((Starting Reply, finally.)) This time of year it was cold in Chamara. Snow fell nearly every night, and sometimes even during the day. It was never that bad though, most of the cities residence were used to the strange weather changed that go along with living near the top of the globe.
It was currently night, around ten O'clock, when our stories begin. Snow falling light and fluffy to the streets below, covering the tall city building in a thick blanket of white.
It wasn't unlike people to be out and about at this time of night, not with all of the celebration going on. Yes, it was that time of year where everyone on Cey goes out and has a bit of fun. Not because of some old Earth holiday, no, there is no Christmas on Cey, but because of a week long holiday called "Ribba". Ribba is an old Cey words meaning 'new and pure', and is celebrated during the first week of the snow fall.
To celibate, most older people go out and hang out with friends and family, while the younger children stay up and play tricks on one another.
It was the second day of Ribba, and Aramiss was enjoying herself immensely. She had gone out with a few of her closer friends the first day, and was planning on visiting family in the morning. Right now, she was walking home from a small party her friends had thrown. There was music, drinks, and even a cute boy or two, but nothing too big.
Even so, Ara had decided to wear her favorite lavender dress and had her hair pulled back and up into a nice bun. Sometimes she just wanted to look nice.
There weren't many people on the streets, maybe a small group or two walking by, but that was about it.
All was quiet in Marlin's apartment. He stood by the window, watching people walk by his building, laughing and talking happily. Now, Marlin wasn't the type to get all angry after seeing other people being happy, but for some reason, this made him feel . . . distant. Yeah, he could always go down there and join the crowds in the bars and the parks, but it didn't seem to appeal to him the more he thought about it.
With a sign, Marlin moved away from the window and to the chair in his living room, sitting down and grabbed a book on the coffee table. He'd already read this book, but he didn't really have any other book to read.
"That was great!" Silvia said, laughing while she high-fived her friend, Nick. His fox ears were bent down as he laughed along with her. They had just got done pulling a prank on a group of teenagers walking down the street. They were currently hiding behind a bunch of bushes, snickering while also trying to be quiet.
Their prank had been long before planned out, taking time to set up strings and buckets across the street so that it would get everybody who walked by. It worked in a way that, when the two pull the strings, the buckets would tip and spill out some black goo the two had created themselves. It wasn't toxic, but it would stain just about anything.
Livia, being as old as she was, sat in a bar by herself. She didn't really have anybody to talk to, but didn't really mind it. It didn't bug her to be alone, or quiet at that. She sat with her watch in her hands, watching the second clock tick contently. She was waiting for eleven O'clock, the time when she would have to leave and start to eat. It was eleven when most of the spirits come out, especially at this time of year.
Fleca absolutely loved this time of year. All the snow and the cold air! It was amazing to not have to create a cold air pocket around her herself. She walked along the street happily, humming a nice tune she'd heard a while ago.
((Lol, writer's block is a b* ))
Level 39
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 11/30/2013 at 11:54 PM
Post #22
(( I hope there not confusing))
Tempest had a long day at work and she didn't know that it was only going to get worse. She was forced to work on the holiday's and was payed very little. She had to walk home because she didn't have a car. "The only good thing about this day is I finally got to wear my new pink dress." She said out loud to herself. She was happy that the cold didn't effect her so she wasn't forced to were puffy coats. She let out a sigh. She didn't realize that there were people in the bush and they had set up a trick. (Nick and Silvia) She walked right into the string that held the bucket of ooze up in the air. She heard the laughs of people and then felt herself being drowned in ooze. She turned around and was looking for the culprate who just added on the stress of tonight.
Avia was sitting at a bench in the park just staring at the scenery. She loved coming here during Ribba because it was the time before they started getting rid of the snow and the snow was still a light puffy white that stuck to anything and everything. She liked to watch the way it all got stuck to the trees and sometimes she would even bring her camera to take pictures. She forgot her camera today but it was okay she wasn't really in the mood to take pictures. Her mom was usually working so Avia could pretty much get away with going anywhere she wanted anytime. Her mom was never home to tell her no.
Lilith was flying over the cities just watching everyone hanging out with there friends and family. She didn't really know anyone she just spent most of her time flying. She liked the way the wind felt through her hair and how light it felt in a higher altitude. She never really had problems flying it was always not flying that was the problem. Whenever she used her human legs she felt weak and useless.
