[ ] 1. Find some weeds ah but there really is no such thing as a weed. Dandelions are food and medicine, etc. lol I won't be entering the contest, but had to make mention that every plant has a purpose and isn't a weed . . . well except maybe poison oak, sumac and ivy lol. I've not found a good use for those yet unless it is to keep people AWAY from something lol
Urushiol(the oil in the poison ivy family that causes the reaction) is used to produce traditional Chinese, Korean, and Japanese lacquerware.
And while no plant is inherently a weed, any plant which is growing where it is not wanted is a weed.
For example, if I have grass growing in my garden, that is a weed, even if it would not be a weed if it were growing 3 feet away in my lawn.
Edited By Terwin on 4/22/2018 at 6:18 PM.
Level 70
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Posted: 4/22/2018 at 7:26 PM
Post #33
Can we start posting today and go back and edit to add more images later? Or is it better to wait until we have them all?
Can we start posting today and go back and edit to add more images later? Or is it better to wait until we have them all?
Yes, of course.
The whole point of posting this early is to give everyone as many chances, opportunities, and time as possible to find as much as they can.
Level 75
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Posted: 4/22/2018 at 8:12 PM
Post #38
Krin, we won't see wild berries in the mid-atlantic region until June. Possibly later due to the late winter we've had. How do you expect us to find berries by the end of May? Not to mention those in cooler climates or the southern hemisphere. You can't give us an impossible task!
This years Scav is absolutely ridiculous, and not considerate of region, country, availability, of objects. I will not be participating in solidarity with everyone this is biased against.
There are states, countries, etc, that don't even have a red bird geographically located there.
How on earth is anyone supposed to find a fossil on their own.
Insect eggs? You realize half the people who do find these MUST disturb them to do so? They don't tend to lay them in easily spotted locations for a reason. I foresee a lot of people honestly just.. flooding ant hills to get them to bring their eggs out cause that is the easiest way to do that one. I wouldn't want to be encouraging things like that, personally.
In past years I have been able to find in at least one case every single thing on the list. It was challenging, but I could. I don't even feel this would be possible for anyone, unless museum fossils which are not outside at all count, which, kind of defeats the entire point.
The object of this contest is to go outside, have fun, and find things. We do not expect hardly anyone to be able to find all 20. And unless our list is incredibly boring and generic, virtually nobody will have that opportunity to do so.
If you do not want to participate, then simply don't participate. It doesn't need to be announced and this isn't the place to protest if that's what you're trying to do.
"Red Birds" don't need to be literally entirely red birds. A robin, for example, works perfectly fine. I am no bird expert, but I am sure there many different types of birds with some sort of red coloring to them. And, again, we do not expect every person to find all 20. The goal is to find as many as you can and to have fun. I am sure going to aviatories or zoos is also an option for people. Etc, etc.
There are all sorts of ways to find insect eggs - such as being laid on leaves.
Fossils also can be commonly found where water used to flow, or inside old rocks, etc, etc. But, again, it's one item on a list of 20. We don't expect everyone to find a fossil. I don't think you're quite understanding the fossil one... there are tons of fossils to find that are not dinosaur bones or eggs lol...
As for geography... or "it's still winter where I live"... etc. That is why this was posted early - a request you've even personally made. Players have probably 6-8 weeks to find as much as they can that should be going through the bulk of the spring season for the majority of players.
Again, there is no way to make a list of 20 easily findable things from any corner of planet Earth unless they are incredibly boring and simple - and that is not what we want to do.
If you don't like the game and don't want to participate, then that's fine and, quite simply, don't participate then.
Krin, we won't see wild berries in the mid-atlantic region until June. Possibly later due to the late winter we've had. How do you expect us to find berries by the end of May? Not to mention those in cooler climates or the southern hemisphere. You can't give us an impossible task!
If you can't find berries, then you can't find berries.
A quick search about wild strawberries:
"As an everbearing fruit, wild strawberries will ripen whenever the weather conditions suit them, which can range from early May to late October depending on the region's temperatures."
There's also holly trees which may still have berries on them from winter; depending where you live.
Wild blueberries:
"In Maine, Quebec and Eastern Canada, wild blueberry barrens are stirring. In early spring, plants begin to emerge from snow cover, and before too long, green leaves and white blossoms of fruit will appear."
Etc, etc.
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