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Forum Index > Find Roleplayers > Academy of the Elements 2.0
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Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/7/2013
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Posted: 11/5/2017 at 6:39 PM Post #31
Name: Magnus 'Mag' Harper

Gender: male
Element: mainly fire
Relationship: none, opened to any other teacher
History: Mag was the son of a warrior and a witch. His father kept his mother hidden away in the forest to keep her safe from those that thought magic was evil. One day he ventured too far into the woods, close enough to a home that they followed hi this finding his mother. She was taken then and killed for her witch like ways. For his son's safety the warrior sent him away to be with a school for people like him, and this was that school. Now he works here as a teacher.
Class: elements training

Does he get a pet?
Edited By Hawkeye on 11/5/2017 at 6:51 PM.
Level 60
Joined: 8/29/2017
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Posted: 11/5/2017 at 6:54 PM Post #32
Level 20
Joined: 7/2/2017
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Posted: 11/5/2017 at 7:31 PM Post #33
Rejected. Please reread the instructions and try again
Level 20
Joined: 7/2/2017
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Posted: 11/5/2017 at 7:32 PM Post #34
Accepted. Only the person training teacher and the students get a pet
Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/7/2013
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Posted: 11/5/2017 at 7:44 PM Post #35
So no on pet?
Level 66
Benevolent Brewer
Joined: 1/4/2016
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Posted: 11/5/2017 at 7:47 PM Post #36
Oh, sorry! I'm pretty sure it's fixed now. Lemme know if anything else is wrong, and the pic should be up by the end of tommorow (pretty busy)

Edit: Image inserted :3
Edited By Dunno on 11/5/2017 at 9:41 PM.
Level 60
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 5/8/2017
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Posted: 11/6/2017 at 5:37 PM Post #37
Bumps for Fox. :P
Level 20
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Posted: 11/6/2017 at 5:39 PM Post #38
Accepted, luffox pet
Level 60
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 5/8/2017
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Posted: 11/6/2017 at 6:27 PM Post #39
More bumps for Fox
Level 60
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 5/8/2017
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Posted: 11/7/2017 at 9:56 AM Post #40
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