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Level 61
Joined: 11/9/2019
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Posted: 3/3/2021 at 5:27 PM Post #21
Before I vote may I ask what is a Kaiserin? I'm not familiar with that word and I looked it up and only got results for a boat.

Also in 2, what type of gods will they be? Greek or Roman or something like demon gods
Level 68
Majestic Ice Carver
Joined: 12/13/2020
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Posted: 3/3/2021 at 5:30 PM Post #22
a Kaiserin is another word for queen (and of course, the Kaiser would be the king), as for the second question, it will be more like a demon god. hope that helps ^^
Edited By Stringworms on 3/3/2021 at 5:44 PM.
Level 61
Joined: 11/9/2019
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Posted: 3/3/2021 at 5:45 PM Post #23
I am unable to decide between 1 and 3 I love the lore of Royalty X commoner and Sci-Fi. And I'm open to Rp 1,3 in a 1x1 Rp
Level 68
Majestic Ice Carver
Joined: 12/13/2020
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Posted: 3/3/2021 at 6:17 PM Post #24
i'll put a vote down on both of them, then ^^
Level 68
Majestic Ice Carver
Joined: 12/13/2020
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Posted: 3/4/2021 at 10:29 AM Post #25
1. the Kaiser has stepped down, and the prinz is now stepping up to the throne. with the prinz coming into power, he will need a Kaiserin to rule beside him. with this, all the lords and ladies of the court are sent to classes to prepare to compete for the Kaisers affections.

votes: 1

2. a cult kidnaps a group of people to be given as gifts to their god based on a prophecy given to them by said god.

votes: 4

3. you are part of a crew on a journey funded by the government (partnered the megacompany; Overwatch) with to start the colonization of a new planet. on your way to said planet, your ship is caught in a meteor field and the AI is forced to make an emergency landing on a strange planet. (this is a sort of overwatch/alien crossover)

votes: 2

alright we're stuck with a three way tie, which is not helpful at all. so, please vote for one of these three options, thank you so much for you help and time ^^
Edited By Stringworms on 3/4/2021 at 1:26 PM.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 9/3/2019
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Posted: 3/4/2021 at 10:30 AM Post #26
1 for me.
Level 69
The Perfectionist
Joined: 12/21/2019
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Posted: 3/4/2021 at 10:44 AM Post #27
Three over here.
Level 75
The Tactician
Joined: 5/15/2018
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Posted: 3/4/2021 at 10:44 AM Post #28
2, please
Level 50
Joined: 2/11/2021
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Posted: 3/4/2021 at 10:50 AM Post #29
Level 34
Spooky Shopper
Joined: 11/1/2019
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Posted: 3/4/2021 at 11:11 AM Post #30
2 for me
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