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Forum Index > Roleplaying > Mortam, the dead lands roleplay
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Level 60
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2017
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Posted: 9/6/2017 at 4:53 PM Post #31

I grin and leap from tree to tree after Josh, who seems to be following someone.
Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/7/2013
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Posted: 9/6/2017 at 5:09 PM Post #32
"Easy now, no broken ankles please." The woman said as she nearly tripled and fell. That would be bad no? To be stuck in the middle of nowhere with a busted ankle? What a way to go. Though as she felt the eyes of another fall upon her she stopped turning to look. "I know you are there! If you want something I have then either come and fight me for it or hit the road. I don't really have the time for this."
Level 75
Joined: 2/23/2015
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Posted: 9/6/2017 at 5:15 PM Post #33
Polaris jumped down, landing a few inches above the ground, her three wolves following, paws fading in and out.
Level 60
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2017
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Posted: 9/6/2017 at 5:21 PM Post #34

I laugh and jump down from the tree into view, tail swaying with delight.
"Oh I won't bother you" I chuckle.
Level 75
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Posted: 9/6/2017 at 5:24 PM Post #35
Phoebe tackled Rex from behind, and involved him and the other two wolves in some sort of game, running around excitedly. "Pfft." Polaris giggled. "Wait, who's that?" She turned her gaze to the lady.
Level 60
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2017
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Posted: 9/6/2017 at 5:25 PM Post #36

I run around happily with them, nipping them playfully.
Level 75
Joined: 2/23/2015
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Posted: 9/6/2017 at 5:32 PM Post #37
(Lol Phex(?) is official)

"How cute."
Level 60
The Artistic
Joined: 5/24/2017
Threads: 46
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Posted: 9/6/2017 at 5:35 PM Post #38
((YES!! XD))


I seems particularly interested in Phoebe.
Edited By Emberfall777 on 9/6/2017 at 5:36 PM.
Level 75
Joined: 2/23/2015
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Posted: 9/6/2017 at 5:58 PM Post #39
We continue playing our game of tag-wrestle, and I finally catch Rex and knock into him, landing on the grass with a grunt. I wag my tail, enjoying the game and scramble back up, affectionately bumping his side first.

Polaris: "My name is Polaris. Who are you?"
Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/7/2013
Threads: 324
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Posted: 9/6/2017 at 6:24 PM Post #40
As the two came forward and started running about she rolled her eyes at their childish behavior. Once settled she shook her head and placed her hands on her hips for a moment. "So then why follow me? Usually only people that need help follow me."
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