(I asked why everything was so dark for Cassie... I'm not quite sure...)
Kimberly was starting to get irritated because all she wanted was to eat. Pulling harder she could feel something unwinding in her stomach. It felt like something broke free and she could see her skin start to glow. Before she could let go of Chris or scream she watched the glowing focus into what looked like vines crawling on her body and then her hands got warm. For a second it felt like she was built up of static energy and she was letting it all out... Out on Chris...
(She shocked him!!! It was hard to write because I couldn't make your character start convulsing so I hope this is good enough... :) )
Elaina smiled and winded her arms through Allison's. Pulling upward as hard as she could she got Allison standing upright and off the bed. "You know what!" She said with a huge smile. "I think we are going to have a lot of fun and this is the start of a great friendship!" She said with enthusiasm.
(Did you forget to reply to this?)
Level 60
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Posted: 4/19/2014 at 8:40 AM
Post #332
Finn rolled his eyes. "Wel I am very sssory if I just found out about what happened to me! At leassst thingss are not ssso bad for you! " he said angrily as he felt a snake head bob against his neck. He spun around and paled slihtly. "I have f---ing sssnakesss coming out of my back! " he shouted.
Inna stared at him. "But I have...and..." Inna said, still surprised from him chuking himself on top of her. "Your eyes have...changed again..." she pointed out as she saw them go blue. She felt awkward with him on top of her and all the weird stuff going on was just making her heart race.
Level 66
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Posted: 4/19/2014 at 10:52 AM
Post #333
(OMG! I thought I replied...My WiFi has been a pain these weeks ans my parents have lost trust in me...so...)
Level 39
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 4/19/2014 at 1:01 PM
Post #334
Rose looked away, "You're right." She whispered. She knew Finn got the worst of it. Was it because he covered her with most of his body, as if to protect her. "We'll find a way to live with it, don't worry." She said, trying to think positive.
Damian scooted off of her and gave a small smirk. "Just ignore them." He whispered, talking quietly wasn't that bad. He guessed he couldn't take his voice being to loud. "You don't look to bad with branches sticking out of your head." He whispered, hoping she wouldn't try to break them off again.
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Posted: 4/19/2014 at 1:48 PM
Post #335
Finn laughed. "Yeah we will really get throuh this..." he said witb a heavily sarcastic voice. "Can't wait for the rocks to start bei g chucked at me and he names! You think Freak would be a good name change for me? "
Finn the brushed back some of his hair. "And imagine trying to get a girlfriend or a wife...think they would want to kiss a guh with a snake tounge and snakes coming out of his back?! "
Inna shook her head. "I don't fancy being a messed up reindeer my whole life..." she said sadly." And besides...what if they grow? Then they will need to be cut off or shortened..." she added after a pause to think about the bad things.
Level 66
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Posted: 4/21/2014 at 5:39 PM
Post #336
(Lol... I'm not good with drama, but lol...here goes... Wait. How many volts did she release? Not enough to kill him I hope... O.o Cause how much she did will depend on his reaction, technically XD)
Level 39
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 4/21/2014 at 9:09 PM
Post #337
(How about a little stronger then a static shock. You know when you touch somebody and accidently shock them, How about it be a little stronger than that and make it so he can't feel anything in his fingers for a few minutes.)
Level 39
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 4/21/2014 at 9:40 PM
Post #338
Rose looked away, sorrow on her face. "What if we are the last two alive?" She didn't want to think about. She knew that most people exposed to this war, didn't deserve it. She didn't even fully understand why her country and theirs was fighting. Why she had to be in the middle of it.
Damian looked closely at her knew branches. "What if it hurts you, like cutting off your own fingers?" He asked in a shy whisper. He didn't want to freak her out but these branches were in her head. What if there were arteries or something and she snips it and bleeds to death.
Level 66
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Posted: 4/21/2014 at 10:06 PM
Post #339
(Okay! Cuz I looked up on shocks and stuff and was just wondering... >_<)
Level 60
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Posted: 4/22/2014 at 3:46 AM
Post #340
Finn shrugged. "Well...there are two options I can think of but the second I doubt either of us woukd like..." he then paused and ckeared his throat. "One...look aroundfor other people...or two...kill ourselves..." he then thouht for a moment. "Actualky the second one doesn't sound so bad when you think of my chances..."
Inna shook her head, shaking slightly. "They are wood right...? Wood hasn't got aany nerves in it so...maybe it won't hurt...and...if they do...act like branches...they will grow...and would need to be cut..."
Inna then screwed her eyes shut. Please let this be a horrible...horrible dream...I was knocked out by a rock when the bomb hit...yeah...maybe this is just a dream...
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