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Level 61
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Posted: 4/5/2020 at 11:30 AM Post #21
//yes, its why i am fussy if someone pnly rwoples a few words in always the only one who puts in effort and end up giving up.

Alexis smiled as she lead the pups to the river and froze up seeing two largr male hares fighting over a female and she smiled and told the pups to keep quite and not move ahe wanted to catch them and teach the pups how to hunt after all small prey was easier to hunt when your an alone or younger. The white she wolf crouched and snuck up in the hares and within a few minutes she manged to quickly kill them and had three large hares at her feet and smiled to herself picked them up by their ears moving them away to a safe place and began teaching the pups how to swim. Suddenly a massive moose appeared due to its large size and anters it was obviously a male bull ahe gasped as it stopped and looked at the pups who was frozen in fear "luna...moonlight hide now" she said in distress and quickly the terrified pups ran behind her amd alexis stood her growned but when the bull began to chrage she shoved the pups out of the way and yelped as it rammed her sending her flying into a tree with a large thump and in distress she let out a howl letting the pack know the pups was in danger. Dispute her injuries and pain she stood up and growled as the moose turned around and let out a andry snort and went to charge luckly he missed her.

Bearing the howl Alu froze up "oh no someone is in danger? BUDDY YOUR PUPS!!" She said and looked at james and buddy and suddenly a second yelp echoed theough the woods making everyone frezze and concerned Alu turned around and ran towards alexis and the pups as fast as she could luckly buddy was by her side hoping that they make it in time and they wasn't too late
Level 57
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Posted: 4/5/2020 at 1:09 PM Post #22
James pelted in the direction of the howl, paws a blur as he ran in Alexis' direction. When Alexis was in sight, James didn't hesitate, didn't even think it through. He leaps on the moose, claws scrabbling for a hold as his jaws latched onto the nape of the mooses's neck. The moose snorts, turns as it tries to find the new threat. The moose bellows and runs around frantic. James tries to stay on, claws never really finding a hold, jaw aching as he managed to stay on only that way.

Buddy races next to Alu. "I can't believe it. What fool lets pups get in harm's way?"
"There are such things as accidents." Alu huffs, focused on getting to her pups. Buddy grumbles something under his breath and breaks through the last of the space between him and the scene.
"James, you are going to get us all killed!" Buddy complains, rolling out of the moose's way.

James opens his mouth to reply, but he falls, tumbling to the moose's hooves, completely at the moose's mercy. Buddy growls at the moose, hackles raising, and the moose turned to him. James rolls out from under the moose.
"I had it." James says.
"Yes, you had a death sentence, pup." Buddy agrees sarcastically as he faced the moose.
Level 61
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Posted: 4/5/2020 at 4:56 PM Post #23
Alexis growled the river was one of the most safest spots in the Pack which is why she had chosen it seems strange that none of the guards or patrolling walls notice the giant bull moose did arrival pack chase/lead it into the territory around the pub then hoping to cause devastation or was someone not doing their patrolling job correctly. Tje female werewolf try to stand it was obvious she was trying to protect the pups with her very life " how how did that get in in unnoticed your mother told me is place isr safe" she said in obvious pain it was obvious she was badly injured "Alu please please take the pups and go" she aaid before collapsing on the floor most of the hunters knew it was not Alexis fault after all how the hell was she supposed to know the time moose was going to be in the area. Luna nuzzed alexis amd wines and whimpered in fear as she didn't respond or move "nana nana wake up, Dadda?!" Ahe cried running to her father " daddy" replied her twin and hid under her father while luna stayed by alexis hiding against her like she would high against her mother when thunderstorms would happen luna was frightened of Thunder. Alu growned " how did that get in in where are the controllers the guards?, Buddy its not her fault you know that Moses are faster than us she would not have been able to run with two slow tiny pups" she repiled and jumped over to alexis and got ready to protect luna when she was thrown into buddy by the moose and hearing the commotion Alexis weekly opened her eyes seeing a moose standing above her taking the opportunity with the last amount of strength she had she jumped up and grabbed his throat and bit down hard
Level 57
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Posted: 4/5/2020 at 5:19 PM Post #24
The moose let out another bellow and fell slowly to its knees before collapsing on its side. James pants, watching the moose in surprise, flank dirty and scratched up. None of his wounds would add up to the damage that Alexis had received. "Ah, I'm a fool." James says, trotting towards Alexis to double check she was alive, if not well.

