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Forum Index > Fan Fiction > No One Saw it Coming...
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Level 57
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Posted: 10/5/2017 at 11:44 AM Post #31
"So... Where to?" Shildr said awkwardly.
"The best place to go would be Volcanois. That's where Ultramis lives, if you were wondering." a voice said behind him.
Shildr whirled around to come face to face with a tall zolnixi.
"Who are you?" the lupora asked.
"My name is Olly son of Ainleshlas." the nixi said in a bored tone.
"How did you know of our quest? Are you a servant of Ultramis?" Isaac asked.
Olly rolled his eyes. "Heck no. That guy is creepy. I serve no master. I am my own sylesti. I have my own means of figuring people out. I can lead you there. Volcanois is a deadly region, one wrong move will be your last, unless you have an experienced guide."
"Shildr, this guy seems like he knows his stuff... I say we should follow him." Temris said.
"I agree." Courtney said, blushing slightly.
"What do you think, Shildr? I will follow you to the ends of the earth, guide or not." Isaac said.
"Fine. We'll use your services, but if I have one verifiable reason to kill you, I will." Shildr said, eyeing the zolnixi suspiciously. The nixi looked back at him calmly.
"Fine." Olly said, shrugging. "Follow me."
Edited By Nafariaandulin on 10/6/2017 at 10:16 AM.
Level 57
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Posted: 10/10/2017 at 10:12 AM Post #32
Outside of the Eternys City's walls stood a ruined watchtower which had crumbled into stone over a thousand years after it was abandoned by the big people. Olly stood atop off a broken stone wall, squinting as he gazed into the horizon. It was nearly no-sun and a burning ray of light shone over the trees.
"What do you see?" Courtney asked.
"The sun is blood red. Danger brews in Volcanois. We must hurry." Olly said hastily. He bounded off the wall and sprinted towards the bottom of the hill.
"Wait up!" Shildr cried, scampering after the male zolnixi.
"There is no time to wait! Volcanois will soon be under Ultramis' control."
The ground rumbled underneath their paws.
"We won't be able to get there in time. We'd have to go through Lalune and that would take moons!" Shildr said.
"I can get us there!" Temris said eagerly.
Everyone looked at her in astonishment.
"How?" Isaac asked, his eyes sparkling with interest. The ground shook underneath them.
"I can teleport." the ryori said, like it was no big deal whatsoever.
"Well then, what are you waiting for? Do it!" Olly exclaimed.
Temris concentrated and a bright light surrounded them all.
Level 57
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Posted: 11/9/2017 at 8:52 PM Post #33
The only resemblance that Volcanois had to any place that Shildr imagined was Hell. Pure and utter Hell. The realm was a volcanic wasteland, but then again, it was called Volcanois after all. Literately meaning 'Vulcan's Hell' in the Elven-tongue, according to Isaac. Lava flowed freely from many ash-gray mountains, and geysers of magma erupted every five minutes from multiple vents that covered the barren terrain like boils on a plague infected bulbori. Something about the terrain made the company uneasy, except maybe Olly, but then again, the zolnixi never showed emotions, and his eyes were as dead as Comucha.
Temris glanced around anxiously. "This place gives me the creeps..." she mumbled.
"A dark aura surrounds the realm of Volcanois. Paladin the Guardian of this realm has lost control over the many beasts of Volcanois. Now the demons and monsters of Vulcan's Hell run free like they did in the Age of the Eldar. The Haven's Ghost, the Drapent, the Kaven-Henari, Durin's Bane, and Keagen the Invincible all run free among them. We must tread carefully." their mysterious guide said gravely.
"Well aren't you a little ball of sunshine?" Courtney said sarcastically.
"I only speak the truth." Olly said, bowing his head.
Level 65
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Posted: 12/1/2017 at 7:21 PM Post #34
Could I possibly write a sequel to this?
What I was thinking is that a pack lives far away from them, but hears of another pack from a traveling Puffadore, and starts sending notes to the pack.

Ask Krin to delete this post after please!
Edited By Sketched on 12/1/2017 at 7:22 PM.
Level 57
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Posted: 12/3/2017 at 11:30 AM Post #35

@Krin, can you delete this?
Level 57
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Posted: 12/19/2017 at 8:39 PM Post #36
(Sorry about the wait. Busy at SY)
"It's like you're trying to scare us though!" Courtney growled.
"I believe it's better to be informed of what's ahead, rather to be disillusioned about what awaits us." Olly said simply. He padded on.
"He's got a point you know." Shildr said. Courtney glared at him.
"He may be right, but there are innocent ears!" she hissed, glancing at Temris, who was skipping along.
"STOP!" Olly yelled suddenly, throwing out a paw in front of Isaac.
"What is it?" the stallion asked, his wings ruffling with agitation.
