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Level 67
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Posted: 8/24/2014 at 5:11 AM
Post #41
Name: Maimah
Residence : In the bowels of all the hatcheries. Playing with all the eggies.
I don't really want in the raffle Eim.. or the contests, but I thought I'd sing a song for the babies.. since I can't tell a story. My Momma used to sing this to me when I was little. So ::Gets out her little drum and situates herself:: Well here it goes ;)
Ok so I was wrong! I do want in the contests XD
Avvie Dressup -
(and because there is NO way I can think of to shorten this AMAZING story, I give you the link to the gutenberg press ebook of "David and the Phoenix" if you haven't read this.. please go do it now, because it is one of the most amazing classics in the world. )
The Little White Kelp
There's a little white kelp... sittin in the water.. a little white kelp doing what she oughter! She took a bite of a lily pad, flicked her fins and she said "I'm glad I'm a little white kelp sitting in the water Burble burble burble!"
There's a little green Vorpa swimming in the water.. a little green Vorpa.. doing what he oughter he jumped right off the lily pad that the little Kelp bit and he said I'm glad I'm a little green Vorpa swimming in the water, guergle guergle guergle!"
There's a little water elemental floating on the water.. a little water elemental doing what he oughter he tickled the Vorpa on the lily pad that the little Kelp bit and he said "I'm glad I'm a little water elemental floating in the water ripple ripple ripple!"
There's a little Aeridini.. playing in the water.. a little Aeridini doing what she otter.. she frightened the Vorp and the Kelp so bad she beat up the elemental and she said "I'm glad I'm a little Aeridini playing in the water heee heee heee"
Now there's nobody left.. sitting in the water nobody left doing what they oughter there's nothing left but the lily pad. The Kelp and Vorp ran away I'm sad, cause there's nobody left.. sitting in the water. Booo hooo hoo
P.S. (for those not old enough to know this song, go hit Youtube and look up Burl Ives "Little White Duck" it's a classic ^_^)
*wanders back in with her drum* ok since we're still here... I'll sing one more for the kidlets, My momma sang me this one too!
Fluff, the magic Aeri lived by the sea
And frolicked in the Astyll mist in a land called Sylestia,
Little Jinxie Spritegirl loved that rascal Fluff,
And brought him springs and Pies and things and other fancy stuff. oh
Fluff, the magic Aeri lived by the sea
And frolicked in the Astyll mist in a land called Sylestia, ,
Fluff, the magic Aeri lived by the sea
And frolicked in the Astyll mist in a land called Sylestia,
Together they would travel on a boat with billowed sail
Jinxie kept a lookout perched on Fluffs lily tail,
Lighira and Griffs would bow whene'r they came,
Water Elementals would lower their heads when Fluff roared out his name. oh!
Fluff, the magic Aeri lived by the sea
And frolicked in the Astyll mist in a land called Sylestia, ,
Fluff, the magic Aeri lived by the sea
And frolicked in the Astyll mist in a land called Sylestia, .
Aeris live forever but not so little sprites
Bright wings and giant spings make way for other joys.
One sad night it happened, Jinxie Spritegirl came no more
And Fluff that mighty Aeri, he ceased his fearless roar.
His head was bent in sorrow, green tears fell like rain,
Fluff no longer went to play along the Astryll lane.
Without his life-long friend, Fluff could not be brave,
So Fluff that mighty Aeri sadly slipped into his cave. oh!
Fluff, the magic Aeri lived by the sea
And frolicked in the Astyll mist in a land called Sylestia, ,
Fluff, the magic Aeri lived by the sea
And frolicked in the Astyll mist in a land called Sylestia,
(PPM Puff the Magic Dragon for those who don't know it ;) )
Edited By Maimah on 8/28/2014 at 9:39 PM.
Level 75
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Posted: 8/25/2014 at 7:02 PM
Post #42
Thank you for posting/participating anyway Maimah. <3
I'll have to look that up when youtube decides to work for me. :O
It sounds incredibly cute~!
Level 75
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Posted: 8/26/2014 at 6:02 PM
Post #43
*pokes thread with a pointy stick*
Level 70
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Posted: 8/27/2014 at 3:26 PM
Post #44
I just moved into my dorm over the weekend. *u*
I had time before class, so I worked on my story, based on one of Aesop's Fables.
