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Forum Index > Roleplaying > Dragon Uprising
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Level 69
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Posted: 10/28/2019 at 8:52 PM Post #21
(I forgot they had a river.)

Irylin ducked his head to hide the slightly amused smile that came to his face. It seemed like fate had heard his thoughts, but this certainly hadnt been how hed thought it would happen. The dragon looked up again and glanced at the black dragons eyes for a second before turning away. Hopefully that would be enough to show the dragon that he had someone, but not someone whod fight this battle.

Itd be easier to attack an enemy who wasnt prepared whether it was because of natural circumstances or something else. Why not take the chance to strike a fatal blow to the Empire rather than a battle for food rations. He felt the familiar anger bubble up every so warmly, and he let it burn his throat for a second before he pushed it back down. He wanted revenge against the Empire, and he wanted something big.

But first, he was hungry and slightly thirsty.
Edited By Weaveroflies on 10/28/2019 at 8:53 PM.
Level 60
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Posted: 10/28/2019 at 9:01 PM Post #22
Vernik let out a sharp growl before turning and stomping away, Lazi close behind him before she noticed a dragons glance and froze before slowly advancing on the dragon that had glanced at her, wondering what the dragon was thinking.

Vernik stomped away before slowing down as he realized Lazi was not following him. He turning around and retraced his steps, trying to find her again, panic going through him like a wildfire.
Level 51
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Posted: 10/29/2019 at 6:05 AM Post #23
(Is he glancing at Cesura?)
Level 69
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Posted: 10/29/2019 at 7:21 AM Post #24
(Whoops, I didnt to clarify. No.)
Edited By Weaveroflies on 10/29/2019 at 7:21 AM.
Level 51
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Posted: 10/29/2019 at 7:25 AM Post #25
(Oh ok)
Level 51
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Posted: 10/29/2019 at 8:00 AM Post #26
Cesura finished getting the dirt out of her scales and stepped out of the river. She sat down on the rock she had placed her belongings on and started to gather them again. She started buckling the satchels around her chest first. Then started on the ones around her waist. One of her satchels got pushed off the rock into the sand, it's contents spilling across the ground.

And then she saw it. The gem.

It was a golden orange color with little flecks of yellow. It was smooth and small. The peice of amber wasn't of much value but it meant a lot to her. It too had been a gift. The dragon who had given it to her was very important to her. She had been her best friend. Yet when the empire attacked Cesura had never seen her again. She could only hope she hadn't been killed.

Cesura growled loudly as hatred bubbled within her she let it simmer there, not bothering to tamper it down. The empire. She thought. Such fools.

She began collecting what had fallen.

//open for interaction!\\
Edited By Fluffn on 10/29/2019 at 9:22 AM.
Level 72
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Posted: 10/29/2019 at 12:32 PM Post #27
Elenor ducked back as dragons passed her on their way back to whatever it was that they had been doing beforehand. Looks were exchanged between a few dragons, but Elenor dipped her gaze whenever anyone came close to looking at her.

No food for two more days. What if she was injured again? This time, there was no quick healing to be done. She hadn't suffered from an infection before, as until now there had been enough food to keep her going. But now...

She pressed her wings in close to her body and crouched ever so slightly, the slight feeling of fear coursing through her blood triggering her instincts towards danger. She forced herself to relax. Fighting here, fighting now, would achieve nothing. What she needed was a group, someone to fight for and do what she was born to do. Because only then would she be calm and efficient as she used to be.

I've been working alone for too long, she thought to herself. She assessed the crowd inconspicuously, looking for any dragons who looked like they were grouping together because of their collective hatred toward the Empire. Because if there was anywhere she fitted in, it was with that group.
Level 51
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Posted: 10/29/2019 at 2:28 PM Post #28
Cesura had picked up all her belongings and headed back to the markets. She leaned against a wall within close proximity to a blue and yellow awning with that same dark blue dragon underneath it. She also noticed a black dragon a white dragon and an icy blue dragon in the same clearing where the speech was held. The black one seemed angry. Angry at the empire. She guessed.

She looked to the dark blue dragon. They were smaller than her, their ears up and their eyes alert. They must be watching the others. She thought. She mumbled some things about the stronghold and her family, things about how the empires rations ought to be fair, how she was out of gold and hunger suppressant. Cesura sighed. She needed allies if she was going to do anything. Her training was of no use without anyone to back her up.
Level 72
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Posted: 10/29/2019 at 2:54 PM Post #29
Elenor was aware of how the marketplace was emptying all of the dragons who had expected to be getting their rations today. But that was okay - stalls were starting up now that it was clear there would be no hold-up from people collecting food. Vendors tried their best to attract a few measly customers where they could, meaning that Elenor was not a likely target for bored guards wanting an excuse to get a dungeon cell occupied.

She still shied back into the shadows on impulse. Some guards had remained by their posts, observing the goings on in the marketplace.
Level 51
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Posted: 10/29/2019 at 3:05 PM Post #30
Cesura was painfully aware of the few guards that remained. She decided to opt for the shade of the awning. She wouldn't stick out as much here.

She watched the four dragons near her silently.
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