"That." Olly said, glancing down at a gigantic boil on the surface of the rusty red Volcanois dirt. It looked like a black tangled string was curled up under a thin translucent golden film.
A cackle was heard overhead.
"Welcome ladies and gentlemen, to the Realm of Chaos. I am your host, Ultramis!" an all-too familiar voice said.
The five adventurers looked up and groaned. Ultramis, Lord of Chaos, was hovering before them, his red and black wings flapping in the air.
"Ultramis! What do you want?!" Temris sqeaked.
"Hello Temmy!" the necromancer said happily, "the question actually is, what do you want? You're in my Realm you know..."
"This is Paladin's realm!" Temris growled.
"Not any more!"
Edited By Nafariaandulin on 12/31/2017 at 11:07 AM.
Level 57
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Posted: 12/31/2017 at 11:35 AM Post #37
"What did you do?!" Shildr demanded.
"Paladin is reforming now as we speak!" Ultramis giggled madly. "You'll see him eventually."
Temris went pale as cottage cheese.
"What did you do?!" Shildr bellowed again.
"He killed him..." Temris whispered, her eyes fogged over. "I see him in Aether."
"That's right ickle Temris-kins~! I killed Paladin of Volcanois!" Ultramis said in a sing-song voice. "PALADIN IS DEAD!!!!"
"Dead?" Courtney said blankly. "I thought Guardians where immortal!"
"Stupid vixen!" Ultramis said laughing. "We die and reform over thousands of years! With Paladin dead, the ny'venes will be out of control! They'll go haywire!"
"You're bloody mental!" Isaac whinnied, stepping back nervously.
"Mental? Of course I am!" Ultramis said, breaking open the yellow boil in front of them with his staff.
A loud roar erupted from the boil as the tangle of black struggled to peel the film off it's massive head.
"You know, It been fun, this. But you're getting in my way now. Loved the chat, really did, honest, but you need to die now. Bye!" Ultramis said over the racket. He burst into flames and turned to ash.
"Why that little-" Shildr growled.
"Shildr! Duck!" Olly said, pushing him to the ground.
The tangle of black string-like substance roared and raised a massive fist above his head.
Level 57
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Posted: 1/7/2018 at 2:04 AM Post #38
"Argh!!! That meany!" Temris growled. "He left us here to fight him!"
Shildr rolled his eyes. "Really? He did?"
"Yes he did! I - ...... .... Wait, was that SARCASM???!!!" the ryori yowled, batting at Keagan the Invincible's invincible tangled arms.
"Noooo.....?" Shildr said, biting Keagan's toe.
Keagan roared and swatted Shildr out of the way, only to be thrown to the ground by Olly the nixi. Keagan bit into the zolnixi's foreleg, picked him up in his tangled fingers, and hurled Olly into a boulder. Everybody winced at the sound of rock cracking and the dull thump of a broken body on the solid ground. Isaac ran over to Olly, battle completely forgotten, and examined him.
"Krinadon's Mercy!" the stallion exclaimed, turning the unconscious nixi over with a tender hoof. "There isn't a scratch on him!"
The other adventurers rushed over to Olly's side, leaving Keagan to fight no-one.
"Hey guys?" the tangled monster asked, his purple gaze watching them warily. "Is this not a good time? We could continue this fight tomorrow...."
"How about never?" Temris asked, her eyes narrowing.
"Sure.... Fine." Keagan drooped his head sadly and shambled off.
Olly stirred faintly. "What..... happened?" he mumbled.
The other's didn't reply. Their jaws hung so low they touched their feet.
"You okay?" Olly asked, looking up at them. "Is there something on me?" he looked down at his paws. Except they weren't paws. They were hands.
Temris was the first to come to her senses. "Lord Oliver," she said, bowing low, "why did you hide yourself?"
Level 57
Fright Master
Joined: 1/10/2017
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Posted: 3/30/2018 at 3:20 PM Post #39
Chapter Four
Lord Oliver looked up at the sylesti adventurers, his ears drooping slightly.
"The Lords and Ladies would never forgive me if I went with you. I've been looking for adventure for a long time.... and you know that one would almost do anything to go on an adventure..." Oliver the once-zolnixi said, his head hanging low. "Besides, if Ultramis found out, he would kill me just like Paladin."
Oliver stood up. "Rise now, young sylestians."
Temris got to her feet. "You did this, because you were BORED?!"
Oliver shrugged in a lazily eligant way. "Yeah. Pretty much."
"You know, my lord, that you could have gotten yourself killed." Isaac said, his deep voice a rumble.
"I cannot die, unless another one of my kind kills me..." Oliver said blandly.
"Can I still call you Olly, my lord?!" Courtney asked, shaking with excitement.
"Yes... I suppose so..."
"Oh my Gods! He let me call him by a nickname!!!"
Edited By Nafariaandulin on 4/9/2018 at 7:54 AM.
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