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Level 72
Ghost Writer
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Posted: 12/17/2019 at 12:22 PM Post #411
"I'll respect your judgement, then," he said to Skaaul, his jovial mood turning back into seriousness as he tuned back in to the planning. He noticed movement nearby and listened as the other ex-empire talked. He nodded back, but grimaced slightly.

"Well... yes, that would definitely work. I'm just aware that if dead bodies start turning up and guards are going missing it may bring unwanted attention to this movement. We would outnumber them - usually just pairs of guards who patrol, as you know - but one of us could still be hurt. I would say it was an unnecessary risk, but it's up for discussion." He gestured to the rest of the dragons in the tent, noticing that the other three had entered. He nodded to them in greeting. "Good to see you are all unharmed."

He fell silent to allow the others a chance to add things to the discussion and for someone to fill the three who had just entered in.


Elenor shrank behind Lazi under the scrutiny of the dragons in the tent. But she listened to what was said, analysing the words.

Skaaul's explanation was sound, but when Elenor dared a glance at the glaring Vernik she couldn't help but feel the statement was an attempt at trying to pacify the fuming dragon, whether he knew it or not. She was glad things had been sorted out while she was gone and that no-one seemed harmed.

Lazi wasn't looking at her brother, and it wasn't difficult for Elenor to figure out why. Her training and her hesitant personality clashed, but she found herself straighten and stand in the way of Vernik's stare, between the two siblings. Feeling like she was stepping near some kind of line, she ducked her head and peered at what was going on in the tent out of the corner of her eyes.
Level 60
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 12/17/2019 at 12:48 PM Post #412
"I can teleport," Vernik offered, not meeting any dragons gaze, his anger rushing in him like fire, threatening to take control, "If we need a fast escape I can teleport, though it drains energy..." He trailed off, wondering why he was telling the others this, it was his secret.
Level 72
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Posted: 12/17/2019 at 1:45 PM Post #413
Kai'hel took this in, tapping a claw against the ground thoughtfully. "That sounds like a great backup if everything else turns sour. But only as our last option - I'd rather we had a fierce fighter on his feet. But if it comes to you having to risk yourself like that, then rest assured we will not leave you behind."

Vernik was a volatile hothead, but he needed to know that they were all in this together now. Kai'hel would not bear a grudge against any dragon, even this one. No matter if he got attacked again, all of the dragons in this tent were his allies now and they needed to stick together. Kai'hel could only hope that there truly was a loyal friend somewhere within Vernik that would surface before it was too late.
Level 60
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 12/17/2019 at 2:59 PM Post #414
Vernik snorted, "Bad news for you, I can't control where I teleport, bad for me actually. I always seem to teleport into the right place though," He smirked thinking about how awesome he was, without him the plan was doomed to fail.
"Should we go now?" He asked shooting Lazi a sad glance before focusing back on the others, they needed him.
Level 51
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Posted: 12/17/2019 at 6:30 PM Post #415
"Alright, now that everyone is here we should go over the plan again. Here is how it will go down: Kai'hel, you put on your armor and 'escort' us to the tunnel entrance. Once there I will lead you all to the stronghold. In the stronghold we find the rations stored there, stuff them in satchels and bags, and leave through the tunnels. Then we find somewhere to put them. Maybe in the tunnels? And we feed the dragons that are gathered in this tent. Afterward, we plan our next attack. Everyone got that?" Cesura started handing out bags and large satchels to the dragon around her, "And try not to damage my satchels ok?"


(is it bad that I keep forgetting her name? >.>)

Kaharua looks to Wrenlet for answers, "So what happened? How long was I out?"

"You have been in and out of consciousness for a few days. I think one of the attackers poisoned you with something." Wrenlet responded solemnly, "We were unsure if you would last much longer. It is good to see you made it."

"Yeah, we were worried." Chimed in Hawksong, "Don't you remember what happened?"

"No, I don't." Kaharua said almost sadly, "There is a gap in my memory from the time I entered the tunnels to now. I remember everything before then though." She sighed remembering Nightshade. Her eyes brimmed with tears, "I can't believe we lost her. Her death just keeps replaying and replaying in my mind like some sort of sick dream!"

Wrenlet looked down at her talons, "I know. It was hard for all of us. I think we might be all that is left."

