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Level 73
Majestic Green Thumb
Joined: 1/24/2019
Threads: 17
Posts: 481
Posted: 8/31/2022 at 2:04 PM Post #31
Your aur has started sculpting!
Level 73
The Perfectionist
Joined: 5/12/2022
Threads: 22
Posts: 318
Posted: 8/31/2022 at 2:58 PM Post #32
Thankyou for the update :)
Level 75
Omniscient Gardener
Joined: 2/4/2020
Threads: 32
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Posted: 9/1/2022 at 3:01 PM Post #33
Ok, I've sent the cata and supplies (sorry for the slow reply!)

Gene 1 and Mutation 3, one carried and female please.
Level 73
Majestic Green Thumb
Joined: 1/24/2019
Threads: 17
Posts: 481
Posted: 9/2/2022 at 2:35 PM Post #34
Your vul & vorpa have started sculpting!
Edited By Orange8902 on 9/2/2022 at 3:22 PM.
Level 73
Majestic Green Thumb
Joined: 1/24/2019
Threads: 17
Posts: 481
Posted: 9/4/2022 at 2:04 PM Post #35
Level 73
Majestic Green Thumb
Joined: 1/24/2019
Threads: 17
Posts: 481
Posted: 9/5/2022 at 9:41 AM Post #36
Your faelora is ready for collection!
Level 75
Guardian of the Realm
Joined: 11/3/2021
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Posted: 9/5/2022 at 9:42 AM Post #37
Thank you! :D
Level 75
Luck of the Draw
Joined: 6/26/2018
Threads: 53
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Posted: 9/6/2022 at 1:46 PM Post #38
Hi, I'm worried my sculptures aren't going to get finished before the festival ends. It's been 2 weeks since I sent you my griffi and ryori, and neither have been started. Can you return my catalysts and gold pearls? Thanks
Level 65
Majestic Green Thumb
Joined: 1/15/2014
Threads: 2
Posts: 76
Posted: 9/6/2022 at 8:44 PM Post #39
Do you still need the Rainbow Pop Aeridini? If so, I can send one over to you. Also, did you get any of the
Majestic Catas? I have a [Lunemara] Undersea Scarab that I can send over as well. :)
Level 75
The Dreamer
Joined: 4/1/2014
Threads: 114
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Posted: 9/11/2022 at 1:45 AM Post #40
Hi, will you be sculpting my catas soon? If not I will like them back as I want to be be able to take care of them enough to get the boosts before the festival ends.
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