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Level 51
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Joined: 3/15/2019
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Posted: 12/3/2019 at 7:40 PM Post #291
"Interesting..." Cesura said when Lazi lifted up her belly scales. She didn't really mind the pea plants in her home. As long as she could eat them later. Mali seemed tired and she fell asleep. Cesura looked at her bed, then to Lazi, then to the sleeping Dragonet on her floor. She gently lifted her up and placed her carefully in her nest-like bed.

She trotted back to Lazi and Elanor, "Ah yes, the crackers!" She gave Lazi a handful of them. She handed some to Elanor before grabbing some for herself. She finished them quickly, not bothering to savor them.
Level 60
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 12/3/2019 at 10:15 PM Post #292
Mali smiled in her sleep and nuzzled into the bed, making an almost purring sound, muttering "Mom," in her sleep, making Lazi freeze.
Lazi turned away and finished her crackers quickly, her stomach rumbling for more, "So, for the raid we are doing, how exactly will we do that," She lay down, rattling her scales to cool herself down, hoping nothing else would fall, which nothing did.
Level 51
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Posted: 12/4/2019 at 7:10 AM Post #293
Cesura looked at Mali then back at Lazi, a hint of curiosity on her face. She pushed her curiosity aside. Looking through the items on her shelves, finding a hand-drawn map after a while. She laid it in between the two dragons.

"This is a map of the general area where we met." She points to a tunnel shape leading away from there, "That's the tunnel we were going to use. There are way too many guards there now so we will need to take another unless this thing dies down."
Level 60
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Posted: 12/4/2019 at 12:15 PM Post #294
"We would have to wait a while then," Lazi said thoughtfully looking around, wishing a plan, sighing when she could not think of one, "Or we could find a new way in."
She looked around, letting thoughts flood through her head, a straight raid would not work, unless they where detracted, that would be the best idea and the only one she could think of at the moment.
"Okay, what if I detract the guards while you sneak into the food supply place... that way it will be less likely to be heavily guarded," Lazi smiled, what a plan, she was proud of herself, hopefully the others saw the sense in her plan.
Level 72
Ghost Writer
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Posted: 12/4/2019 at 1:57 PM Post #295
Inside, she absolutely lost it when, from a tiny speck that Lazi had hidden, giant green things had shot out into the tent.

Outside she had forced herself to remain calm as the others seemed overjoyed by the infectious ropes that had now taken over Cesura's living space.

She found small biscuits shoved into her hands, but her stomach was in knots and she found she had no appetite. Her memory of hunting surfaced before sinking away again as she kept her focus on what was going on. While the others weren't looking she gently placed the biscuits over by the sleeping baby dragon.

Talk came back to the raid and Elenor just listened. She hadn't yet decided what role she would play in it. Right now, she was swaying more toward the less dangerous option.

Her thoughts returned to her task she'd put on hold. She had to find her old trainer. Stepping toward the tent flaps, she looked back at the others. "I need to go."
Edited By Falconetti on 12/4/2019 at 1:59 PM.
Level 72
Ghost Writer
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Posted: 12/4/2019 at 2:07 PM Post #296
Kai'hel trotted along the street, glad that the guard patrols were lessening. What he wasn't so glad about were the ones that were returning from their search with struggling civilians in their claws, wrestling them toward the administerial palace.

They'd never gone out just to grab people before. Was there an actual reason for this or was it just the guards getting their bonuses again? Whatever the reason, he couldn't imagine the reaction from the people of Khurazir would be a positive one.

He passed by the river, hesitating as he saw two dragons talking to one another (Vernik and Skaaul). Again, he hesitated before coming out into the open.
Level 51
Candy Dispenser
Joined: 3/15/2019
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Posted: 12/4/2019 at 5:19 PM Post #297
"Yes, the entrance I was going to use is probably too risky to enter through. Distraction sounds sensible. They are distracted by the little investigation going on right now, and at noon today, there is a festival parade thing in honor of the empire. Lots of dragons will be forced to attend and even more will come to protest. That means they will withdraw guards from the stronghold to the festival leaving the stronghold under-protected. I hope that is enough of a distraction for us to get in. It should be anyway considering I know my way around the place." She paused contemplating the map. The dark blue dragon left suddenly but it was of no consequence to her, "We should be able to get in through one of these three entrances," She points to three circles that lead to what looks like tunnels, "This one is closest to here. This one is most hidden, and this one is the easiest to navigate through."
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 6/15/2014
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Posted: 12/4/2019 at 7:51 PM Post #298
From the corner of his eye he notice another dragon, it's demenors were a bit odd, first thing that came into Skaaul's head was that it could have reconised by the newcomer and his eyes narrows slightly at that though. Just in case it wasnt however, he stayed quiet.
Level 60
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 12/4/2019 at 9:34 PM Post #299
Lazi waved good bye to the dragon who had helped her before, then she turned to Cesura, a plan that would hopefully work filled her head.
"Why don't we each go down one tunnel? Then meet at the end of each one... or would that be bad to split ourselves up?" She let her thoughts drift in the air, she was pretty open about her plans and made plans often.

Vernik hissed softly as he spotted another dragon, another dragon that would bother him and get on his nerves!
"What do you want?" He snapped his tail whipping side to side, he didn't care if this dragon left, at least he would get some peace and quiet, "Or you just here to watch Mr. Pride guy brag about how amazing and innocent he is," He shot Skaaul a glare, scowling at him.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 6/15/2014
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Posted: 12/4/2019 at 9:47 PM Post #300
He blink a few times at Vernik's words before smirking playfully. " Well, i do call myself perfect somtime but one thing i woudn't do is call myself inocent."
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