Aaron was just hanging around town. He had been to a few stores looking at clothing but nothing had interested him so far. He liked his normal get-up he felt very comfortable and free in them. His pet tiger Simmer was just interested in watching everybody walk by. People were use to him walking around with his tiger and they know what he's capable of. No one really cares though, he has many friends who like to be around him because he was funny and laid back.
Jace was sitting on the curb in front of his house smoking a cigarette. He liked the way the cold felt outside with the small buzz he got off of smoking. It made him sit there and wonder, if he wasn't a smoker what he would being doing right now at this very moment. He would probably being doing something very productive with his life and not being a lazy bum. Like finally cleaning the fridge out. There was food in there so old it was growing mold. (( :D ))
Nixon was hanging out in the local graveyard talking to himself or at least that's what it looked like to other people. He was actually having a fool on conversation with Johnny his neighbor who died a week ago. It was an older man in his late sixties early seventies. Nixon had always done small things around the house for this guy, like taking out the trash or helping by getting this mans groceries. Nixon knew the man was going to die but he thought it would be a little longer. his visions were never really correct. Oh well...
.......... Finished!!!!!
Edited By Sarahbug1020 on 11/30/2013 at 11:55 PM.
Level 60
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Posted: 12/1/2013 at 2:12 AM
Post #23
I'll change form and I will be making a female character a bit latre if Inu get's in
Level 60
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Posted: 12/1/2013 at 2:21 AM
Post #24
Inu croached low. The cold winds whipped around his face, making his scarf blow around widely. He lifted his mask and looked at the small hut in Sarera. He was hungry and he had not found anything to eat for ages. A soul will have to do.
He jumped down from the tree he was in and raced over to the hut. He put his mask on and knocked on the door.
A woman awnsered it, she looked to be in her 60's and Inu spotted a man behind the woman, also in his 60's.
The woman looked at Inu confused but her face turned to fear when Inu started humming. His voice echoed in the small hut but slowly, the man and woman's souls began to leave their bodies, and follow Inu.
He walked along, the two souls following him. Their light was slowly getting duller as he fed on them.
Level 66
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Posted: 12/1/2013 at 10:26 AM
Post #25
Tartarus felt cold. A small weak heat ring formed around. Not for healing, just for some inviting warmth. She started warming up a bit. "Why didn't I bring my voolmoth coat?" She thought out loud. She walked along the cheerful street full of laughing children and smells of wonderful food drifted to her nose. "Hmm..." She said, taking out money. She wasn't watching were she was going and went smack! "Oh dear! I'm sorry." She said embarrassed. ((The girl is Fleca)) The girl was humming a nice little tune. Her heat ring went poof! She got cold again and rubbed her arms. "Hi' I'm Tartarus. Sorry about that."
. . .
Luke was trying to lift gens from under the snow and succeeding, but the gems were still burning hot to him despite the cold weather. "Youch!" He cried, rubbing his hands and diving into the snow. He could not get a burn or he'd die. He saw two girls bump into each other. He laughed. "I'll go say hi to them." He said cheerfully. He ran over quickly to the two girls. One was saying sorry. He laughed again. "Hi, girls." He said. Luke raised a hand and 2 gem popped under it. "For you." He said, giving them each a gem.
((Uh...does it have to be ^ that long? My head is on writer's block today. D:))
Level 58
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 12/1/2013 at 11:05 PM
Post #26
Bojic smirked as he shifted into the form of a rat. Rats were a common problem, despite the attempts to keep them out of the bars. He had just laid the makings of a devious trick to whoever decided to drink the next bottle of cream soda. He could only imagine their surprise when they unscrewed the cap only to watch their soda drain into their lap or on the table thanks to a few well placed holes in the bottom. Surface tension and lack of quick supply of air kept the contents from leaking out until after the cap was removed. Oh how Bojic loved Ribba.
Ashton sipped his hot drink slowly, savoring not only the taste but the warmth. He smiled softly, keeping his hands wrapped around the warm cup even when he wasnt taking a drink. He let himself be immersed in his surroundings, listening and watching without engaging in conversation with anyone. He usually wasnt much for company, preferring the quiet woods, but every once in a while, especially on cold nights, he enjoyed a bit of people watching while sipping warm drinks. He swiveled around in the chair allowing his view to move from what was behind the counter to what was going on inside the bar.
