Forum Index > Pet Marketplace > S|O|T LG Themed, Legendaries, Older Even...
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Level 75
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Posted: 9/13/2019 at 5:06 PM
Post #391
Level 75
Crystalline Cleaver
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Posted: 9/14/2019 at 2:33 AM
Post #392
By any chance would you be interested in this Lost Grove legendary nixi?
If so, I'm interested in some avatar items you have currently listed on the broker. [Dragon Stalker's Hatchling (Firefly)] & [Arctic Dragon (Aqua)]
Level 75
Maze Runner
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Posted: 9/14/2019 at 3:10 AM
Post #393
I would be interested in her, yes.
Level 75
Crystalline Cleaver
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Posted: 9/14/2019 at 10:25 AM
Post #394
Not sure what legendaries actually end up selling for. I can add gold to the offer if needed. I also have a Cupid's Gallant Wings (Angelic) if you still need it.
Level 75
Maze Runner
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Posted: 9/14/2019 at 4:43 PM
Post #395
I used to sell them for 3-3.5m-ish, but they've gotten easier to get and I've not sold one in awhile. So I have no idea any more. Hoping to still be able to get 2-3m for them but time will tell. (To be fair, I've not been actively trying to sell my pets much lately, either.)
I would trade those two dragon items for the nixi and the wings, though. I do still need the wings.
Edited By Niverus on 9/14/2019 at 4:43 PM.
Level 75
Crystalline Cleaver
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Posted: 9/14/2019 at 4:53 PM
Post #396
I am fine with that. should be set-up for you and I will go send the wings.
Level 75
Maze Runner
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Posted: 9/14/2019 at 5:20 PM
Post #397
Sorry for the delay. I got distracted.
I've sent both dragons. :) Please let me know if I messed anything up.
Thank you kindly for the trade.
Level 75
Crystalline Cleaver
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Posted: 9/14/2019 at 5:23 PM
Post #398
Everything received on my end. Thank you.
Level 75
Maze Runner
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Posted: 9/14/2019 at 5:41 PM
Post #399
Fantastic. :)
You're most welcome. Best wishes.
Level 75
Maze Runner
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Posted: 9/14/2019 at 9:03 PM
Post #400
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