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Level 12
Joined: 12/30/2012
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Posted: 12/31/2012 at 5:11 AM Post #41
Hi there, I'm Ezekiel, as you can see~
If you like, you can call me Zeke for short.

I came here from VPL, a site I very rarely visit but was linked to a thread from a friends profile a couple of days ago, only saw the ad for this place last night, though.

I really love how unique this place is, and how intuitive it is.

Sadly, I can't figure out how to(or if I even can) get my WiiU to right-click, making it impossible for me to use the sell box in my inventory.

If you see me around in the Global chatroom, not talking, it's because I can't get it to send a message

I'm interested in the usual things, anime/manga, video games, reading, I dabble in lousy art xD n__n And I looove music, music makes everything better!

My favourite video games are JRPGs/monster tamer, trainer, breeder, whatever.

I'd just say RPG, but lately a lot of games have started glomming onto that term when really they are little more than Action or FPS games enhanced with a couple of RPG elements.

Maybe I'm being elitist or something, but as soon as you open those floodgates you end up with a whole lot of games of the 'same' genre that have almost *nothing* in common, in which case, why the heck are they in the same genre?!

I like all kinds of music, but I'm a little more particular about Rap, traditionally one of my least favourite genres, usually tacked on the end of my music section as 'except rap,' since there's sooooo much really BAD Rap out there that it took me a long time to accept there was -any- Rap worth listening too. Breaking Benjamin is great :3

Random stuff I like: Astro Boy(the manga/anime, though I didn't mind the movie), Robots, because of the first thing, Monsters and Aliens.
I tend to shun anything that takes the uncreative and unoriginal route of "OMG MONSTERS ARE EVIL/OMG ALIENS ARE INVADING(/Ruthless, Coldhearted, Evil, Whatever)" and much prefer the show/book/game that will delve into the other side of things, either exploring their societies in far greater depth, sometimes proving they aren't so evil after all, or, if done really well, also showing that it's actually humans who are doing evil/thoughtless things to the monsters/aliens.

... And MegaMan. He's cool too, not as cool as Zero, though

Ehh, I better cut this 'short' now before it gets even longer!

EDIT: Sci-Fi. I forgot to mention that, very important Magic and Fantasy as well, of course. And if you can work Robots into Magic and Fantasy settings, all the better! n_n
Edited By 765 on 12/31/2012 at 5:16 AM.
Level 24
Joined: 1/1/2013
Threads: 2
Posts: 15
Posted: 1/1/2013 at 1:26 PM Post #42
Hi there. I go by Sorcha online. I love playing videogames, writing fanfic. I'm a college student.
I was browsing through virtual pet list, saw an ad for the site. I thought it looked nice so I thought why not. I'm glad I did this is a fantastic site.
Level 75
Joined: 12/29/2012
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Posted: 1/1/2013 at 2:57 PM Post #43

I'm Everlost. I currently have six sylesties. I am hoping to become a major breeder on Sylestia, but I don't understand the breeding too well. Could someone explain that to me?

I would love to make some friends!
Level 60
Joined: 12/31/2012
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Posted: 1/2/2013 at 1:42 PM Post #44
Hi! I'm Vella and I just joined not too long ago; still trying to learn everything slowly but surely! ^ -^
Hope to meet lots of you! <3
Level 60
Joined: 12/24/2012
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Posted: 1/4/2013 at 10:17 AM Post #45
Hello, everyone. My name is Ragnarok on Sylestia, but you can call me Rags, Ragna, or anything that helps you remember my name. xD

I've been on Sylestia for quite awhile to be honest. It's just that I never actually got around to posting in the forums. Probably because of my laziness...not gonna lie. xD

Anyways, ORIGINS!
I first found Sylestia from one of my closest friends, Kate (who also has an account here.) She was explaining it to me and I was interested to try it out. After all, many of the click-adoptable pet sites I've been on (MagiStream, Celestial Vale, UniCreatures, etc.) have been quite dull. Sylestia seemed like a good deal for me, so I joined up. Long story short, I absolutely love this website and I have to thank Kate for showing me this marvelous website.

I was born in Salinas, California... which I hear is very beautiful. I wouldn't know... because I moved out of that place when I was just a wee little baby. I've been living in Ohio for...well, as long as I can remember, really. It's not too bad here... but I do wish I could go back to my Birthplace. It would beat being here. xD

A few things you might want to know about me: I am a MASSIVE My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fan. MASSIVE. I may be a guy, but I'm serious. It's actually quite a good show with excellent storyline and fantastic characters.

I am also a BIG fan of RPGs (The REAL kinds... like Final Fantasy. Not Borderlands... I don't even know why that is considered to be one. )... which is one of the MAJOR reasons why I love this site. I'm also a fan of fighting games such as BlazBlue and Skullgirls. Those games require timing and skill... both of which I lack. XD But I try anyways!
To be honest, if you gave me a My Little Pony fighting game or a My Little Pony RPG, I'd explode in excitement. I already have like three different MLP RPGs on my computer, lol.