Ross and Jo ran through the snow, their fingers interlaced together. They climbed up the snow banks and raced down them again. They packed snowballs to toss to the next passerby. All in all, they were thoroughly enjoying themselves and the cool wintery night. Jo pulled Ross with him as he ran to a tree to pluck icicles from the branches. Ross laughed and plucked one down as well, licking it like a popsicle.
Sima headed home early. Most nights he could stay out with friends or even with strangers until the wee hours of the morning. However, tonight he not only had to be home a bit early, but he had to make sure he was cleaned up and ready to get going in the morning. He was looking forward to seeing his younger sister again. Sure, they had seen each other just a little while ago, but he always enjoyed seeing her. She was one of the only ones in their family that he got along well with. The others could be a bit overpowering to be around for too long. His sister, on the other hand, usually had a better grip of herself didnt broadcast her feelings quite as loudly.
Aidyn sighed and pulled the blanket tighter around him. He hated the cold. He hated the snow. He hated the ice. He wanted to stay indoors where it was warmer, where he could light a fire in a fireplace and hopefully stay warm. Bring on the summer heat, but someone please keep the winter cold and snow away!
He burrowed deeper under the blanket trying to hold onto any of the warmth he could. Even if he could control fire, he didnt feel completely comfortable holding a leash on it inside his home. Like a child, it sometimes had a tendency to misbehave at the most inopportune moment.
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Posted: 12/2/2013 at 9:37 AM
Post #27
Demon was trying to catch the mice and rats in the bar. She knew some of them were people too. She smelled blood everywhere.
Snap outta it, Draken! she scolded herself. She transformed back into a normal vampire and went to buy something to eat in the bar. "Half prices off." She murmured. She went to the counter and payed for a cream soda. As she opened the bottle, it started leaking! "Dang them rats." She said. "How'd they like a small catastrophe?" she said slyly. She morphed into a cat and lurked in the shadows. She spotted what seemed like a laughing rat! She moved quickly and quietly and pounced! She bared her fangs and almost sank them into the dang rat.
Level 60
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Posted: 12/2/2013 at 11:28 AM
Post #28
Inu looked at the two pale souls, there light was now very dim and was a weak glow. He carried on feeding off the souls untill they let out a large spark of light, then faded into nothing.
Inu licked his lips and sighed. " That was not a interesting meal...they where...old, tough and stringy... " he put a finger to his lips, as though to silence himself. " But a interesting after-taste...an after-taste of strength " he laughed as he removed his mask, tieing it safely to his belt.
He walked along and spotted a bar, he went in and glanced around the people in there. Interesting...he could have a proper meal or have a lot more souls...souls are free yes? And a proper meal costs gold... he sighed as he went up to the counter and ordered a glass of water. He paid the small fee and looked around. He sipped his water as he looked at a group of women. Women where so easy to intice...maybe I should intice a female outside into the woods? No? Yes? Two options...he thought.
He wlaked over to the table and smiled at the three women. " My? What are three dashing ladies doing in a slop-bar like this? You three look like you should be in gold and diamond chariots, guided by pure white horses to a palace of gold! " Inu said, smiling at the group.
Level 29
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Posted: 12/2/2013 at 5:35 PM
Post #29
(( Hello. Uhm, I have some bad news on my part. My laptop has had a small problem for a while, which we have recently found out it was a virus. We have no money to fix or replace it, so everyone has been banned from using it until we are able to get it fixed or replaced. Counting myself. So, I will not actually be able to reply to nearly anything until that happens, including messages, chat, and fourms. I do own a cell phone, which is how I'm typing this out right how, but its slow and likes to force close my browser whenever it feels. So, yeah. Lol.
Oh, also Coradrawa (I believe) I am going to have to suspend you from participateing until you have done what the rules and myself ask of you. Thank you very much.
Alrighty then, back to my computer problems. Lol. I will reply, but please know this, they might be slow and maybe a bit short.
Thanks for everybody understanding. :) ))
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Posted: 12/3/2013 at 12:14 PM
Post #30
( I'm just wondering what rules I am braking so I may fix it, and I hope the viruse problem goes quickly Xo I hate viruses )
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