long, if someone is to recognize me, someone dangerous to us, that wouldn't be an ideal situation" Qirollik Oba, the fourth heir to his country, Ryk, said to you, motioning for you to follow. "Though admittedly, I have no idea where to start our search for a magi... I'll let you decide, we could go to the market, or search outside of town... maybe we could find a a tavern and ask around for any rumors... or somewhere else, what do you think?" He asks you, giving you the choice to decide where they go. "Though, if we leave the city, we should find a map to figure out where we'd travel next" He said, unsure of which direction the nearest town was.
((Heir to country Ekavacana, as Letos from Ryk, captured by conquerors/ bandits taking advantage, then sold off as slave to Ekavacana))
Leto kept pace with Qirollik, "My heart is in the right place: serving you. My life will go before you even get a scratch, Prince Oba, please do not be worried." she thought hard, "I am sure the Magi will chose you to be the next King, so don't think too hard about it. I've spent years serving you, learning your country and this capital of yours. If anyone will have information, it is those who dwell in the dark. The people I would usually be ordered to keep out of your way, such as slum dwellers or nomads. They listen, their lives depend on it." she kept alert as she spoke, standing on her tip toes and one arm slightly raised across her stomach, ready to make a defensive move if necessarily. She also kept her feet separated so she could have a strong stance if ambushed. Defending him was her prime responsibility.
Edited By IvyCat on 1/30/2019 at 2:16 PM.
Level 69
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Posted: 1/30/2019 at 7:47 PM
Post #25
(My bad,,, I can't read, my brain just saw 'Ryk' somewhere in the post and decided that was it)
"Well yeah, but it'd still be bad for me if you died, then who would protect me?" Qirollik mumbled after her first statement. "So... we just go straight to the most dangerous type of people who I've been advised to avoid for my whole entire life?" the prince scoffed "Well, if you really believe it, I guess it's our best place to start" Qirollik sighed. "And don't stand like that, people are going to stare" He tells you, looking around at the bustling crowds.
"I'd prefer to find some Nomads if possible, but in order to find where nomads are, we may have to talk to those in the slums" Prince Oba huffed. "Leto, you take care of the speaking please, I'm not exactly well versed in communicating with those in... undesirable situations" He said, glancing away uncomfortably. "We have to do whatever necessary to claim the throne over my brothers and sisters" He said proudly.
"Now, onto the slums!" Qirollik said, grabbing your wrist and dragging you away. Eventually, the people and their fancy clothes began to become less and less frequent and more rare. "Well, here we are, I'll wait out here, I think it might be dangerous for me in there since I'm very obviously wealthy." Qirollik said, unintentionally sounding condescending and conceited.
There were three visible people to talk to. The first was an elderly woman, seemingly napping, but under closer watch, it was clear she was awake. The second was a man who appeared to be drinking some sort of alcohol, despite the time being early afternoon, and the third was two kids, running around and playing. You could also look around to see if anyone else was nearby to ask
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Posted: 1/31/2019 at 1:29 AM
Post #26
"Well yeah, but it'd still be bad for me if you died, then who would protect me?" Qirollik mumbled after her first statement. "So... we just go straight to the most dangerous type of people who I've been advised to avoid for my whole entire life?" the prince scoffed "Well, if you really believe it, I guess it's our best place to start" Qirollik sighed. "And don't stand like that, people are going to stare" He tells you, looking around at the bustling crowds.
"I'd prefer to find some Nomads if possible, but in order to find where nomads are, we may have to talk to those in the slums" Prince Oba huffed. "Leto, you take care of the speaking please, I'm not exactly well versed in communicating with those in... undesirable situations" He said, glancing away uncomfortably. "We have to do whatever necessary to claim the throne over my brothers and sisters" He said proudly.
"Now, onto the slums!" Qirollik said, grabbing your wrist and dragging you away. Eventually, the people and their fancy clothes began to become less and less frequent and more rare. "Well, here we are, I'll wait out here, I think it might be dangerous for me in there since I'm very obviously wealthy." Qirollik said, unintentionally sounding condescending and conceited.
There were three visible people to talk to. The first was an elderly woman, seemingly napping, but under closer watch, it was clear she was awake. The second was a man who appeared to be drinking some sort of alcohol, despite the time being early afternoon, and the third was two kids, running around and playing. You could also look around to see if anyone else was nearby to ask
She was wary to leave Qirollik alone, wanting to keep him in her sights. His comment meant a lot of her: he wanted her to protect him, not any other slave. So, she would do so. She looked sickened at the sight of alcohol, and her natural senses were to destroy the demon bottle that was taking over the mans mind, but she knew that would make the situation worse.
Leto slipped off her shoes; they were uncomfortable anyway and she was glad to be rid of them. She was short, and she thought 4"6 was a perfectly good height. It was good for manipulation, and for fighting, although people tended to think the taller the more deadly. She didn't complain about that, it made for a surprise. She headed over to the two kids playing, "Hello?" she called out, trying to sound as scared as possible.
Edited By IvyCat on 1/31/2019 at 1:29 AM.
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Posted: 1/31/2019 at 10:12 AM
Post #27
Qirollik gave a brief 'I'm alright' wave from the street as you left, letting you know he was alright.
The two kids stop playing and look over at you, the older boy standing in front of the younger girl protectively as she hid behind him, but upon seeing you, he lightly motioned for her to come out from behind him.
"Hello miss, w-what do you want?" The kid said, the question coming out a little rude, but that might just be because this was a kid on the street not used to talking to others. The little girl still seemed slightly timid, but stood beside the boy now, trying to seem more confident
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Posted: 1/31/2019 at 10:20 AM
Post #28
Qirollik gave a brief 'I'm alright' wave from the street as you left, letting you know he was alright.
The two kids stop playing and look over at you, the older boy standing in front of the younger girl protectively as she hid behind him, but upon seeing you, he lightly motioned for her to come out from behind him.
"Hello miss, w-what do you want?" The kid said, the question coming out a little rude, but that might just be because this was a kid on the street not used to talking to others. The little girl still seemed slightly timid, but stood beside the boy now, trying to seem more confident
She smiled, "My master wishes for information. Can you tell us where the find the nomads?" she squatted down to come to their height and seem less intimidating, taking in their stance, "Or have you seem some magical yellow butterflies and a strange person around?" she didn't want to come off as dangerous herself, but she was still highly alert for trouble, even is Qirollik had gestured he was alright. Things could change fast.
She kept eye contact with the boy, but side glanced occasionally to the girl, she seemed to follow her brothers lead. Trust him. The two probably didn't know much, maybe speaking as much of the language as she did, which was limited. She used to be nomadic herself, so she would be able to track down familiar routes and patterns of a nomad if she knew their animal and had enough time, but connecting to her past was a bad thing. She would only use it in dire situations.
Level 75
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Posted: 1/31/2019 at 11:15 AM
Post #29
Can I save a spot
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Posted: 1/31/2019 at 11:21 AM
Post #30
*Magic yellow butterflies...* the boy murmured.
*Like the ones Miss lady Oriah shows us!* The girl squeaked excitedly. As she said that, an older boy ran over, picking up he two young kids.
*What did I tell you two about talking to strangers? And you know Lady Oriah doesnt want anyone to know shes here!* He scolded the two smaller children, who apologized
*Nevermind! Miss Lady Oriah left a long time ago and she isnt here anymore!* the little girl told you.
*You said you were looking for some Nomads? There was a group who passed through earlier today. Theyre heading North, if you hurry, you can catch up to them* the teen huffed, pulling the two kids away into an alley, then started running away.
*What happened?* Qillorik asked as he ran over *did you find anything?* he demanded to know
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