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Level 60
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Posted: 12/20/2012 at 5:39 PM
Post #31
Hello! I'm Starri ^^
I found out about this site through VPL, loving the game so far!
There isn't much to say about me, but I guess some of my interests include art, foxes, and music
Level 40
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Posted: 12/20/2012 at 10:18 PM
Post #32
Hello there~ I'm Lunaveon (please call me Luna). I was actually recommended from Felisfire, Pokefarm, and Wajas! I must say, this site is definitely keeping my interest; I'm glad to say that I'll be here as it keeps getting better!
As for introducing....I normally leave that to my friends...^^; But I'd say I like to Sprite, Shade (mostly with my mouse though), draw, design new characters...and that's basically it....I like dark sounding things, most of the time....and I really love cats, wolves, and foxes...^^ That's basically it. Ciao~
Level 60
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Posted: 12/21/2012 at 1:56 PM
Post #33
Hola, I'm Dae.. or Doe?... Depending on the mood. I was dragged over here by a friend from Pony Island. Now, apparently, I'll have two obsessions!
I'm a huge fan of cute. And interactive games. =)
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Posted: 12/21/2012 at 10:37 PM
Post #34
Hello~ I'm Shadowphyr, or Shads for short. I know a few of you already, but for those of you I don't: HI! Nice to meet you all.
I found my way here via Solistia, but a little late on account of final exams and schoolwork. I'm officially a week into my winter break, and I am excited to be here today (seeing as the world was supposed to have ended and all). I'm an English major in university with a minor in ESL, and I am halfway through my junior year in college. I like games (most especially RPGs), reading, writing, and roleplaying. The latter, however, has been on a decline lately. Maybe you guys can all help me get my groove back! (Even though my name is nowhere near being close to Stella.)
So far my favorite feature of this game is the battle and capturing systems. It's so refreshing to have a game where we can collect pets, but we don't have to collect all of them. (I'm a collection hoarder. If you give me set type creatures to catch, I want to catch them all. At least I can catch them all here, but I only have to catch the ones I like because they're all unique.) It is awesome to find a game that meshes the best parts I liked about playing PonyIsland and Aywas (don't know if those were part of the motivation for design here, but that's what this reminds me of the most).
Level 60
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Posted: 12/22/2012 at 8:27 PM
Post #35
Hello,the name is Lightshinx14(Didn't know everyone username wasn't something like this when I sign up on this site),but call me Shinx.
I found this website out a few days ago while playing that was recommended by Pokefarm.It been a few days since I sign up on this website,It really fun to play on.It fun to play with the pet system and exploring dungeons and stuff.I am a fan of rpg kind of websites and with pets somewhat like this.
The battle were great and fun to capture pets to increase my party;the towns so far was good;and the quest was cool but I would like them to have side quest in different areas of the map location.Not the same place where you need to go,for leveling up and other stuff.The characters were so far I have seen were good.The pets were really amazing to battle with,train,and send them on missions.I would want them to add other type of pets also.The game area should have more games.
My favorite so far on this website would be the battle system,the game,the pets,missions,and quest.I would want to them to add a bookmark system or something to save a thread to look at later on.This site is really fun and I hope they add more stuff soon.This is all I got to say so.....Thumbs up for this site XD.
Level 46
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Posted: 12/22/2012 at 8:49 PM
Post #36
Hello, I'm Neko. You can call me Neko or Nii, although I prefer Nii.
Like a few others here, I've found my way here from Pokefarm. Although due too there being two PokeFarm's, I came from I saw the ad I think last night, so I bookmarked the site so that way when I got back on the computer I could check it out more. I very much like it.
Some things about me that I'd like to share; I enjoy reading, drawing, using Model Magic (Better than clay in my opinion.), chatting, and making friends. Although, I'm more quiet then talkative when it comes to strangers. No offense to anyone here.
Oh, and I tend to RP sometimes, although not very much. Mostly due to the fact once I see a person god mod a few times, I turn into that friendly forum/chat troll and start trolling the person by god modding back. Though, I normally don't do that on a forum. C:
Well, if there's anything that you really need to now then feel free to message me with any questions.
Level 36
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Posted: 12/22/2012 at 10:24 PM
Post #37
Hello there! Sorry, I'm a little late, so you might have seen me around. You can call me Anbu, Animagus, or AA, I don't mind. I found this place from both an add on PokeFarm (go by Lysonna there) and someone on FelisFire (Twilight_Cloud there) recommended it. I love pet sites and role-playing, so this game is awesome! XD
I'm also on a lot of other pet sites, but my favorite animals are wolves and dragons. My past times include: Watching Anime, Animal Planet, reading, writing, role-playing, and some video games. I hope to get published some day!
Well I guess that's it. Nice meeting everyone!
Level 60
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Posted: 12/23/2012 at 3:51 AM
Post #38
Hello everyone! I'm Elea (17 is just a random number), and I just found out about this site. Pokéfarm brought me here, and I must say I am thrilled about this place!
I really don't know what to say about me... I like music, anime and reading!
Level 60
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Posted: 12/30/2012 at 4:57 AM
Post #39
Ummm howdy! Call me Lilac or Chella, whichever works.
I came with the flood of Pokefarmers (Orichella there) through the recommendations, just tonight. I am really into breeding games and finding unique characteristics so I really wanted to give this site a shot. So far I haven't been too disappointed. I look forward to seeing the future characteristics and breeds.
I will mention now that I am not a Roleplayer. More power to those who do, but I am a largely visual person so text based gaming isn't my thing. I do love to talk about my interests and make up cute back stories for my partners though.
Speaking of interests, I enjoy videogames, cosmetics, making snowmen, anime, HOMESTUCK, and various social events. My musical preferences are varied, but I am currently really into Lana Del Ray, The Pretty Reckless, and M.I.A. this week. :3
Oh, and I am 23, so I suppose I should warn you that I am not going to know anything about the new hip teen things.
Anyway, please to meet you and feel free to message me any time.
Edited By 756 on 12/30/2012 at 4:59 AM.
Level 47
Joined: 12/29/2012
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Posted: 12/30/2012 at 7:34 AM
Post #40
Hey everyone! I found out about this place from VPL yesterday....and proceeded to spend the entire day battling. I believe this place will quickly consume my soul!
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