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Forum Index > Roleplaying > The Book of Life Rp 1x1 with XxGeorgiaxX
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Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 5/11/2021
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Posted: 8/9/2022 at 2:39 PM Post #31
(The second option sounds good)

Ximuerta sits on a bench in the land of the remembered looking at the sky. Remembering when her mom had walked down this road with her when she was five. She had never visited the land of the living until her dad had took her with him and they had caused mischief that later ended up with her mom being angry at her dad saying that she was to young and that Ximuerta could have gotten lost.
Level 61
Joined: 11/9/2019
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Posted: 8/9/2022 at 4:23 PM Post #32
//the suitor? Alright who should the guy have romantic feelings for Nayeli or Ximuerta?

Nayeli stepped back and said goodbye to her mother and turned around before she noticed that a strange looking candle was on a tree branch a different colour compared to the rest this candle was pure black with a sugar skull in red while other's were white or gold "how strange" she said walked towards it before standing before it her eyes focused on the black candle and reached out
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 5/11/2021
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Posted: 8/9/2022 at 5:09 PM Post #33

The candle moved to the left before she could touch it. It then moved to the right as if it were somehow teasing her. The candle stopped on the right side not moving when she reached it.
Level 61
Joined: 11/9/2019
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Posted: 8/9/2022 at 5:43 PM Post #34
//alright you make the suitor in OC form because you know more about your oc then I do :)

Nayeli blinked and stepped back "okay this is weird" she said looking at it if this was someone trying to prank her she didn't who they was if they jumped out at her she will hit them with one of her chanclas it could be a 6-ft 2-in guy or the king of the Land of a forgotten himself she will hit them. Nayeli watched the candle ot had a dark Aura not like Ximuerta
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 5/11/2021
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Posted: 8/9/2022 at 6:15 PM Post #35
(Ok is the suitor human?)

The candle start to shake as if mocking her. The candle starts to glow the dark aura becoming stronger until it seem the whole tree is giving the aura off. The candle then lurches forward off the tree towards Nayeli.
Level 61
Joined: 11/9/2019
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Posted: 8/10/2022 at 6:21 AM Post #36
//either human or the dead aka skeleton as Ximuerta pearents are the only 'gods' that we know exist

Nayeli screamed and ducked picking up ngel who was barking like chihuahuas typically do barking 100 times a minute and quickly threw a shoe at the candle and she ran in the opposite direction as fast as she could "I'm leaving alright" she snapped running down the path far away from the tree
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 5/11/2021
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Posted: 8/10/2022 at 10:54 AM Post #37
(Ok i'll make him human)

Meanwhile, Ximuerta starts walking back towards her castle in between the lands of the Forgotten and the Remembered. The castle is unique resembling both lands and herself its walls on the land of the forgotten side flows with ectoplasm in between black tar concrete with black wax candles and snake statues and red skulls on the top. The land of the remembered side of the castle is made white sugar candy concrete with marigolds of many colors and wax candles. She starts to walk up the steps to get to the entrance which flows with ectoplasm and marigold petals like a waterfall.
Level 61
Joined: 11/9/2019
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Posted: 8/10/2022 at 11:13 AM Post #38
//i have added the guy who was in Nayeli's dream next to her form

Nayeli kept running straight and accidentally bumped into another person as she wasn't looking where she was going and landed on the floor "ow" she said softly and rubbed her back "I'm sorry" said a voice and Nayeli looked up see a handsome man around her age who was looking down at her "you alright?" He asked

Bruno smiled when Nayeli took his hand and pulled her to her feet "i thought i heard a scream" he said pushing a strand if lose hair behind his ear he had long messy hair and a muscular body and bright hazel green eyes . Bruno listend to Nayeli when she told him the story of the candle once she finished he walked over and grabbed the candle and smiled "can't hurt you now" he said smiling

Gabriel the large black and brown furred dog sniffed ngel and the two began sniffing eachhother "let me walk you home senorita, My name is Bruno by the way " he said
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 5/11/2021
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Posted: 8/10/2022 at 12:08 PM Post #39
(I like his story)

Ximuerta walks into her castle the ectoplasm and marigold petals flowing on her as she enters but doesn't stick to her when she's inside no petal or ectoplasm on her hat or wings. She heads to her throne room but doesn't sit on the throne and looks up "I felt something when I was walking back, something that doesn't belong and powerful up there like a dark aura" she says. Her staff transforms back to a live snake and looks at her "My powers keep getting stronger I feel like I get a new one every day, well I guess I would with ruling and being a god". She was the youngest ruler in the realms and was still trying to control her powers. "Let's go up there just to be sure, besides it could be a threat and danger to the people down here" she says as she makes her way back to the land of the living.
Level 61
Joined: 11/9/2019
Threads: 203
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Posted: 8/10/2022 at 12:34 PM Post #40
//thank you i wanted a bad boy without the predictably also based off the type of guyi go for masculine, muscular and a secret softly and dog person

Bruno looked down at the candle that was still lit with a small warm flame "how spooky" he said and glanced at Nayeli and smiled blowing out the flame and put it into his trouser pocket, Bruno wore a basic white and brown button up Shirt with plain black trousers and brown leather sandals unlike the men of the Snchez Familywho were bull fighters and wore the bull fighting outfit Bruno wore civilian clothes. Bruno smiled at Nayeli "right now lets get you home......lovely Senorita " he said

Nayeli lopped her arm around him feeling more safer if he was close by "thank you Senior" she repiled and smiled as ngel and Gabriel followed behind them "Bruno, please call me Bruno" he said softly making Nayeli smile she glanced back at the tree where the Candle was and followed Bruno as they reached the cemetery gates
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