Almost done with this Legendary Qitari! Color swing flipped me up with the mane..
Level 70
Warden of Umbra
Joined: 2/8/2019
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Posted: 6/8/2020 at 10:12 AM
Post #37
Level 70
High Druid
Joined: 7/24/2019
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Posted: 6/8/2020 at 10:50 AM
Post #38
Username: Fanta1380
User ID: 134046
Pinglist?: Yes please :3
Prefixes: She, her
Current Projects: 4v Angelic Fire Dancer Lup (at 2v2c stage), 4v Demonstalker Ryo (beginning stage), 4v Heavenly Nebula Ligh (on hold), 4v Solar Champion Qit (at 3v1c stage, this batch of eggs has a chance to give me the final pair :3), 6v Mystic Skullmoth Rikki (Off to a good start; bred some rikkis with all traits), Max Stat Rolling Thunder vene project (Gen 3)
Completed Projects: A bunch of dye projects ;-; I used to be rubbish at breeding and tried to avoid it as much as possible xD but then I started some breeding projects ^ and realised that it wasn't that bad lol x)
Retired Projects: Does that mean on-hold projects or something...? If it does then 4v Heavenly Nebula Lighs are an on hold project... :V
Wishlist: Magical Pies, Prismas, Gender Swap Philters, Dias, Gold, Pet dyes, Skullmoth Rikkis with at least 6 trait points
Anything Else?: Our pantry is literally filled with mangoes since those are my fav fruit... xD
Edit: Here's some advice for your Riverwarden project x) so I checked your project out and your doing fine with the breeding :); but I noticed you might not have space to do the project. I normally do 1 tab per project, so I could try to help you clear out a tab for them I guess x)
I reccomend you take all of the non-Riverwarden related pets out of the tab (I'm only focusing on the RW nixis here xd). In Tab 4 there's an empty space (stall 5), and in Tab 3 there are 3 empty spaces (stalls 18, 22, and 24).
A lot of the pets in the Sales tab (Tab 2) aren't selling, I would reccomend releasing the non-themed ones. >_> it's fine if you don't want to. For the themed ones you could also release them, or you could fit them in the empty spaces mentioned in the last paragraph. OR if you want to make some money from them, theres this service where that person might buy the pets from you? I'm not that sure :V
If you did all the stuff in the paragraph above, boom you have a completely empty tab (Tab 2). You can name it RW nixi or something and put all of your Riverwarden nixis in there.
I also noticed you were doing another project (Tab 6 Clearsky, Riptide, Cloudysun). I don't know the name of the project xD Sorry if I got this wrong lol. Anyways, I'm going to call Riptide nixis :3 so you could name Tab 6 the name of that project, and put all of those pets in there. You should end up with 2 clean project tabs for your project pets.
Hope this helps <3
Edited By Fanta1380 on 6/8/2020 at 12:13 PM.
Level 70
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/23/2020
Threads: 157
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Posted: 6/8/2020 at 11:31 AM
Post #39
Vivid Bloom: I'll nuture this one until he grows up so hopefully his stats will boost!!! Do you want me to put it on the front page so it will get more attention?
Pastel: Oh no! Do you want me to buy some mutators for you? Or philters of nulification?
DragonHearted: I have two males I can set up for breeding if you want.