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Level 75
The Artistic
Joined: 1/28/2014
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Posted: 11/8/2020 at 9:26 PM
Post #21
Okay, so, I've got a list of familiars and apparel from your wishlist, then a long list of familiars that you don't have per your beastiary. Also, the currency I have over there. I also have a ridiculous ton of other apparel, but none of the other things you're specifically looking for. I can make a list of other random things I have, but not sure what you'd be interested in lol
Gems: 100
Treasure: 250,000
Specific Familiars on your list that I have:
Deepmine Aardvark
Runic Bat
Tourmaline Vulstal
Sapling Speaker
Parasitic Fungus
Bluemoon Aviar
Polarfreeze Defender
Bue Tang Hippogriff
Crystalplate Stinger
Specific Apparel on you list that I have:
Ornate Gold Necklace x2
(also have multiples of this necklace in the following colours: Darksteel, Copper, Iron, and Pearly)
Celebration Sage apparel items (have all 6 pieces)
Other familiars I have that you don't that I have multiples of and would sell:
Barred Skira
Black Iron Creeper
Blueridge Greatshell
Bucktooth Digger
Budwig Morpho
Cactus Marzal
Celestial Antelope
Cloudkeeper Herald
Crackling Leo
Dappled Dunhoof
Deadland Disciple
Everglade Lasher
Fathomsearch Ambassador
Goliath Mountain Beetle
Hibernal Starbear
Hurricane Herald
Insubstantial Illusionist
Lightning Lancer
Longjaw Lurefish
Longneck Interloper
Longneck Mender
Magic Mirror
Murktooth Bramblekeep
Octoflyer Baron
Peacock Scorpion
Radioactive Slime
River Muck
Serthis Potionmaster
Shadow Serpent
Sickle Kamaitachi
Skittering Megashrimp
Snowfall Elk
Storm Seeker
Sunbeam Soldier
Sunbeam Ursa
Timber Tender
Tufted Leaf Beetle
Wavebreak Snarler
Yellow-Tfhroated Sparrowmouse
I haven't gone looking at specific worths for any of this, but if there's stuff you're more interested in than others, I can start looking at what everything is worth and see if we can come up with a trade ^.^
Edited By Mikazukichan on 11/8/2020 at 10:42 PM.
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/14/2013
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Posted: 11/8/2020 at 9:36 PM
Post #22
All of those items/currency I would be totally open to trade for. I'd also take apparel not on my list, I love apparel, skins, and accents. If you need/want help price checking things on the AH, I can help.
Level 75
The Artistic
Joined: 1/28/2014
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Posted: 11/8/2020 at 10:39 PM
Post #23
I traded all my extra skins to someone else on Sylestia a bit ago XD However.... here is the contents of my apparel hoard XD
It is..... a lot >> I'd love help price checking. Or.... you could just choose stuff and let me know how much (approximately) your choices would be worth and then go from there?
Level 71
The Perfectionist
Joined: 10/21/2020
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Posted: 11/8/2020 at 10:54 PM
Post #24
Hello! Im interested in these pets:
I can offer an Arcane egg and 75K treasure if that works, or if you dont accept eggs I can try selling the egg for treasure/gems (which ever one you prefer) and give that and 75K treasure. I can also throw in a couple skins/accents, familiars, scenes, and apparels if you want. Thanks!
The egg and treasure works for me, can you please fix the list though because I don't know what the last pet it. :) I'd happily take any skins, accents, fams, scenes, and apparel that you feel like throwing in.
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 11/8/2020 at 11:10 PM
Post #27
I fixed the math on my long post and updated it, I had the FR info correct but not the Sylestia values. It's good now, but feel free to double check the math.
Total apparel: 625 FR Gems or 750,000 FR treasure = 750 Sylestia Diamonds or 1,575,000 Sylestia gold
So, all together, that would be approximately 2,903 Gems or 3,483,600 Treasure = 3,484 Diamonds or 7,315,560 gold
Also, were you no longer interested in the Celebration Sage set or the Ornate Gold Necklace? (not that they add much. Each piece seems to be 3 - 33g XD)
Would all of that be good to you as a trade for the 5 pets and the 2 custom items? If you do want the Celebration Sage set and the necklace, I'm happy to add them in too ^.^
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/14/2013
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Posted: 11/9/2020 at 12:31 AM
Post #29
Oh, I left off the Celebration Sage set or the Ornate Gold Necklace, yes I would like them. That seems like a very fair trade to me. To make it fair, you can send half over and I'll set half of pets for 1 g for you only to buy, and then we can both send the last halfs? So it's not a huge risk for either of us. Thank you for the trade!
Level 75
The Artistic
Joined: 1/28/2014
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Posted: 11/9/2020 at 12:38 AM
Post #30
Awesome! I'll start mailing you stuff on FR then XD Thanks so much!!
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