Name: Fate
Age: six trillion years old ( Yes I know XD He's old! But he looks 20 something... )
Species: Devil's assistant
Personalty: Mostly sad and wonders why people hate him for no reason, but is this his true personalty?
History: He is one of the most recent devil assistants but he ran away because he hated life their and found no interest with torturing people. He met a guy who he then stuck with because he was the only person who didn't seem to hate him. Also here is Fate's theme song! Six Trillion Years and Overnight Story ( Such a good song <3 )
Power: Minor magic and flying
Crush: N/A
Pet: Webber ( is fairly small, size of a Tom Cat )
His true form ( posting link because young people might find scary ) Click me! ( Only it has a red tinge and has the same wings but only bigger and torn and bleeding looking...)
Name: Tom ( Fate calls him Tommy )
Age: 21
Species: Human
Personalty: * optional, but we can get to know our characters *
History: He was a orphan who was constantly picked on. One day he met Fate when he saw roughly 6 years old, he was scared at first but soon became friends with Fate. He did notice Fate had wings and didn't seem to age but Tom was glad because Fate was like a brother to him and his only friend.
Power: N/A
Crush: N/A
Pet: Helps Fate look after Webber
Edited By Coradrawa on 4/27/2014 at 4:11 AM.
Level 60
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Posted: 2/21/2014 at 4:25 AM
Post #292
Oh holy shoot O____O I didn't know you listened to so many vocaloid songs! Heard of the Story of Evil yet? I don't listen to Ashe though, I prefer Joydreamer, Analee ((Was it Amalee?)) and Jubyphonic. Is Ashe really good? I'm used to the jap singers ((Utaites from nico douga)) though, so >> Oh yeah! You should hear the chorus!
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Posted: 2/21/2014 at 4:34 AM
Post #293
((Gah, I just noticed Crystal's zodiacs! Sorry for double post!))
Crystal, I would never have thought of that for any character O____O But wow, the idea is nice! Like Pisces's pic ((Katio Shion! <3)) And Leo's ((Ignis from a game I saw before, used her pic for my chars as well ^^)) Guess we have same 'taste' when it comes to pics for our chars, no? XD
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Posted: 2/21/2014 at 4:58 AM
Post #294
You do not understand how much I love vocaloid songs XD
On youtube I have what...26 songs in a playlist by Hatsune Miku?
Also Ashe is a great singer!
<3 his voice!
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Posted: 2/21/2014 at 5:26 AM
Post #295
Er... it's the jap males for me... >> Clear, Valshe ((Female, but she's a trap)), Neko96 ((Same as Valshe)) and Kradness... Pokota and I swear I'm missing like a huge list of them... Oh yeah! Ask! Ask is another nico singer ;)
Though I prefer Rin and Len, Gakupo and Kaito to everyone else...
Edited By Soltra8 on 2/21/2014 at 5:26 AM.
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Posted: 2/21/2014 at 5:29 AM
Post #296
Yeah I like Rin and Len and Kaito...Also like Miku-san...( I think that's her name...I know she sings 'Thoughtful Zombie' though XD )
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Posted: 2/21/2014 at 5:36 AM
Post #297
Miku-tan? Yeah, she's not a bad eng singer either ^^ But there's a reason that while I like eng dubs, I always prefer the japanese. That's cause you can never have the same meaning of the song if you translate it and write singable lyrics if the song is from another language. Like heartrate 0822, or shinpakusuu #0822. Even though Miku-tan sang it in eng, the japanese version still carries more meaning than what she wrote. Especially the last three choruses in the original ver... Those parts were just.. Beautiful.... Beyond words.
Edited By Soltra8 on 2/21/2014 at 5:36 AM.
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Posted: 2/21/2014 at 5:40 AM
Post #298
Yeah, I think it is much better in Japanese because in my option it's also catchier and if your like me, fun to work out the words because you don't understand them
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Posted: 2/21/2014 at 5:44 AM
Post #299
Yeah, that's one of the fun parts ^^ From servant of evil alone I learnt at least ten words! Then I'm learning... I think it's hiragana from cardfight vanguard. I think... And yeah, the jap songs are catchier as well, since once again, they are the original versions, so the song should sound better....
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Posted: 2/21/2014 at 5:47 AM
Post #300
Yep :3
Also Zecu is crazy don't you think?
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