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Level 74
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Posted: 6/22/2019 at 1:19 AM
Post #311
Tracey l docks l open
Tracey was staying kinda near but kinda far. She didnt want ro spread her cold bur didnt wantro be on hwr own either. Basically shewas co flicted. Rally conflicted. And of course she wasnt going to join the pirates thanks to her post-swim attidude issues. Tiredness was her big weakness right now.
Troy l liuemont l navyship l open
Troy was wandering. Totally oblivious to anyoen and anything. Insomnia again. He swore the pirates were long dead but perhaps some escaped.....And what if what hed been told about the pirates being jere in the bay were true? Then theyd be wither in trouble or on the verge of complete victory....
Amelie nodded tipsily and stood up carefully and made her way to the medic's room. It took some time to find it but the room was everything a medic could ever dream of. "Damn, there's enough bandages to stuff a sailor!" Amelie murmured to herself. "It's nice, but messy." Amelie frowned in distaste. There were bottles and vials everywhere. Amelie took it upon herself to completely rearrange the cabinets and shelves until she was quite satisfied. "Spic and spack." Amelie praised herself as she stepped back to admire her work. "Now all I need are patients." Amelie said thoughtfully. "Can I make patients?" Amelie chuckled to herself.
Edited By Queenie on 6/22/2019 at 4:11 PM.
Level 74
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Posted: 6/22/2019 at 4:55 PM
Post #313
(Tracey and her cold? OR pretty much 90% of the pirates?)
Tracey | docks |open
Tracey just staed to the side. Shivering in the cold. She'd mostly dried off from the wind by now but fear of the navy finding her-them-, being left here, and sickness made er feel more woozy then usual. She pulled her thin clothes closer and tried to use part of the docks (crates, posts, etc) to block the wind. She hadn't been living like this long but lolng enough to know little about how to protet from wind and to get a bad temperament.
Edited By Orca2Whale on 6/22/2019 at 4:57 PM.
Level 57
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Posted: 6/22/2019 at 8:27 PM
Post #314
(Doesn't Tracey have Elias' jacket?)
Level 74
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Posted: 6/22/2019 at 8:42 PM
Post #315
(SH gave it to Maxine)
Level 74
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Posted: 6/22/2019 at 8:42 PM
Post #316
(SH gave it to Maxine)
Level 57
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Posted: 6/22/2019 at 8:45 PM
Post #317
(Ok... I sorta wanna make Elias just stumble aboard or something. Like he was sleep walking or something, and then...Okay that sounds crazy. :P)
Cassiopeia smiled a bit at her given job.
*Aye.* she spoke, nodding to Maxine.
She wouldnt mind going to have a look at the ships weapons, she only had her two knives and knew only a little sword play, but wanted to learn more.
She disappeared down below deck, her odd silvery curled hair the last to be seen in the dim of the stairwell.
In the weapons room she ran her hand down a thick saber, dust coming off. Still the lantern light sparked off the glittering assortment of blades andfine pistols and guns.
Sure thing though everything was a mess, and you could get cut or shot at for just taking the wrong step.
She took out a rag and started to dust off the blades and guns, trying to sort out the ones that look similar from the others.
She found a nice katana blade with a silver and black handle. It had a nick in the blade but she liked the weight of it in her hand, and decided to claim it as her own.
She finished up and strapped her new blade to her side, heading up deck, wondering if Pigwidgeon knew how to cook fir her young age.
Electra| sailor| cannon hold| Maxine
Electra almost scoffed at what Maxine said. Like she was about to go on a killing spree any moment. Well as she had before been thought of as worse things she shrugged and headed down to the cannons. She didnt look forward to the work but figured some solitude might be nice, she had hardly unpacked the past week, and almost didnt want do.
As she hefted the dark cannon balls in the dim holding, she counted off what had happened.
Escaped navy by pirates.
Joined a female crew of pirates.
Female crew of pirates now think shes a sadistic killer.
I am a pirate.
The last train of thought made her pause.
She had been a slave, a lady in waiting, broken hearted, a lover, a prisoner, and a runaway. Now a pirate.
She thought she preferred the pirate and decided that that would be what she would stick to. No more chains, physically or mentally. Weather she would be on this ship or not, she was a pirate.
Pigwidgeon| Powder monkey| kitchens| Maxine
Pigwidgeon opened her mouth to complain but shut it, a frown on her face.
She got to do kitchen duty!?
*Aye Capin* she grumbled as she stomped off to the kitchens.
As she stepped in side the kitchins she climbed onto the counter, her short legs dangling in midair, and roughly poured a bucket of water in the tub, along with half a bar of soup, and a dozen pans.
She hiked up her pants, shrugged off her overlarge coat and stepped in, the water already bubbling.
She then promptly, with a few rags, cleans the pans in many ways.
She would step on a pan and then rub it with a rag on her foot, plunge her arms in and scrub with her hands, and throughly splash water in and out of the pans.
After a bit she forgot her self in the bubbles and by the end of it was sitting in the tub surrounded in sudsy water and partly scrubbed pots. She was soaking wet, and surprisingly looked cleaner than the pots. All her grime was coming off along with all the soot, so you could see her dark red hair and lightly tanned freckled face, her black eyes much starker.
As she looked around the pots around her she hopped she didnt have to cook. She didnt even really know how to cook and would probably burn the ship to the sea bottom.
She grinned at the bubble suds and picked some up to put on her heat, fashioning a bubbly captains hat, admiring herself in the water. She rarely got to be a kid.
Level 11
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Posted: 6/23/2019 at 6:08 PM
Post #320
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