Oh, and I love Megaman. Always have. It was my favorite game growing up. However, Zero will ALWAYS be better. ALWAYS.

Aside from gaming, I like to write stories (writing about 18 stories and some poetry now), drawing and Jogging long distances. However, I especially love chatting with my friends online and getting on Sylestia to train. Because after all... "I wanna be the very best... like no one ever was..." *shot*

AAAAAAAND that's pretty much all you need to know about me right now. XD Don't want to write a novel about myself on here. I look forward to talking with all you and making new friends. x3
Don't be shy! Drop a message or a game request if you're bored and want someone to talk to.

Be warned though. I'm quite... random. xD
Edited By 590 on 1/4/2013 at 10:18 AM.
Level 54
Joined: 12/23/2012
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Posted: 1/5/2013 at 4:56 PM Post #46
*pokes head in*

Well hello there! I'm Daeli, but call me Dae. To be honest it's almost weird hearing my full username. xD I hail from Ponyisland as well, brought along by Saki with Shads and Shimegami. I am the resident ocelot from now on, be prepared to have a cat hat as I usually like sleeping on people's heads.

I love cats, horses, and mythic creatures. My greatest loves are an assortment of tv shows, namely Code Geass, Doctor Who, Supernatural, Sherlock, and many animes. My favorite colors are normally green and black (techno colors), but I also love any combination that adheres to nature, such as blues or greens, or autumn reds and golds. Usually against black. xD

Music is a big "?" for myself. I like all kinds, as long as it has a good beat to it and is danceble.

I speak French (still learning), Japanese (VERY MUCH still learning), and some Spanish.

I love to play chess! I am a part of, and if you are too, let me know!

I have an MSN and Skype, though I'm not usually on the latter. Message me if you'd like to add me on either!

Well, I suppose that's it. OH, I'm a huge artist, and also a little bit of a writer. You may see my stuff around. Anyhow.

Level 60
Joined: 1/4/2013
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Posted: 1/8/2013 at 9:58 AM Post #47
Hi there! I'm Moxie, and I came to Sylestia from the MMOG world (Rift, Lord of the Rings Online, World of Warcraft, and EVE Online). So, of course, I'm already familiar with talent trees and putting together effective groups.

It's wonderful to find Sylestia, because I can play it as time allows. I became a parent in June of 2012, and a baby definitely takes away from my ability to hop into a group or instance anytime I want to. With Sylestia, I can get into a battle, stop to play with or feed my son, and get back to the battle twenty minutes or three hours later, it doesn't matter. The fight will be waiting for me. Although the creators probably did not intend it, Sylestia is great for gamer parents who don't want to give up their hobby entirely but no longer have time for hardcore questing/raiding.

In addition to online gaming, my other hobbies are reading, writing, running, and cycling. I hold a third-degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do. Let's see ... I'm a practicing Buddhist, own three border collies, and am devoted to my seven-month-old. I would like to have one more baby, and then my family will be complete.
Level 9
Joined: 1/6/2013
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Posted: 1/8/2013 at 3:28 PM Post #48
Hello... I came here because I found an advertisement on The ad looked interesting so I lciked it and well... here I am! I like video games, animals, and virtual pet websites. (in fact, after I found Sylestia, I joined a wave of other web sites.) I have four dogs and a chinchilla, and my favorite food is ice cream!
As for my feedback on the website, well I think it is a very fine way to pass the time, but some quests don't work (I took the "capture a sylesti" quest and caught a qitari, but it didn't register for some reason.) Also, is it me or does nobody have an Aurleon...?
Level 75
Shadow of the Moon
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Joined: 12/17/2012
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Posted: 1/8/2013 at 6:47 PM Post #49
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 3/3/2025 at 6:42:09pm

Hello... I came here because I found an advertisement on The ad looked interesting so I lciked it and well... here I am! I like video games, animals, and virtual pet websites. (in fact, after I found Sylestia, I joined a wave of other web sites.) I have four dogs and a chinchilla, and my favorite food is ice cream!
As for my feedback on the website, well I think it is a very fine way to pass the time, but some quests don't work (I took the "capture a sylesti" quest and caught a qitari, but it didn't register for some reason.) Also, is it me or does nobody have an Aurleon...?


The Capture a Sylesti quest is a scripted event, it's not actually based on capturing a Sylesti. Don't worry, like 48932 people have said the same thing lol.

And the poor Aurleons are the least owned pet

But welcome to Sylestia! We are glad you joined.
Edited By 1 on 1/8/2013 at 6:47 PM.
Level 60
Joined: 12/30/2012
Threads: 23
Posts: 398
Posted: 1/8/2013 at 6:55 PM Post #50
Quote From:
Originally Posted: 3/3/2025 at 6:42:09pm

Also, is it me or does nobody have an Aurleon...?

I have lots and lots!
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