"You may be right." Kaharua said, "But I feel that there could still be others. I just- I have to hope there are still others."

And then she cried. She cried until she had no tears left to cry. She was embraced by Hawksong, and then Wrenlet hugged her too, and they held each other for the longest time, sharing their grief. But also their hope that they could continue. The hope that things could change.
Level 60
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 12/17/2019 at 6:53 PM Post #416
Vernik nodded and took as many as he could, looping them around him in a series of loops until he was almost covered in them.
"I think I am good," He muttered to himself feeling rage boil inside him, but only this time at the empire, I should destroy them, he thought going to the entrance of the tent, itching to leave.
Lazi took some, but not many as she knew she was not a strong dragon, she was the one that felt left out of the group, though she did not tell the others that.
"I'm ready," She said mostly to herself as she waited for the others to get ready, excited but also nervous for the raid, her stomach in knots.
Mali looked at Cesura, following her and tugging at her tail as she tried to grab one of the satchels, "Ceruafdk," She called jumping up and down as she tried to grab the satchels, "Mflp natw ot noji!"
She wanted to join and help them, she wanted to go on an exciting mission, it would be so fun.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 12/17/2019 at 9:40 PM Post #417
He took a few satchels, he could have carried more but in case of emergencie where his armor was neaded his flames would burn them in an heart beat, literaly, so he kept it to an amount that could be removed quickly. With his usual smirk he reply Cesura. " I'll try not to overcook them if we have to fight."
Level 51
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 12/18/2019 at 9:34 AM Post #418
"Oh, Vernik I need some of those back," Cesura said, looking down at the small number of satchels she had left, " There aren't enough for everyone else, and we don't want you over-encumbered if we get into any fights."

Mali pulled at her tail, "Oh Mali, I'm not sure if you can come. Best to ask Lazi ok?"

Skaaul commented and Cesura responded, "Well thank you for having concern for my property. I can always make new ones but I don't have any materials..."


A while later Kaharua realized that she had closed her eyes. She opened them to find Hawksong starting a fire from the ashes of an old one, and Wrenlet close to her, holding her talons.

"I-... thank you, Wren. I'm sorry about that." Kaharua stammered, embarrassed. She had never broken down in front of the others before.

"No need. The weight of the world breaks us all some time or another."

"You may be right."
Level 60
Candy Dispenser
Joined: 1/21/2019
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Posted: 12/18/2019 at 9:55 AM Post #419
Vernik grumbled but passed some back, a scowl returning to his face, "I'm meeting you guys outside," He said before stomping to the entrance and marching, his tail lashing side to side, almost knocking stuff over.

"Mali," Lazi called grabbing Mali's tail and gently pulling her towards her, "You need to stay here, okay?" Mali nodded slowly and went to lay down in Cesura's bed, "It's okay, we will be quick," She stated before going back to waiting again, a little bored.
Level 72
Ghost Writer
Joined: 11/13/2018
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Posted: 12/18/2019 at 12:25 PM Post #420
Kai'hel didn't like the idea of appearing in a random place, but that would be the least of their worries if they were caught. He put a grin on his face and appeased Vernik. "Perhaps you have mastered your ability," he said with a shrug.

He nodded as Cesura stated his role, checking over his equipment before they left. Everything secure and accounted for. But he held up his talons and shook his head as he was offered a bag. "That's alright, I have my empty armour pack now. I'd probably struggle to use your ones, and I wouldn't want to damage them," he added with a grimace.

He chuckled at Skaaul's joke. "I don't suppose 'well-done' is even close to what they'll turn out as after you've finished grilling them."

Vernik stormed out of the tent, grumbling as usual. Kai'hel would have gone out to talk to him, but sensed that he needed time by himself. This was a new experience for all of them, and they had to take things as they came.


Elenor accepted a satchel and positioned it in a place that wouldn't hinder her speed or dexterity. While guarding a noble, she was expected to be able to carry their belongings should the requirement arise. You still had to be ready to defend them to the death, so finding a middleground was required.

She still stood by Lazi even though Vernik had left. Out of the party, Lazi seemed to need a wingman right now. But her training restricted her choices - she knew if things were to change she would find herself defending Cesura on pure instinct.
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