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Level 60
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Posted: 4/24/2014 at 8:01 AM Post #351
Finn smiled and laughed. " Yep, it would..." he said smiling and then looked at the snake she was lightly pulling. " Doesn't hurt but I can feel it pulling on my back..." he said as the snake she was holding flicked it's tongue out and tasted the air around her arm.

Inna looked slightly confused at why his laughter died down slightly. Did she maybe insult him? " Hey...did I insult you when I said you sounded a bit like a demented chipmunk? " she asked and stared at him. She was also watching his eyes at the same time to see if they changed colour again...
Level 66
Joined: 8/31/2013
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Posted: 4/24/2014 at 10:02 AM Post #352
(*facedesk* Er, where's the post I was it respond to again? >_>)
Level 39
Fancy Pants
Joined: 11/13/2013
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Posted: 4/25/2014 at 11:25 PM Post #353
"Do you think you would die if we cut them off?" Rose asked, unsure if they were completely connected to him. What if they were just stuck, and they had an extra option. She wanted to help Finn as much as she could and this was her best idea, well for right now. She was still frazzled about this whole situation.

Damian laughed, his eyes turning purple. He was completely comfortable with this girl. She was the first one he had talked to since this whole anialtion started. It still scared him, but with her he would try. "No, but your laugh isn't much better." He joked with a crooked smile.
Level 60
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Posted: 4/26/2014 at 2:54 AM Post #354
Finn looked at the snakes and sighed. " I think they are using my blood...I dunno...but I don't fancy taking the risk of cutting them off...I'm sure they will grow on me...sometime..." he said as he flicked the head of one of the snakes who hissed at him angrily.

( DON'T FLICK SNAKES! You idiot! )

Inna pretended to look insulted by his comment and when his eyes changed colour again she didn't react, she was sort of used to it now. " Your so mean! " she joked. " I think I might go cry now..." she tried frowning but just burst into laughter.
Level 39
Fancy Pants
Joined: 11/13/2013
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Posted: 4/26/2014 at 8:42 PM Post #355
Rose trailed her finger down his face and around his neck. She could feel all the scales and it sent shivers up her spine. "How does this even happen? Did you mutate with a snake..." She muttered. It just didn't make sense to her and the harder she thought about it the more confused she got. How was any of this possible! They shouldn't even be alive!

Damian was taken aback. He wasn't sure how to respond, he hated it when girls say they're going to cry. "Haha." He said, trying to fake laugh with her. He really hoped she was joking because some people laughed before they cry. "Um, you're joking right?"
Level 60
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Posted: 4/27/2014 at 2:44 AM Post #356
Finn watched her finger go over all the scales on him. " I have no clue..." he said as the snake head he flicked kept hissing at him angrily, but they must be connected because the snake knew it and wasn't going to bite him...
It felt weird...her going over the scales...he couldn't exactly feel it but there was a slight pressure where her finger was. So is this how a scaled animal feels when someone touched it? He wondered.

Inna looked surprised and laughed. " I thought homeless people weren't great with jokes..." she then smiled at him. " But seems like I was wrong..." she then patted the top of his head. " And I am joking! If I was going to cry I wasn't going to say if I was going to! " she explained.

( She thinks she and other homeless people are bad at jokes XD)
Level 39
Fancy Pants
Joined: 11/13/2013
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Posted: 4/29/2014 at 8:17 AM Post #357
Rose pulled her hand away, unsure if his new scales were sore. She didn't want to risk making him mad at this moment. "Does it hurt?" She asked in a whisper. Everything was so quiet around them, it was like they were the only two people left in the world. She knew it wasn't true, she knew there were more people out there who wanted to hurt her and him.

Damian laughed, he was glad he didn't upset her or anything like that. "Homeless, I don't like to think of our kind as homeless, More Like Loners, or renegade. We don't want to live in homes, we would rather stay outside." He said with a small smile. His leg was starting to hurt so he shifted his body weight and sat down. Folding his legs indian style.
Level 60
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Posted: 4/29/2014 at 1:29 PM Post #358
Finn looked at her. " What'd you say? You said it so quietly..." he said and pushed a hissing snake head away from his own. " These guys are going to be irritating..." he muttered angrily and flicked another one of the snake heads who hissed at him angrily and threatened to bite him, though it didn't...

Inna smiled sadly and shook her head. " I've always wanted a warm home and good food...not moldy scraps I find in a bin or a few coffees..." she said before sighing." this sucks...probably why I ended up getting branches..." she added before laughing. " Hopefully they grow fruit! " she joked.
Level 39
Fancy Pants
Joined: 11/13/2013
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Posted: 5/1/2014 at 12:26 AM Post #359
Rose cleared her throat and forced herself to talk a little louder. "Do they hurt, like.... Were they are attached?" She asked, knowing it sounded like a completely stupid question. Her tattoos were sore to the touch and her eyes stung. Also, she kept seeing things out of the corner of her eyes, like shadows maybe.

Damian flicked her branches and smiled, "Let's hope... I'm hungry." he said, rubbing his stomach. Her branches weren't that bad and if you focused on her face you could completely forget they were there. His eyes started to itch and he knew they were changing a different color. (Yellow or Gold... You can pick!)
Level 60
Joined: 6/7/2013
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Posted: 5/1/2014 at 12:42 PM Post #360
Finn flicked his scales. " Well...I can't feel anything on them...but underneath it feelsssss a bit like there isssss a presssssure and a bit ssssore..." he sighed. " Which issss irritating becausssse I can't ssssee my ssssskin! And is just creepy..." he added the last part a bit more silently. He found it very weird not being able to feel or see then skin under the patches of green scales. " What about your tattoosssss? " he asked curiously, his snake like tongue flicking out and shaking whenever he said 's'.

Inna smiled and laughed. She then gently poked a bit of skin near his eyes. " But what about your eyes? They're now gold...yellow...goldish yellow..." she said and smiled. " Slightly creepy but also you know why they are changing colour? "
Inna moved her head slightly to see if it was because of the light or something...
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