Name: Keanai
Place of Residence: In a small little home in the woods of Astryl's Tranquility, not too far from teh giant lake that dominates the land.
"I want to join the raffle please!"
Queen Rhaella of Alisan
Once upon a time, there was a miller, and this miller had a beautiful daughter. This daughter was named Rhaella, and she had gorgeous golden hair, pale skin and a slim build the ideal appearance for a wife. However, the miller wasnt concerned with this.
Instead, he was occupied by his own desires. One day, he was able to get a meeting with the king. In order to boost his reputation and make him seem important, this miller claims that his daughter can spin straw into gold. The miller justified it in his head, thinking that his daughters hair looks like straw at night, but turns the most beautiful gold.
Unfortunately, the millers boast got the kings attention and the king ordered the miller to bring his daughter to court to spin gold for him. If he refused the command, then the king would send someone to chop his daughters head off.
Rhaella came, accompanied by a beautiful nephini named Jace, who acts as her companion and messenger. She was terrified; she knew she couldnt spin gold and she was silently cursing her father for having spoken such a lie. She knew she was going to die. She cried as she was dragged into a small room, and tossed in; the room had a spinning wheel and was stuffed with straw. She sniffled, and Jace wrapped around her, murmuring words of comfort that everything would be okay; he would get her out safe.
She sat in the corner, with her knees drawn up to her chest when she heard a soft scratching on the floor. Rhaella sat up completely, her legs kicking behind her as she stared at the floor. Sparkles rose from it, and with a brilliant flash and a loud popping sound and a small, twisted little creature stood. He gave no name, bowing to Rhaella. Good lady, I saw you were having some trouble. Perhaps we can strike a bargain? Ill spin gold for you in exchange for oh, that lovely little necklace around your throat.
Rhaellas hand flew to her throat. The necklace had been a gift from her mother, who passed awa fwhen she was young. She didnt want to give it up! But she was terrified of dying. She wanted to live, have children. The girl looked down, not saying anything, chewing her lip. Jace crawled on Rhaella, whispering softly to her, Do it. Live, mistress!
That made her smile, albeit sadly. Jace loved calling her mistress and she could hear the sadness in his voice. Rhaella lifted her head, staring at the imp who waited oh-so-patiently. Okay Ill do it. Rhaella lifted the necklace off her head, passing it over with trembling fingers. The imp snatched it up, giving Rhaella a twisted grin as he hopped onto the wheel.
See, I knew you would make the right choice! Now go to sleep, little princess.
Rhaellas last thought before going into a deep sleep was Im not a princess.
Rhaella awoke when the heavy wooden doors of the room she was trapped in opened. Stumbling to her feet and snatching Jace up by his tail, much to his discomfort she curtsied. The king ignored her until he had touched every single piece of gold in the room. Then he turned to her, eyes harsh. Glancing at the guards, he ordered, Take her to the next room. If she fails this time, she will be, he glanced at thecowering girl holding tight to her sylesti, beheaded.
Rhaella cried out, begging the king not to do this to her again. She needed rest, she said, to recover. Kind Aerys ignored her, waving a hand at his guards to take her away, kicking and sobbing.
After being tossed into an even bigger room than before, also filled with straw, Rhaella curled up into a little ball with Jace. Please, little imp, please come again! she murmured, words broken only by her sniffles. Despair filled her; she didnt think the imp would come. Hours passed and desperation and despair threatened to overwhelm her. She staggered around, blinded by her tears and beating on the walls .She begged to be released. Either the guards were ignoring her, or they simply werent there. As the skies were beginning to darken, she saw a sparkle and hear a crack... and there he was, the little nameless imp. L
He gave her a cocky grin. Miss me? She just stared at him dully, with reddened eyes. Okay, okay, fine. Ill spin for you today again. For that ring gleaming on your hand. Her right hand covered her left, where the ring was. It came from her grandmother, a wondrous lady who taught her all she knew. It was all she had left of her grandmother after sickness took her. But she wanted to live. Slipping the ring off her finger, she held it out like she did before with tears glimmering in her eyes and her hands trembling. The imp gave her another grin as he accepted it, and patted the girl on the knee.
Now do as you did before, and sleep.
This time, Rhaella didnt even have a thought as she tumbled head first into deep slumber.
