Rose shifted so she wasn't standing so straight, "They burn, it's like someone is branding me." She said, rubbing her arm. "But it's like I can't feel that part of my skin. When I run my fingers over it it's like there is no nerves... It makes no sense because I can feel those areas burning." She said, holding her arm out so she could look at them closely.
Damian shook his head, "I can tell you they weren't like that before." He said with a small smile. "Have you always... Nevermind..." He said looking away. He was going to be sarcastic and kinda cruel but he changed his mind. It was probably the best idea. He didn't want to get rammed with her branches.
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Posted: 5/2/2014 at 12:41 PM
Post #362
Finn ran a finger over the arm she held out. " Hmmm..." he muttered before looking at her. " You probably where branded by your secret stalker guy..." he joked and flashed a quick smile. " Or you went back in time, got so drunk you forgot, had your nerves removed and then got tattoos..."
He shrugged in boredom. " I dunno..."
( He's very serious on this matter! )
Inna looked at him curiously. " Have I always what? Had branches? Well...considering my latest panic attack...the answer is no..." she said and smiled at him. " But what about your voice? Before you where just quiet...I thought you couldn't talk or found it to difficult! "
Level 39
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 5/2/2014 at 1:02 PM
Post #363
Rose's eyes widened and she hit him lightly on the shoulder. "Secret Stalker guy!" She said loudly. "you knew I had one this whole time and didn't tell me?" She joked but on the inside she was freaking out. What if he was right, what if some secret stalker guy did all of this. It could explain a lot.
Damian shrugged, "It seemed like i was scaring you, I didn't want to scare you." He said and shrugged again like it was nothing. It seemed like he was changing in more ways then one. His eyes changed his voice was back and he trusted someone. Something about all of this wasn't right.
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Posted: 5/2/2014 at 2:00 PM
Post #364
Finn laughed. " Maybe because I might happen to be the secret stalker guy " he said before laughing once again. " I didn't want you to run away from my home now did I? You wouldn't of come if you knew! "
Finn smiled at her as a snake came round his back and flicked it's tongue out at Rose.
Inna nodded slowly. " You did a bit...your eyes just creeped me out so much..." she then laughed. " And you jumping on me didn't help that much! " she joked before laughing and wincing. She had forgotten about her painful stomach...funny what chatting can do...
Level 39
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 5/2/2014 at 4:26 PM
Post #365
Rose's jaw dropped and she took a step back. What he just said kept running through her head and Stalker was in capital letters. "You're joking right?" She asked, seriously considering running away. Would he chase her? Of course he would, he was a stalker after all.
Damian grimaced, "Does your stomach still hurt?" He asked, wondering if she did break a rib. There was no hospitals nearby so he would have to find a way to help her. He knew it was dangerous to have a broken rib because it could puncture a lounge.
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Posted: 5/6/2014 at 1:00 PM
Post #366
( IIIII'mmmmm bbbaaaccckkkk! XD )
Finn laughed hard and put a hand on her shoulder. " You! You believed me! " he said, laughing so hard a small tear formed in his left eye which he wiped away. " You are so gullible! Seriously! If I was a stalker would I admit to it? Hell no! "
( Rose's reaction XD )
Inna nodded slowly. " It was hit by a rock..." she said and gently massaged it, wincing sometimes as she hit a sore spot. " Doesn't feel that serious though...just a bruise...I hope..." she sighed. " No way would I get any help either...not with being homeless and now having branches..."
Level 39
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 5/11/2014 at 1:38 AM
Post #367
Rose stared at him dumbfounded. It hit her when he said that, a stalker wouldn't admit, but what if... "That's not funny!" She yelled, her mouth wide open. "You really freaked me out for a second!" She said still unsure about him. Maybe a stalker would admit just so he could say he wasn't. In a phyco way that kinda made sense...
"How big was this rock?" He asked, wondering if it was large enough to break anything. Was if she was slowly starting to die and he would be the last person she talked to. It freaked him out with just the thought. "Could it be possible that it's, broken?" He asked.
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Posted: 5/11/2014 at 2:52 AM
Post #368
Finn smiled and laughed. " Ssssseriously...your reaction though! You believed me! " he laughed again and shook his head. " Girlssss are ssso weird and funny..." he added, thinking all girls where the same and funny like that.
Inna shrugged. " You got it off me remember? " she said and pointed the the pile of rocks. " I think you chucked it on there...I don't know..."
She then sighed and reached and hand up to mess around with her branches, they where so annoying.
Level 39
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 5/13/2014 at 9:47 AM
Post #369
Rose shook her head in disbelief, "God, all guys are the same." She muttered and turned away from him. "You sure are a piece of work." She said and let out a small laugh at her own lame joke. She didn't understand what he meant by girls pluralized but she would let it slide. She had been embarrassed enough for one day.
Damian scratched the top of his head with a small smile. "Oh yeah, I kinda forgot." He said slightly embarrassed. "It's been a long day." He added thoughtfully. He was attacked, blown up, and deformed all i one day. He was just lucky to be alive. He also learned how to talk to this girl without freaking out over his own voice. (His eyes are purple now!)
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Posted: 5/13/2014 at 12:23 PM
Post #370
Finn snorted. " Really? Well, nice to know I am not like all the other guyssss!" he said before chuckling to himself. " Being a piece of work issss better then being like a copied piece of paper! " he joked before laughing again. " about we jussst take a peek at the ssssurface? Sssse what'sss happened... " he suggested, poking her forehead for no reason.
Inna laughed. " Well, it's been a long day for everyone...the war...less food...effects us homeless people a lot...we mostly relied on people's trash and their money to buy coffee or something..." she said before sighing. " But a broken rib won't be that bad compared to a broken arm...please do not ask how I broke it either! It was stupid... " she said puffing her cheeks out as she remember how she somehow broke her arm between two bins and a cat biting her afterwards...worst day ever...
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