Hello there! I am running out of stable space and dont have enough gold and diamonds to get another tab or stable, so I basically have an open house right now.
Please take a look through my Hatchery, Sales tab, and fivePublicBreeders tabs in my stable to see if you like anything. Post the Sylesti link or links here and a price suggestion or a trade for the (each) Sylesti. I accept pretty much ANYTHING.
If the Sylesti you want are available, Ill get back to you! No form needed.
Thanks for helping!
(Join this contest to win a Sylesti for free!)
Edited By T1g3r on 7/20/2022 at 11:14 AM.
Level 75
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 10/18/2019
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Posted: 7/20/2022 at 11:44 AM
Post #48
Hello! So I made this forum a bit back, when the "you can only sell publicly in your stables" thing happened, so I thought I would advertise it here since a lot of others are doing the same!
As it says, all prices are negotiable, thats just what I have them set at to match the Advanced Search and for what Ill put them publicly up as (since I have a new tab thats mostly for sale) Ive bred a lot of eggs so just PM me or ping me in that forum if youre interested!
Open for Business!
Because of the recent private sales, I have decided to start a thread for people to buy some of my pets offsprings. So here will be my list of pets and how I will price them. There may be times where Im waiting for a pets breeding to go off cooldown or one of the pair is still an adolescent and I will have to have your order on hold. Now on to the form, and the pet options!
Username and ID:
What themed you would like:
Preferred gender (male, female, or both): Some themes I may not have two or more parents of so you cannot get breeding pairs for those specific themes, sorry!
Parents you would like bred together:
Specific Traits youd like:
Username and ID: Raidenei, 136667
What themed I would like: Emperor's Dragon Zolnixi
Preferred Gender: Male and Female
Parents I would like bred together:
Rex Lapis and Guizhong
Emperor and Empress
Specific Traits youd like: N/A
(If you would like to ask to lower prices, please offer a price you are willing to pay and Ill decide if I think its fair or not. All prices are negotiable, I just go slightly under advanced search.)
Edited By Raidenei on 7/22/2022 at 1:07 PM.
Level 59
Joined: 8/31/2017
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Posts: 1
Posted: 7/20/2022 at 12:36 PM
Post #49
Username: Alyssa1903
Nickname: Alyssa
ID#: 94181
Pronouns: She/Her
Get Pings: Yes
Reason I Want To Join: I've never done something like this and I think it would be fun
Level 68
Majestic Brewmaster
Joined: 9/12/2017
Threads: 11
Posts: 109
Posted: 7/20/2022 at 3:01 PM
Post #50
I am also in the same predicament :')
I would help if I could
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