Forum Index > General Discussion > Should there be a Space themed fest?
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Level 60
The Fortuitous
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Posted: 4/28/2017 at 8:09 PM
Post #31
Awesome! Here's a Design I came up with:
Black Vortex Kelpari
And Another:
Sunny Day Aurleon
Level 70
Nature Walker
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Posted: 4/28/2017 at 8:24 PM
Post #32
Nice! Love the sunny day Aurleon.
For the black vortex Kelp, I like it as well, but I think you should either try to make the eyes red as well, or to make the wings a really dark to blue to match the current colors or the eyes, to see how it would look.
Edited By Enyo on 4/28/2017 at 8:26 PM.
Level 70
Nature Walker
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Posted: 4/28/2017 at 8:29 PM
Post #33
Do you like it better like that? I don't want to make it too yellowish to make a contrast with the sun one, and because when it's too yellow it doesn't make me think of the moon anymore (and I wish to keep the flower white, because it makes them look like moonflowers).
What do you think?
Or like that?
Edited By Enyo on 4/28/2017 at 8:33 PM.
Level 70
The Majestic
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Posted: 4/28/2017 at 8:57 PM
Post #34
this one definately
Level 71
The Artistic
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Posted: 4/28/2017 at 9:05 PM
Post #35
I like the second one a bit better or that's just me
Level 70
Nature Walker
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Posted: 4/28/2017 at 9:48 PM
Post #36
Thanks you both for your opinion.
Haha, as usual, I have the opinions from two people, who each prefers an other design :p
Level 71
Nature Walker
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Posted: 4/30/2017 at 1:37 PM
Post #37
I think blue instead of yellow. I'm not sure about everyone, but I, for one, tend to associate yellow more with daytime and the sun, and blue with night and the moon.
Level 72
The Artistic
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Posted: 5/1/2017 at 5:32 PM
Post #38
I support this! You could have this go on for like a month inbetween the Spring Festival and the Fall Festival, over summer break. I made these designs a long time ago, if you guys are looking for designs
Saturn and Jupiter
The Moon and Pluto
Venus and Uranus
Mercury and Shooting Star
Level 70
Nature Walker
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Posted: 5/1/2017 at 5:54 PM
Post #39
Yes, I also associate yellow with the sun, and I would feel weird to me if I did the moon with a too saturated yellow... Also I want some contrast between the two designs.
I tried to do it with light shades of blue inspired by moonstones, I think I like it and it fits the theme (since moonstones are associated with the moon, obviously):
Edited By Enyo on 5/1/2017 at 6:10 PM.
Level 70
Nature Walker
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Posted: 5/1/2017 at 6:02 PM
Post #40
You have some nice designs here! I especially like the Shooting Star, Uranus, and Pluto (and I just like the fact you did Pluto. I love Pluto.)
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