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Level 60
Master Egg Hunter
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Posted: 1/28/2015 at 8:54 PM Post #431
More aquatic themed pets yes please~! I love the sea-serpent-ish ideas that have already been tossed around and I support them so hard.

In the vein of sea creatures I'd love to see aquatic mammals. Like seals or walruses! But perhaps with a twist, like added scales a la Qiitari or leafy fins. Jellyfish mutations on anything would be so great.

As an original contribution I'd love to see a scaled feline-esc race. Something sleek, that reminds you of something soft and cuddly, but is most definitely not. :'D I was thinking along the lines of a Dungeons and Dragons Displacer Beast. Multiple limbs and spiked appendages could be mutations, along with all sorts of marking and runes already in game. So it doesn't have to be scary and ferocious looking, but you could breed it that way if you wanted.

So one person could have one all pastel with spots and bows, but then someone else could make one into an eldritch horror that would make The Old Ones proud. c:

I might have to go draw this now oops
Level 69
The Hallowed
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Posted: 1/28/2015 at 11:09 PM Post #432
More sea critters would be cool, I wonder if anyone has suggested an octopus style creature yet, lol. A great Kraken, spots, stripes, little suction type mutations or spiked helmet armor and the like. So much is already covered that its hard to think of many more.

A kangaroo creature might be cool too.
Level 36
Stocking Stuffer
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Posted: 1/30/2015 at 5:21 PM Post #433
Maybe something like a swallow! Or maybe a cat... OR A KITTY SWALLOW!!!!
Edited By Silvaevis on 1/30/2015 at 5:23 PM.
Level 59
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 2/2/2015 at 1:53 PM Post #434
Level 24
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Posted: 2/3/2015 at 4:02 PM Post #435
It would be cool if you could do a godzilla sylisti or a Godzilla Mutation
Level 60
Nature Walker
Joined: 12/31/2014
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Posted: 2/4/2015 at 1:24 AM Post #436
Maybe some animals that go both on land and water like
Or australian animals like
I could list a whole lot more I made the mistake of looking at a list of australian animals to get the spelling of Kangaroos
PLATYPUS and saw all the other strange animals there that would make great sylesties!
Level 70
The Dreamer
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Posted: 2/6/2015 at 5:11 AM Post #437
Author: Giraffles
Time Posted: 1/28/2015 at 8:54 PM
More aquatic themed pets yes please~! I love the sea-serpent-ish ideas that have already been tossed around and I support them so hard.

In the vein of sea creatures I'd love to see aquatic mammals. Like seals or walruses! But perhaps with a twist, like added scales a la Qiitari or leafy fins. Jellyfish mutations on anything would be so great.

As an original contribution I'd love to see a scaled feline-esc race. Something sleek, that reminds you of something soft and cuddly, but is most definitely not. :'D I was thinking along the lines of a Dungeons and Dragons Displacer Beast. Multiple limbs and spiked appendages could be mutations, along with all sorts of marking and runes already in game. So it doesn't have to be scary and ferocious looking, but you could breed it that way if you wanted.

So one person could have one all pastel with spots and bows, but then someone else could make one into an eldritch horror that would make The Old Ones proud. c:

I might have to go draw this now oops
I LOVE your idea of a displacer beast esq critter for sylestia. The art of the displacer in 2nd Edition D&D(aka Advanced D&D) has some of the best referential art for the critter though, though you managed to locate a very good picture.

I would be totally into having a displacer beast esq pet here! an awesome looking 6 legged big cat looking beasty...I would love to see that happen.
Level 75
Wondrous Witch
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Posted: 2/7/2015 at 11:43 AM Post #438
Sheep and Bat sylesties! :D
Level 75
Wondrous Witch
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Posted: 2/7/2015 at 12:03 PM Post #439
Author: Savynn
Time Posted: 11/26/2014 at 1:25 AM

I thought about this a little while back but never got around to posting with how busy and forgetful I got during the Fall Festival. So I finally remembered and went to make a post when Zelly suddenly was like hey remember that idea you had? I did some art ideas for it. I'm now convinced Zelly's a mind-reader.

General Idea
The Merdini would be related to the Nephini and Aeridini but has an amphibious nature. I was still thinking about different ideas for how it should look but one of the aspects I think would be really fun would be for it to have all sorts of different fins as possible mutations. I think it should have a very elegant and beautiful look overall.

The head I was thinking of originally was something similar to the nephini and aeridini but perhaps a bit longer and streamlined looking. I think I've seen a lot of sea dragon/serpent pictures with them having a bit longer heads so something like that. Zelly also thought of a seahorse face. If nothing else I wonder if the seahorse face could be a mutation.

Should be much like the nephini and aeridini but designed so that there's plenty of space for fins.

I was having trouble deciding if it would be better for it to have legs with webbed feet or to disregard legs altogether and give more space to the fins. If it doesn't have legs then it should be able to fly. With the bulbories having levitating gems I don't see why this species couldn't magically fly or at least levitate.

I was kinda thinking about maybe an egg nestled in sea anemone tentacles.

Possible Mutations
Sea Horse - sea horse snout
Leafy Seadragon - fins like a leafy seadragon
Anemone Mane - mane going down the back made of sea anemones
Bioluminescence - there could probably be several mutation ideas using this
Lionfish - fins like a lionfish has
Betta - fins like a betta
Goldfish - fins like a very long tailed goldfish (single tail type)
Barbels - there's all sorts of barbels like koi or catfish have or maybe like some dragons

I love the idea!

I think, these would be cool mutations too:

Eel Electricity (Something like that, so we can make Electric Eels!)
Pearl Wings (That would look super cool! :D)
Seaweed Wings
Shell Wings
Shell Spikes
Shell Adornment (Decorated with shells)
Eel Jewels (I dunno, something like jewels generating electricity)
Pearl Adornment
Seaweed Adornment
Eel Fangs

And maybe this as Genes:
Spotted Garden Eel (Or Spotted Eel for Short)
Deep Sea Lurker
Shell Runes
Pearl Runes
Kelp Runes
Eel Runes
Level 60
Nature Walker
Joined: 11/17/2014
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Posted: 2/7/2015 at 11:35 PM Post #440
Do I ping for this ^ ^

Well, anyways, I would LOVE to have a hedgehog like sylesti. Their spikes are so cool, and I could just imagine the hatchlings being kinda balled up like this
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