This time, when she awoke, it was to Jace nudging her. Get up, get up, get up! he whispered fiercely. The kings about to enter, you need to impress him! She stood up, brushing the dust off her plain brown dress. She folded her hands demurely in front of her, keeping her eyes downcast as footsteps rang down the corridor outside the room and the heavy bar on the outside was lifted. The king walked in with his escort, smiling pleasantly as he once more walked around the room, touching the golden wire. Then he turned towards Rhaella, and unlike the last two times, he spoke to her.
You have pleased me, peasant girl. If you fill up an even bigger room with gold, I will take you as my wife and you will be queen of the kingdom, King Aerys smiled at her. Rhaella stared back with wide eyes, shocked and feeling joy slowly rise within her. If you fail me, or deny me, however, you will be killed. The joy was obliterated, killed even as it was forming. Even if the strange creature did come back, she had nothing left. Only her clothes and they were rank from three days of wearing and no baths or clean clothes. She had no choice though. She nodded to the king, shakily, and the king ordered the guards to take her to the room. They obliged, and Rhaella went without struggle, clinging to Jace the entire time.
Locked inside the room, with nothing but her clothes, she felt despair as she never felt it before. What would she promise the imp, should he appear? Gold from the coffers, gold that he spun? Why would he want gold, when he can spin his own gold? It didnt make sense that he wanted her simple necklace and ring. Unless he just wants things I find valuable. The thought struck her, and put fear in her heart, for there was only one other thing he could take from her right now and that was her maidenhood. She trembled. The imp wouldnt ask for such a thing, would he? Not when the king would marry her!
She neednt have worried, though. When the imp appeared, as he had the past two nights, he bowed to Rhaella. So, you are to be queen. He sounded satisfied, looking her over. I dont see anything on you I desire anymore so what will you offer me so I will spin your gold for you?
Rhaella gulped, fidgeting nervously and not saying anything. She didnt know what to say. The imp smiled slyly. Cant think of anything, hmm? Well, let me give you some offers. Your maidenhood? No, that wouldnt do, not if you were to marry the kng. Youd be killed then anyways. The wealth for when you become queen? No why would I do that, when I can smply find straw and spin it. The imp tapped his foot, a small smile on his foot. Rhaella fought the urge to fidget. As it was, the growing silence was growing more and more uncomfortable, and it seemed to be pleasing the nameless imp.
Finally, said imp spoke. How aboutIll spin this entire room full of gold, but in return, you must give me your firstborn child. Rhaella sagged in relief at the offer. This was something she could take. She knew she would love her children, yes, but what was an unborn life compared to hers right now? It didnt even register upon her. She agreed to the deal eagerly, grinning at Jace happily.
She would live, she would be queen! Jace was full of unease, but he pretended to be happy for Rhaellas sake. The girl-soon-to-be-queen didnt even notice. She sat down, and waited for the normal words: Sleep now, take your last rest before you are the queen of Alisan.
Drowsiness filled Rhaella, and she murmured, Thank you. Then sleep took her, as swift as a diving falcon.
The wedding was a beautiful thing. Rhaella was dressed in the royal colors, purple and pale gold the same gold as her hair. Jace was perched on her shoulder, tail dangling down her back. The king was coming down the other isle resplendent as well, in royal purple robes trimmed with gold and holding the Kings staff. Trailing behind him was a man who held the queens scepter, resting on a pillow. It was stunning a brilliant royal purple, edged in gold. It matched Rhaella perfectly, and she caught her breath at the sight of it and what it represented.
Both King and future Queen met in the center of the stadium where they were to be wed; a cheer went up from the crowd. They loved their peasant queen. Vows were spoken, a kiss dutifully done, and the king turned towards the crowd.
I have been your king for five years now. You know me, and you know what this represents, the king held up the staff. Another cheer went up, and King Aerys waited patiently for it to die down. But you have gone 20 years without a queen. The late queen, my mother, died 20 years ago, and King Aeron never took another wife. That time has ended, and I now present you Queen Rhaella of Alsan! He beckoned the man behind him over, and he lifted the queens scepter. He held it out to Rhaella, who hesitated for a brief moment before taking it, remembering what she swore she would pay but then the moment passed, and she took the scepter, and lifted it high over her head.
