I do not plan on on manually converting the current system to the new as there will be a lot of new parameters and systems required on the new system.
So players will have to set them up again on the new system once it's implemented.
Honestly, this is a little bit frustrating, as I've been spending a not-insignificant amount of time setting up my lup themes for public breeding :\ I'm glad that I put it on pause when this thread came out just in case, at least, so there will be less work I have to re-do later.
More importantly, though, if there are any older or rarer themes up for sale by inactive users, this change will permanently cut off the community from access to those resources. Just glancing at AS, Festive, Ghastly, and Winter's Night lups are some of the rarer themes off the top of my head, and there are several up for breeding owned by players who haven't been active for hundreds or even thousands of days. Assuming that those players never log in again and therefore won't re-set their pets up for breeding, in some cases entire traits might be lost off of a theme if nobody else happens to have them.
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