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Level 60
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Posted: 12/13/2019 at 1:58 PM Post #371
Vernik opened the tent slowly, peeking in, spotting the brand on one of the dragons legs he snaked forward and leaped on the dragon, his tail lashing like crazy.
"An empires servant, of course you would be here," Vernik hissed as he leapt forward, aiming for the dragons exposed back.
Level 51
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Posted: 12/13/2019 at 3:33 PM Post #372
When Vernik leaped on Kai'hel Cesura sprung into action. She raised her wings and opened them a little to make herself before yelling, "Stop! Vernik, he's an ally! Ex-empire! Want change! Ring any bells?!" Cesura grimaced inside thinking, Vernik is just a ball of rage. I have to figure out how to calm him down so AT LEAST he won't attack anyone on sight without command. She paused the thought then surprised at herself. Command? I did start this thing... Does that mean I'm a leader now?
Level 60
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Posted: 12/13/2019 at 4:17 PM Post #373
Vernik missed the betrayer, hitting the ground with a thud.
"He has the empire brand on him, he is a traitor, a spy," He growled clawing the ground in frustration, only to turn as he heard Lazi laugh, "You think it's funny? Well I didn't cause Grass's death," He bristled, turning away from Lazi's shocked face to turn back to the traitor empire dragon.

Lazi stared in disbelief at her brother, tea welling in her eyes. She pushed past the other dragons and pushed to the tent entrance. When she pushed out of the tent she opened her wings and soared away, not caring if the empires guards caught her.
Level 72
Ghost Writer
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Posted: 12/13/2019 at 7:16 PM Post #374
Kai'hel suddenly had something large pressing down on him, and his armour clicked and scraped as his attacker thrashed. And as soon as it was there it was gone again, Cesura yelling and Lazi laughing in the background.

He regained his composure to see a raging 'Vernik' spitting out vieled accusations at Lazi. She disappeared soon after.

"What in the heck is going on?" Kai'hel cried, stepping back from his attacker. "You think I would be here if I was still a soldier of the Empire? I have no idea who you are, but we've already been through this, and if you had taken a second to let me introduce myself... actually, just waited a second, you would have seen that!"

Exasperation filled his voice as he tried to remain calm. He knew he had been in the Empire, but did it merit being attacked several times until people knew he meant no harm? He turned to Cesura, a questioning look in his eyes carefully avoiding directly looking into hers. He was very close to using his curse, and he didn't like it.


Elenor jumped up as Vernik leapt in and attacked. She had no oppertunity to act before he broke away from Kai'hel, but instead rushed up to Cesura's side as Lazi flew off with Mali in tow.

"Where do you need me?" Elenor demanded, the insolence that had decided that she failed her training seeping into her voice. She was aware that this raging dragon needed to be taken care of before he hurt himself or someone else, but Lazi was in danger too. She shouldn't be out in the open on her own like this.

What was Lazi and Vernik's relationship? Because it certainly looked hostile and spiteful to her, and she wasn't an expert on this sort of thing. She wanted to go and get Lazi back, tossing out Vernik in the process if she had to. He was irrational. She could work that to her advantage.
Level 60
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Posted: 12/13/2019 at 7:55 PM Post #375
"Lies, all lies," Vernik hissed bristling like a hedgehog would, if a hedgehog was a dragon, "You are a spy!"
He jumped again, this time aiming for the dragon's head. He didn't care if he got hurt, he was protecting the others from a threat that had gone over their head and that's all that mattered.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 12/13/2019 at 9:02 PM Post #376
Skaaul had watched the events unfold in silence so far but things were getting out of hand and fast. Was he trusting the ex-empire ? No, absolutely not, but he knew what it felt to step away from the role others had placed you it, to forge your own path after years following orders, so part of him could still understand him in that regard. His flames errupted from between his fangs in rubon of golden hue as his tail hit the ground loudly. " That's enough, dont you see he is already outnumbered ? Let him talk and juge from there. Will you let somthing that cannot be changed affect the outcome of the futur of thousans of dragons ?" His fire was dangerously close to fuse with the scales of his face but he took the risk anyway to prevent anything or anyone else to catch fire instead.
Level 60
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Posted: 12/13/2019 at 9:53 PM Post #377
Vernik paused, giving Skaaul an angry look.
"Why should I, he is a spy, you guys are just to blind to see that," He growled scowling as he sat down, his claws digging into the ground as he lashed his tail, wanting to show this traitor what happens when they spy.
Level 20
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Posted: 12/13/2019 at 11:42 PM Post #378
Meliodias had followed Vernik to the tent but, when he arrived he seen Vernik leaping inside like he was after something not soon after a white dragon jumped out of the tent and flew away. As he peeked his head in the tent he seen a dragon light on fire. He noticed empire branding on one of the dragons but, figured not to attack since the dragon was out numbered already.
Edited By Deathstaker on 12/13/2019 at 11:43 PM.
Level 20
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Posted: 12/13/2019 at 11:44 PM Post #379
(forgot to ping)
Level 72
Ghost Writer
Joined: 11/13/2018
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Posted: 12/14/2019 at 5:01 AM Post #380
Kai'hel flinched as the other dragon feinted at him. But the others had got him to stop attacking him, so at least that was a positive.

The golden flame bearer's fire shone from his fangs, and Kai'hel felt a knot of fear in his gut. He was just really, really glad that his fire was on show just for intimidation. For now.

"Well, if I was a spy then I don't seem like I'd be a very good one," he chuckled slightly. "I have a brand that marks me out from the rest of you immediately; I've been attacked, what, three times now by you all? You all clearly know I am ex-empire and now I tell you that myself, though I should have admitted it to Lazi and Cesura earlier."

He sighed, waving his talons at the tent flaps, not bothering to look at them and therefore not noticing the dragon that was peeking in. "And now what's happened? You've burst in here while we were trying to plan a raid, and you rudely bring up some history with Lazi - I won't interfere with your past, but now she is flying off and is upset and could be halfway to the dungeons in the talons of guards right now."

His voice was rising, he noticed, and he pushed the frustration away, trying to sound reasonable. "I know that I used to work for the empire. You all know it. But I have no idea how you can charge right in here and treat me like I'm the biggest threat here and accuse all of these dragons of being blind."


Elenor stepped between Cesura and the golden flame bearer instinctually, though his words showed no hostility toward her it was a force of habit to the unknown. "Where do you need me?" she asked again. "Lazi or here?"
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