"Where are the guards? What fool let the moose in!" Buddy growls. By now, a few other wolves had arrived. A thin black werewolf trots forward, one eye shut close by a nasty looking scar, the other an intelligent bright green.
"Buddy, if you don't mind me saying so, I will remind you that most are patrolling the other side, the side with the Nighthowler pack. This side we deemed safer since we are on better terms with the Moonstream pack. I will go to the Alpha right away and devise some plan to better protect the pack and the ones weaker than others." The black werewolf gave Buddy a withering glare, "And if I remember correctly, you should be doing your job." Buddy straightens to his full height, towering over the black werewolf before nodding once.
"Fine. I will leave you guys and not complain to the Alpha. But know this, Jackel, I do this of my own free will. Not because some coward like you threatened me." Buddy says to the black werewolf before rounding up his pups. "Come on children, let's go get Narnia. She can heal any wound."
Edited By Scoutwolf on 4/5/2020 at 5:21 PM.
Level 61
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Posted: 4/6/2020 at 9:57 AM Post #25
Alu rolled her eyes and watched as the two small twin prop left with the father and her attention turns to the the filler for your black male wolf and James "i believe that Selena and Skylar was meant to be patrolling here I'll go and get them and have a serious word" she said but before she left the brown She Wolf turned her attention to Alexa so who was beside the moose not moving amd quickly left to question skylar and selene.

Alexis was not moving her once pure white fur was covered in that and stretch marks from being thrown around she had a deep cut on her forehead that was trickling blood down her face and it looks like she had broken her back leg she had various small cuts around around her body including a massive graze along her left side luckily for her she would survive and none of her injuries would be fatal. A large male wolf ran over and inspected her wounds " she's a lucky pup she won't be end up with scars but that looks like a broken leg but will survive" he said shifting into his human form a a tall raven haird male with bright eyes and bemt down picking her up in his arms
Level 57
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Posted: 4/6/2020 at 10:14 AM Post #26
James sighs, watching the werewolf pick her up, jealous but not wanting to say anything. I hope she makes a full recovery. He shakes himself off, before licking the cuts and scrapes he had gotten. "I suspect you will take her to Narnia, so I probably should go and get out of the way." James says with a nod, before turning into his human form, and looking at the moose. "I'll find a way to bring this home."
Level 61
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Posted: 4/6/2020 at 2:30 PM Post #27
Alu arrived back with selene and skyla selene the brown wolf looked nervous while skyla the black furred she wolf looked annoyed "right you both will carry this home and then report to the alpha" she said and watched as selene nodded and shifted into her human form a teenage girl with shoulder lengh currly hair and skylar shifted into her from a young adult with a short pixie cut and together they carried the moose. Alu smiled at james and shifted into her human form and walked over and found the three hares "she was teaching the pups to hunt when the attack happened, moonlight told me" she said and smiled sadly she planed to gibe the pups and their mother the hares.

//i actually have two wolf ocs a female white blue eyes called selene wolf who alexis is based off of and her adopted wolf hybrid daugher
Edited By Misswitchcraft on 4/6/2020 at 2:41 PM.
Level 57
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Posted: 4/8/2020 at 9:39 AM Post #28
James smiles warily, "It could have been worse." Which it could have. "I am going to go see if the real hunting group got more or less than Alexis. Let's hope no one else got that hurt." He trots towards the middle of camp to see if the hunting party had come back.
They had, and they fortunately had brought some prey. Thank the stars above. He hadn't lost his bet with Buddy after all. Buddy came up.
"Don't rub it in pup. I know. Good job. I won't underestimate you... Except I think I still deserve to sense you literally just launched yourself foolishly into a fight against a moose." Buddy points out. James hushes him, and continues to where Narnia's den was to see if Alexis was going to be OK.

// Cool! may I just say that the daughter is just adorable.
Level 61
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Posted: 4/8/2020 at 10:06 AM Post #29
//thanks in some rps her daughter is her biological daugter who father is a sled dog lile the movie bolto but in rps Selene find her daugher adanoded in a human village as she part wolf and thoughts to be dangrous. Her daither fur is diffrent in rps but she always has moustache eyes

Narmia had just finsied creating Alexis and luckly alexis would make a full recovery with any a few cuts and bruises and a sprained ankle and broken front leg and was awake talking to Narnia keeping her company
Level 57
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Posted: 4/8/2020 at 10:10 AM Post #30
James smiles, glad and so thankful Alexis looked okay. He sits down, and watches the two talking, proud of his Alexis and grateful Narnia had done her magic once again. "Glad to see you're better." He says softly to Alexis, not really caring if she heard him or not.
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