Finn shook his head. " No...I still want to see the end of this war... " He said with a sad tone in his voice. He then tightened his grip on her hand slightly before he started walking forward slowly, each step making sure there was nothing dangerous infront of him.
Inna looked slightly surprised as she heard him speak and his eyes change colour again. She paled slightly and glanced to the side. " Uhm...r-really? Then...why are your " she stuttered,still glancing to the side feeling awkward. She had to admit his voice sounded weird but not as weird as his colour changing eyes...
Level 39
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 3/8/2014 at 3:52 PM
Post #292
Rose was slightly annoyed at the slow pace because if something bad was going to happen she just wanted it to happen alread. "I didn't, when I met you I hoped you were a mass murderer and put me out of my misery." She said and tightened her hand around his. She was glad she met him and that he wasn't a mass murderer.
(How a bomb can bring everyone together... XD)
Damian was slightly annoyed at all her jokes. Why does she keep telling him his eyes are different colors? Without even realizing it he reached his hand up and tugged at the branches sticking from the top of her head. Maybe his eyes were a little less important then her problem.
Level 60
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Posted: 3/8/2014 at 4:10 PM
Post #293
Finn stopped and turned his head and looked surprised. " Huh? " he said. He then looked back in front of him. He was actually slightly glad he didn't have one of his random moments when he attacks people when he met her... " Right... " he said before starting to walk again.
Inna cried out in pain. " What the hell! " she shouted. " Why did you just pull my hair? " she said angrily. She then reached her hands up to where she assumed he had pulled her hair to feel..wood...bark at that...bark from a tree...
Her face paled and her hands felt along it. " A-A TREE IS GROWING OUT OF MY HEAD!??!?! " She suddenly yelled, her face white as a sheet.
Edited By Coradrawa on 3/8/2014 at 4:14 PM.
Level 39
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 3/8/2014 at 5:54 PM
Post #294
(He's secretly a mass murderer!!!! OMGawd!!!!!!!!!!! XD)
Rose sighed and it felt like they had been walking for forever. "Are we almost there yet?" She asked sightly annoyed. Why did she have to agree to go down in these cursed tunnels with him. Oh yeah, because she hoped he would kill her....
Damian nodded his head pointed to his eyes and then did a cross with his fingers while shaking his head 'no'. He then pointed to her branches and shook his head yes. He was trying to tell her that her problems seemed slightly bigger then his and she should just forget about his apparent changing eyes.
Level 66
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Posted: 3/9/2014 at 12:12 AM
Post #295
Cassie quickly calmed down. Had she been too loud? Possibly. "Oh, sorry Dimitri." She said, a lot more quieter this time. "Where exactly are you?" She called out. She knew he was extremely close by the sound of his voice, but where?
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Posted: 3/9/2014 at 5:58 AM
Post #296
( XD Yeah...he randomly attacks people :3 )
Finn slowly saw a dim light up ahead. " Almost there... " he said. After a while they where in the main service station and everything was a bit brighter so Finn could see. He then carried on pulling her to the edge of the tracks, careful not to stepp on any of the lines, and he then let go of her hand and climbed up. " C'mon... " he said, to worried and scared to looked at his body. He then heard a hiss near his ear and shook his head. Just a snake on his back...not in his back...he thought.
Inna started hyperventilating as she clutched the branches. " I have no clue what your trying to say!!! " she said, trying to not yell as pain stung her from her chest area because of her hyperventilating. She felt along the branches and could feel small branches coming off them and leaves...this was a living tree growing out of her head!!!
Level 66
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Posted: 3/9/2014 at 9:30 AM
Post #297
(*rolls eyes* Hey, did you notice that Alison is hanging upside down in the picture? She's sticking around! Hm... Why don't Elaina hug Alison? Alison is sticky, though she doesn't know it. So when Elaina hugs, she gets stuck to Alison! And Chris, aw... XD What if he gets stuck to a refrigerator? XD *sees magnets* Run, Chris!)
Alison nodded. "I think that's a better idea." She said agreeably. "It'll save us both time, and you," She paused. "Some muscle." She joked lightly. Great... She had no where exact point to start. Build the vase if the boat? Find a sail? Maybe propeller... Engines? Maybe not. Maybe she could make engines, but with solar power. There was enough sun. But where would she get solar panels? Or she could use glass and just reflect the sunlight. A lot of things to do. Or they could just use paddles, like a simple rowboat...
"Yes, I'll always be there for you." He repeated, sounding a bit dreamy. "Yeah... Should we go downstairs?" He asked, snapping out of his dreamy manner. "I have food and a few weapons as well if you want one." He offered. Spears, knives, axes, guns, bombs...and a lot more. Eh, not to mention he stole some of them... Uh...
Level 39
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 3/9/2014 at 1:31 PM
Post #298
Dimitri stepped out more into the open and cleared the space between them. "Stay calm, I'll get all of this off of you." He said and started with the ruble that was on her legs. He didn't want to have to carry her around so helping her legs get free seemed like the best option.
Level 39
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 3/9/2014 at 1:42 PM
Post #299
Elaina nodded and wrapped her arm around the girl's waist and pulled her up. She tried to move her arm up to get better grip but her arm was stuck. Losing her balance she fell on top of Allison. "So-sorry." She said blushing. She tried to move away but it was like there bodies were glued together.
Kim smiled and stood up. "I don't use guns. Remember?" She said and stumbled towards the door. She was hungry and just wanted to get something in her stomach.
Level 39
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 3/9/2014 at 1:53 PM
Post #300
(Remember, she has weird symbols tatted all over her body. Even her face. :3)
Rose grabbed the top and pulled herself up. She glanced at Finn with a small smile and she could see better. She could see the gist of what he looked like. She knew there was something wrong but she decided at that moment she didnt care. He was the same person she got to know before all of this. "You ready to learn more about yourself?" She asked and gave him another small smile.
Damian shook his head and put his finger up to his lips to tell her to be quiet. He knew now that her ribs were fine and he should of left after he helped her. He wanted to tell her that it will be okay but he was scared to speak.
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