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Level 20
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Posted: 12/15/2019 at 12:48 AM Post #391
He turns too what seems too be the leader of this group it was a dragon with dark red scales "If you don't mind I think I would be a better fail safe" Meliodias says as he lift up his wing too show that he was the highest ranking officer you can be. "It would be better for me to do it since I was the rulers right hand man no one will question me." He hopes no one attacks him speaking of what he just witnessed he did not want to fight anyone here. "I no longer work for the empire before you attack otherwise I wouldn't tell you my rank."
Level 20
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Posted: 12/15/2019 at 12:52 AM Post #392
(Forgot to ping sorry)
Level 72
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Posted: 12/15/2019 at 6:16 AM Post #393
(@Deathstaker - just let me know if anything Kai'hel is saying doesn't match with Meliodias' past c:)
(@Fluffn - if we come up against any guards, could you control them please? If I was to do two sides of a conversation I'll end up confusing myself xD)

He nodded along to the plan - there was plenty that could go wrong, but that was natural against odds like these. They would just have to play their cards right.

Kai'hel turned from the map to the other ex-Empire dragon. He prepared himself to grab Vernik before he went ballistic again - he didn't want another dragon getting harmed.

But he'd heard the story of the administrator's pet, who she used and abused to keep control. "It's Meliodias, isn't it? I've heard about you're story. I do appreciate that you are the highest rank you can get, but if you were to show another Empire guard your ranking brand then you could be endangered. They will report your presence to the administrator for a bonus, and she would try to get you back, wouldn't she?" He didn't know how Meliodias had gotten away from the administrator's clutches, but he would bet his suit of armour that it was a decision that she wasn't happy about.

He certainly hadn't noticed Meliodias by his actual appearance, so he had that going for him. It was just that brand that always gave an ex-Empire dragon away, something he knew with perfect clarity.

He also listened intently to the golden flame bearer. His capabilities filled him with a little fear. He could only imagine what would happen to any enemy of this dragon, and he didn't want to be that enemy.


Elenor saw a flicker of sunlit white scales diving down to the ground far ahead, but she couldn't judge the distance. She trusted her sight not to be playing tricks on her, so she made her way in that direction. She flew just over the rooftops, hoping that it would make her better hidden to any passing guards.
Edited By Falconetti on 12/15/2019 at 6:23 AM.
Level 60
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Posted: 12/15/2019 at 10:26 AM Post #394
Vernik glanced at all of the dragons, mistrust glimmering in his eyes.
"More dragons from the empire, how could this get worse," He muttered sternly to himself as he stayed to himself, though he did bristle slightly when he saw the mark.
He didn't want to be near this ex-empire dragons, he knew what empire dragons could do. They had stolen his sister, at least I got her back, he thought ignoring the fear and guilt that twisted in his stomach, but then you drove her away again
Lazi looked down at Grass's grave, sorrow filling her, maybe she was to blame for Grass's death.
"Ohw taht? " Mali asked as she inched forward, pointing at the grave.
Lazi silently drew her closer before she started to speak, "Grass is my sister, she di-ied when I was younger. She was a black and white dragon, though she got her name from her bright green talons," Lazi explained, trying to keep the grief and guilt out of her voice as she hugged Mali.
Level 72
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Posted: 12/15/2019 at 12:57 PM Post #395
Elenor's wings shot out and she came to a halt as the river rushed below her. She darted back to the last house's roof before the open space, unaware of the burning heat against her scales as she hugged close to the tiles.

She still had no idea of the place where Lazi had flown to the ground. She was about to fly on further before she heard a wordless, familiar voice she had barely understood before, and the instantly recognisable voice of Lazi. Her tone was strained, and Elenor immediately arrived at the conclusion that something had happened to her.

Her ears perked up and her head swivelled as she relied on her hearing to pinpoint their location. Her eyes fell down to the riverbed, but she still couldn't see them. She decided just to take a risk and glided silently down to the riverside. She spun around, seeing the two of them looking down at the sand. They didn't look hurt - what was the problem? She hadn't picked up what they had been talking about, so she had no idea what was wrong.

She stepped forward, unsure of what to say. She decided she would just sit down, waiting silently until Lazi and Mali were finished.
Edited By Falconetti on 12/15/2019 at 12:58 PM.
Level 60
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Posted: 12/15/2019 at 1:09 PM Post #396
Lazi sighed and placed her tail briefly over Grass's grave, finally she felt better as she said a last good bye before sweeping the sand back over the grave. She turned, only to jump in surprise as she spotted a dragon watching. She was about to turn and flee when she recognized Elenor, sighing in relief she took a step towards her, Mali following, "You scared me! What are you doing here? How did you find me?"
Level 72
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Posted: 12/15/2019 at 1:51 PM Post #397
Elenor didn't understand how sitting quietly had been intimidating, but she went ahead and answered Lazi's questions. "I came here to make sure you weren't in danger. I left the tent not long after you did, and saw you landing. I flew in this general direction and heard your voice, though I would have missed you otherwise."

She tilted her head, wondering what had brought Lazi here. "Are you harmed? You sounded distressed."
Level 60
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Posted: 12/15/2019 at 2:28 PM Post #398
"I'm fine," Lazi started off slowly, wondering how much she should tell Elenor, she sat down, tucking her tail around her talons, trying to look as calm as possible, "I just needed some time alone... with Mali of course," She leaned to give Mali an affectionate nuzzle.
She glanced back briefly at Grass's grave, she could almost hear her voice in her head, yelling at her to sing with her, oh Grass loved singing more then anything, it made her sad everytime she heard someone sing.
"We should head back," Lazi realized, remembering how the raid would happen soon, they would have to get prepared and fast.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 12/15/2019 at 2:53 PM Post #399
Skaaul had noticed Kai'hel slight fear of his powers and decided not to say anything more about the golden flame unless asked, at least for now. An ominous warning, even not directed to anyone in perticular, could be a good deterant against any potential betrail. In true, he only knew a small portion of the real abilities of his fire and while he had mastered it through his training the knowledge of the real power of his fire had been lost a long time ago, way before he was even born.

His smirk falter a bit at Vernik's complain. " Quite alot of thing actualy, try to see them as dragon instead of extention of somthing else, turning away from the path they already had to forge a new one is probably the best they could do, we cant go back in time after all."
Level 72
Ghost Writer
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Posted: 12/15/2019 at 4:04 PM Post #400
Kai'hel just listened. Casting aside his past with the Empire, Kai'hel saw a similar story he shared with the golden flame bearer. Not identical, but the same in many ways.

He craned his neck down to speak to the golden flame bearer. "What is your name, anyway? I would rather call you by that than blurting out your title in front of people who shouldn't hear it," he said quietly, giving the other dragon a half grin at the last part. "I'm Kai'hel."


Elenor nodded, no more questions of concern now that she was satisfied that Lazi and Mali were okay. "There aren't any guards in the skies right now. It would be better if we used that now to fly back as quickly as possible."

She hesitated before rising into the air. "I do have one last question though... what is your connection with Vernik? It doesn't seem like a positive one, but he was desperate to find you before driving you away again."
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