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Level 18
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Posted: 10/18/2019 at 8:56 AM Post #21
Yus^^ If there is anything you want me to do or play, just ask.
Level 51
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 10/18/2019 at 10:54 AM Post #22
Alright, I will be sure to ping you when I have a roleplay :3
Level 18
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Posted: 10/18/2019 at 10:55 AM Post #23
Alrighty, thank-you. ^^
Level 27
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Posted: 10/19/2019 at 8:52 AM Post #24
Pinging myself to remind me! Can you save me a Male and female please?
Level 51
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 10/19/2019 at 12:32 PM Post #25
Alright. See you soon!
Level 70
Majestic Sculptor
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Posted: 10/19/2019 at 9:07 PM Post #26
Yay, Thank you! :)
Level 69
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Posted: 10/20/2019 at 10:06 PM Post #27
Irylin (I-rel-ian)


Young Adult

Average; Maybe a inch or two taller


Black impala horns that are on the short side that only go back slightly before they curve up. White scales that have a slight ice-blue tinge. White mane with streaks of light cyan that starts in between his horns and ends between his shoulder-blades. Black eyes and claws. Wings that sprout from his back. Pale, light blue wings look like that of a bees with small white dots. Elegant, but muscled frame; appears to fly well but evidently knows how to fight.

Kind & Open
Friendly/Good at Talking

Good With Words/Persuasive
Knows How To Fight Well
Good stamina
Resistance to the cold

Bad at:
Easy to see at night (white scales)
Sight blurs at the edges when he gets hot
Hates feeling cold; rather scared of it
Needs to drink more water than most

Creating things related to the cold and manipulating it

Power Drawbacks:
If he isnt focused enough, emotionally out of control, or attempting to do use his power in too large of a way, he begins to freeze over. This ranges from a thin layer of ice forming over him to getting turned into an ice statue, but there are many in betweens.

Backstory and Reason for Rebelling:
Irylin was born into a family of merchants. He grew up around other dragons, and learned how to bargain and sell goods.

The family was planning to travel a dangerous route known for bandits, so they hired a mercenary to protect them, Sera. He was interested in the mercenary, wondered why she had so many scars but were still so confident, so Sera laughed and showed him how to fight. He was hooked. She ended up staying with the family after they decided they wanted a guard when they were traveling around, so she taught him.

He left for a quick trip over the mountains to form a deal with a massive player in the silk industry, but got lost in the mountains and lost consciousness in the snowy mountains. When he woke up, he always had a cold feeling inside of him, so he decided that the winter decided to leave him with his life. Most of his ice powers come from that.

He planned on returning to his family who were stopping to sell merchandise in Khurazir when the empire took over. They were killed in the chaos as the empire took over, which he concluded after asking around, hearing about how the empire took over, and not being able to find his family. He rebels to take revenge.

Theme song:
Never Going Back

I might add more later

>No feeling in one of his left claws

Edited By Weaveroflies on 10/21/2019 at 9:02 PM.
Level 51
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Posted: 10/21/2019 at 2:28 PM Post #28
Level 69
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Posted: 10/21/2019 at 8:59 PM Post #29
Finished my character.
Edited By Weaveroflies on 10/21/2019 at 9:00 PM.
Level 75
The Tactician
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Posted: 10/21/2019 at 11:33 PM Post #30
Arcelo (AHR-suh-loh)
(A character in one of my stories, he's actually a bird lol and don't ask about the name, I just threw it together so many years ago in, like, 6th grade xD)


Young adult

Somewhat below average

Straight, open.

Silver scales, horns, and claws with cobalt blue eyes, undersides of wings are almost white. Spikes run from top of the head to tail tip, growing longer, thinner and sharper near the end. Smallish and more compact, with a more agile rather than muscular build.

May seem cold at first if he doesn't know you, he is untrusting and tends to give vague answers if he doesn't know you well. He prefers flying solo (pardon the pun) and likes to only have to take care and rely on himself. He prefers revenge over forgiveness, especially if you insult/hurt him or his friends. He generally does not show affection outright, but you will know if he cares about you. He may seem uncaring, but he's just afraid to care about anyone for fear he'll lose them like he lost his family. Before this, he was much sweeter and open.

He is very agile and fast in the air, he is difficult to catch. It's hard to trick him into doing anything because he's so suspicious of everything.

Bad at
He is terrible at conversation, the opposite of charismatic, and he tends to drive everyone away with his general untrustingness and lack of humor. Brute strength is not his forte so in a battle he is more likely to trick the opponent into flying into a wall rather than engaging in hand-to-hand combat.

He can make himself somewhat intangible, almost like water, you will have to have quite a solid grip on him to pin him down or he will slip out of your grasp easily.

Power Drawbacks
His mind is not clear when he is doing this as if in a dream, and the more frequently he does it, the more difficult it is for him to return to normal and the longer it takes him to get his grip on reality back.

Backstory and Reason for Rebelling
His entire family (mother, father, and younger sister) was killed when the empire swept through. He was especially protective of his sister and eternally wishes he had stayed (and died) with them and hates himself for fleeing, much like survivor's guilt. Now the only thing he lives for is avenging his family.

Theme song,
Flight of the Silverbird by TSFH
Or maybe Cannon in D Minor or Bravestone or Star Sky I can't decide, all of Thomas Bergersen's songs are so great *sobs*


Edited By Canawlia on 10/21/2019 at 11:37 PM.
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