It took a long time for the cheers to fade away.
The royal wedding had been much celebrated, and now, five years later, the royal birth of Prince Viserion was just as celebrated. The kingdom had flourished under King Aerys and his base-born wife, to the point even the most stuck-up of nobility began to grudgingly respect Queen Rhaella.
Queen Rhaella herself had been able to put the promise she made to the imp out of mind; now, however, she feared for her son. At the time she didnt think of much of it. It was a child, after all something way in the future. Of course, she didnt worry about how hard it would be to conceive- and how hard it would be to give birth. The most renowned doctors of the kingdom told her when she was pregnant that she would be lucky to keep the baby and that she most likely would be unable to bear another child. She pressed Viserion against her, whispering, Ill keep you safe, sweetling. I wont let him take you.
A year passed, and no sign of the imp. Queen Rhaella was beginning to relax, her guard falling as she began to believe that the imp took pity on her and left her and her child alone.
She had no such luck.
A year and a day after Viserions birth, Queen Rhaella was walking the gardens of the palace when a soft sparkle caught her eye. She turned with a frown, and that frown transformed into a look of horror. She recognized that sparkle POP! And that pop. Rhaella stared, fingernails digging into her skin as the imp gave her a cheerful smile. Miss me?
Rhaella gave no response, only shaking her head in mute disbelief. No. He couldnt be here not after a year.
The imps smile grew crooked. Apparently not. Well, anyways, Ive come to collect my payment. Good day, Your Grace. The creature began to swagger off, only to be stopped as the queen lunged forward and kept him still.
No, please, dont take my son! Dont take my Viserion! Her voice was thick with tears held back. Please, not my son. Her voice dropped to a ragged whisper, broken by the sounds of her gasping breath as she resisted the urge to sob.
The imp turned, bemused. Ah, so you regret our little bargain, do you now? You cant go back on it, though, and you know this. HE turned back around, but ddint even get to take one step.
The queens fingers dug into his shoulder. Please! I would give you every coin this kingdom has! If only you would let me keep my son!
The imp was unmoved. I made the gold in your kingdom. It has no interest to me. Then a sly smile appeared. However, I swear to give up my claim of your son if you are able to guess my name. You have three days, and unlimited guesses until the three days are up.
It was a hope, one Rhaella eagerly seized. Try as she might, though, every name she came up with was wrong. By the end of the second day, she slumped, alone, in a chair with a book. She was pretending to read, to get away from her husband. So she could think. It was only there that she could ever think peacefully and coherently, and this time was no different.
With a start, she realized what could be done. The imp had left already, but he couldnt be far. She called for Jace, and the nephini dutifully came, perching on his mistresss hand, listening to her instructions. When he heard what she had in mind, he curled around Rhaella briefly in a approval, before flapping his wings and setting off in pursuit.
It didnt take long to find the cottage the imp lived in. Staying hidden in the bushes, Jace edged forward to watch and listen to the imp. The imp was dancing around a campfire, and had obviously been at it for some time. Straining his ears, Jace managed to hear exactly what his mistress was looking for: tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, I'll go to the king's house, nobody knows my name, I'm called "Rumple, sang the imp. Delight clear in the body language of the nephini, he flew to Rhaella, explaining what he had heard.
Delight filled her she could save her son! The imp came early as was usual, and Rhaella spent a few hours guessing random names. She knew it would seem off if she had just known his name. After a while of silence, Rhaellla spoke one word: Rumple. The imp froze, staring at the Queen before backing away and hissing angrily.
How did you know that? Demon! Witch! You are one of those in disguise. Theres no way you8 could have figured it out! the imp slammed his foot into the ground. You are a wicked, vile creature.
Yes, they were insults. But Rhaella didnt care, and after a few moments it became clear that she didnt care. The imp gave the woman a hateful glare, before he was gone with a sparkle and a pop.
Queen Rhaella had won, and Prince Viserion was still her precious son
16 years later
Queen Rhaella, King Aerys and their son Prince Viserion stood tall and proud on the balcony of the castle. There had been many birthdays, many weddings of relatives, many children birthed. This day, however, belonged to Viserion: he was being introduced to the kingdom as the Crown Prince and Heir of Alisan, and he was to marry a beautiful girl of another kingdom.
There was not an imp in sight. |