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Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 6/22/2014 at 4:39 PM Post #351
I have to agree with you, Shadow! I've always loved Sea Dragons and I even did a biology report on the Leafy Sea Dragon once.
Level 60
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Posted: 6/23/2014 at 3:09 AM Post #352
I'm glad you like them, too! I'd love to see them come to life here. :)
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 6/23/2014 at 8:21 PM Post #353
Nessie (Loch ness monster).
Cerberus (it has two heads- fifty heads, but of course that would be hard to draw 50 heads. Hades guard).
and Pegasus.
Why was this all based around mythical creatures >.>
Level 60
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Posted: 6/29/2014 at 3:30 PM Post #354
Ivodince, yes to all of the above! :D
Level 62
The Tender
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Posted: 7/6/2014 at 4:13 PM Post #355
Kappa would be neat
Level 61
Wondrous Warlock
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Posted: 7/8/2014 at 9:57 PM Post #356
Have like three specified new breeds for cross breeding pets.
So we can cross breed and the only way to get them would be cross breeding but so it doesnt get out of hand have three specified new breeds for each pairing. One for x female y male one for y male x female then one you can get either way but its rare
Level 75
The Dreamer
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Posted: 7/9/2014 at 1:07 AM Post #357
Author: Krinadon
Time Posted: 10/12/2013 at 2:53 PM
This isn't really possible due to artwork restrictions. We would rather spend resources on a brand new species than on a mix of 2 species already in existence.

Let alone, a species is defined as a group of interbreeding creatures.

Krin's reply to cross-breeding suggestions last year. Don't think the stand has changed.
Level 60
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Posted: 7/9/2014 at 2:30 PM Post #358
Okay time to mostly reiterate ideas. We definitely have a huge number of mammals, and entirely too few others. So here are a few ideas!

I really went kind of crazy thinking about slug/snail syslesties. I saw some suggestions for nudibranch and those are so great, love them. I also some some ideas for salamanders before, and I'd like to add in the Axolotl Frogs and or toads would also go well with all of this.

Hot dang what a cutie, right? I think those ideas are all similar enough that some kind of acceptable composite creature could be made. Just as long as it's a squishy cutie.

More sea-themed possibly related ideas. I'd love a squid, octopus, cuttlefish, or some other form of cephalopod. (Vampire squids anyone? )

Another great idea is a jelly fish, or possibly some kind of "slime monster." Maybe even something that looks kind of like an amoeba. Just something really amorphous and abstract, I think that'd be great.

I didn't really see any suggestions for crabs, lobsters, and maybe one for shrimp! Where is the crustacean love? Maybe if no sylesties of those kind, you could have those kind of claws/tails for a different aquatic species. (The idea of one of the squishy no-body pets I suggested with claws just sent me off in a titter.)

I saw various turtle suggestions, and I think that would be great for land or otherwise. I also think the shell (much like the snail shell) could be transferable to other kinds of pets. Maybe you could even have a turtle/squid hybrid. I think that would be especially cute!

I think a clam/oyster pet would also be really cute, and the inside could be any kind of pet inside! You could have various shell mutations for the outside. (I really like shells, haha.) I think it'd be another easy place to insert any of the cute squishy sea animals for the inside.

I might be totally alone on this one, but oh well. I'd like some kind of tardigrade pet. Or something similar. They're really tough and totally cute. Of course they are microscopic, so they'd probably be hard to implement.

I think insects/arachnids/creepy crawlies in real life can be kind of freaky, but from afar I think they're fascinating. We do have lunemara, but we could always use some more. I saw some suggestions for praying mantis, which I second. I also think we could use some kind of centipede or millipede. I think that could be less adorable and more tough looking. I also like the idea of bees/wasps. Especially maybe a jewel wasp? Besides those, I also think some kind of beetle would be cool. It could go cute or fierce. I also think it would be very compatible with ideas of a rhino or a turtle. :) I also like the idea of a dragonfly sylesti, but that would probably go with the bee/wasp idea, and might still be too close to a lunemara.

Might be a little too icky for some, but how about a worm or leech type sylesti? I think they're pretty cute. but I could understand it might be hard to walk the line there.

Also yes to fish ideas, please! If worst comes to worst, they could be drawn inside bowls. XD Ooh or. The bowls could have little robot legs so they could walk with you. Or like a hamster ball...Someone said air breathing fish, that could work too. Out of all the fish, I like Lionfish and Angler fish the best.

I'm also all for the plant sylesti idea. Or a crystal one. A geode for the crystal one would be awesome! (Or maybe that could be a mutation for the clam/oyster one?) As for plants, I think there are endless possibilities. Maybe something that was mostly vines, or something thorny or barky. I loved the idea of a little mushroom pet too. Or maybe a cactus or a tree. Basically, all of the plants.

As for more traditional pet ideas. I like the idea of an armadillo or an ant eater. There were platypus ideas a few times, I say yes to that as well. I also saw bat, yes please. Hmm. I think that's enough of my suggestions for now. Hope this post isn't *too* massive. :)
Level 54
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Posted: 7/12/2014 at 8:52 PM Post #359
Just FYI, since the OP said you didn't know what they were: I'm pretty sure Momo and Pabu are referring to the characters from Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra, respectively. For reference: Momo the flying lemur and Pabu the fire ferret.

Obviously, you can't make pets based off of copyrighted characters, however, there are actual flying lemurs (of sorts), and of course ferrets.
Level 31
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 7/18/2014 at 10:53 AM Post #360
an aurochs (its the ancestor of the cow)
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