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Level 57
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Posted: 5/21/2020 at 8:51 PM Post #401
The Wendigo deflects it with an ice dagger, sending a lance of electricity at you. Samantha hisses, her fur fluffing up. She ducks down, making sure to not get hit. The electricity lance speeds last you. Samantha jumps away, scittering into a corner.
The Wendigo tries again, sending an ice dagger at you.
Level 70
Warden of Umbra
Joined: 2/8/2019
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Posted: 5/21/2020 at 8:53 PM Post #402
Taking the fire dagger, Vagabond melts the ice dagger with it. He then prepares to stab the beast.
Level 57
Joined: 10/25/2018
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Posted: 5/21/2020 at 9:02 PM Post #403
The Wendigo dodges, but your dagger catches its cloak on fire. He brings out two daggers made of steel and as leather wrapped along the handle.
The Wendigo misses you and it gets off balance.
Samantha is cowering in her corner, fur on end.
Level 70
Warden of Umbra
Joined: 2/8/2019
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Posted: 5/21/2020 at 9:03 PM Post #404
Vagabond calls to reassure Sammantha, and pounces onto the Wendigo for a combo.
Level 75
Joined: 5/23/2017
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Posted: 5/21/2020 at 10:21 PM Post #405
"Oh perfect, now all we can do is worry about a curse and a Wendigo." She frowned. "Do you still have that note we got from the wasp's chest? is that also cursed runes or is it normal ruins."
Level 57
Joined: 10/25/2018
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Posted: 5/22/2020 at 8:56 AM Post #406
"No, those runes are normal - otherwise, I wouldn't have brought it with us." Alex says, getting the note out and handing it to you, thinking you wanted it.
Level 57
Joined: 10/25/2018
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Posted: 5/22/2020 at 9:11 AM Post #407
You do a number on the Wendigo, but it doesn't seem about to give up. The Wendigo taps you on the head with its paw and you feel yourself start to get heavy. Apparently, it has started to turn you into a Gargoyle. Samantha, still with her fur all fluffed up, bounces onto the Wendigo's head and waves her tail in its face. The Wendigo sheaths its daggers and takes Samantha off him, holding her at arms length, a look of disgust crossing its features.
"Who travels with a cat?" The Wendigo asks in a disgusted tone before petting Samantha gently.
"Mew." Samantha replies, still a cat with fluffed up fur. "Mew, mew, mew." Samantha states further.
"You mean you want me to lessen the amount of beings in my army again? Let this guy out of his Gargoyle state?" The Wendigo asks. Samantha nods her head, which is kind of hard in her cat form. "Well... I do have to hurry over to Oran's court and it seems I won't be able to finish this fight in time, so..." The Wendigo sighs before tapping you again and dropping Samantha. Samantha lands on her paws.
You start to feel unsluggish again, and you don't feel like your made of stone any more.
The Wendigo shakes its head. "This isn't the last you've seen of me, though." It growls before disappearing into a puff of green smoke.
Samantha mews and jumps onto you, tail twitching back and forth in an excited way, feeling pretty giddy. She jumps off you and turns back into her human form with a big goofy smile on her face, though her hair and the fur on her tail is puffed up.
Level 70
Warden of Umbra
Joined: 2/8/2019
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Posted: 5/22/2020 at 9:17 AM Post #408
Vagabond grunts, thanking Sammantha.
Level 75
The Perfectionist
Joined: 10/18/2019
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Posted: 5/22/2020 at 9:20 AM Post #409
"Step... Away... From... Nikkie. We don't need you here. Go away green monster." She felt scales starting to pop onto her body as she was afraid.
Level 57
Joined: 10/25/2018
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Posted: 5/22/2020 at 9:21 AM Post #410
Samantha gives you a big hug. "Mew!" She says, even though she was in human form at the moment. She bounces over the place, ready to follow you where ever.
You can still explore the blacksmiths area, the witchy place, and the house with food in it. Or you can exit and head down the path again
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