I intend to add a dressed-up avatar and some more to it. And hopefully, I can scribble something up for participation to the art contest. xD
At any rate, just gotta remember I have til Sept 4. *u*
Level 70
Guardian of the Realm
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Posted: 8/27/2014 at 4:09 PM
Post #45
Name: Donmino
Place of Residence: a small place, in the lush forests to the east of Ethernia. There's lots of space there for all of my pets to run all around in a forest, aha.
"I want to join the raffle please!" :O
Story Entry: Puffadore Paradise
Once upon a time, there was a Puffadore. She was the prettiest Puffadore in the entire realm of Astryl's Vale, and she was very, very well treated. Spoiled, even. She was waited on, tail and paw. Everything she ever wanted was delivered to her on a silver platter, for she was the King's beloved pet Tinkerbell, and he was very fond of her.
None of this mattered to pampered Tinkerbell. She accepted the expensive gifts, and lavish foods, and scented perfumes, and jeweled adornments, but she did not particularly care for them, or even want them. She let them pile up in her towertop rooms, unused. What she wanted, more than anything, was to be allowed outside the castle, and to explore the surrounding orchards.
One day, the sun shone brightly and a breeze played merrily through the leaves outside Tinkerbell's window. She decided, resting her head on the windowsill and watching the birds fly free, that it was time for her to make her escape. She waited until midday, when she knew the King would have all of his staff at a feast celebrating the defeat of the Lunemara plaguing Sweet Blossom Orchard, and her way out would be clear. She sneaked through the halls, then crept out the magnificent front doors, into the streets beyond.
Tinkerbell regretted this decision almost immediately. No sooner had she crossed the road than something slammed down around her, partially see through. A net! She let out a distressed bark as she was scoped up. She heard a gruff voice say "Got us another one." before she was dumped in the back of a Qitari-drawn cart. The cart began to rumble as it was pulled away.
She stayed in the back of the cart for a long time, before it finally rolled to a stop. "Let 'em out." said the same rough voice, and suddenly, she was pushed out of the cart, to find herself in a field.
It stretched as far as the eye could see, and it was filled with Puffadores, of every shape and size. Confused, she looked back at the man. "We call this here the Farm." he said, plucking a piece of grass and putting it in his mouth. "We round up all of the loose Puffadores in the city and bring 'em here. Keeps Ethernia nice and clean, and gives out pups more company."
Tinkerbell looked around, her little eyes wide. It was Puffadore paradise! She wasted no time at all bounding forward to meet all of her new friends.
Meanwhile, back at the castle, Tinkerbell's groomer was going mad with worry. The little Puffadore was nowhere to be found. He hurried out to the task board, and pinned up a new ad, hoping that a brave adventurer somewhere would brave the wilds to find the King's beloved Tinkerbell and bring her back home again.
(she keeps ending up back at the Orchard because she keeps escaping to go visit her new friends.)
(also she's such a pain to find because she likes to play hide and seek.)
Also, here's my avatar contest entry:
He's Tinkerbell's groomer, aha. She always comes back covered in leaves and dirt, so he's always working away. His colors are based on Ethernia's castle's colors ovo
<I'll add the art entry here as I complete it>
Edited By Donmino on 9/2/2014 at 3:03 AM.
Level 60
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 8/27/2014 at 9:33 PM
Post #46
On my story, Is it ok if I add an image I made in the preview generator to show everyone what a certain character looks like?
Level 75
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Posted: 8/27/2014 at 9:37 PM
Post #47
I don't see why not. Just make sure you've got them clearly labeled~ "Dress up Contest" avatar and maybe "Story cast"? You can only enter one into the dress up contest~
Edited By Eimell on 8/27/2014 at 9:38 PM.
Level 60
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Posted: 8/28/2014 at 9:57 PM
Post #48
=D can i be in raffle please?
Level 70
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Posted: 8/29/2014 at 3:39 PM
Post #49
I finally finished my story (and had an avatar for it too!), but I went over my character limit ;w; (mainly because I color-coded most of the dialogue)
Can I make another thread in the Fan Fiction area for the story and link it here? ;w;
edit, went ahead and made a thread to put the story in. >w< now I have the story and dress up in my post!
Edited By Flute on 8/31/2014 at 1:07 AM.
Level 60
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 9/1/2014 at 11:03 AM
Post #50
Name: (Your username) Ember2000
Place of Residence: (in Sylestia please, not your actual residence!) In Astryl's Vale right in the center of Spring Blossom Orchard on a gorgeous farm <3
"I want to join the raffle please!"
Once upon a time, in a far away kingdom there lived a Prince and his parents, the King and Queen of Ethernia. The prince had been searching far and wide for a bride. He was determined to find the fairest girl in all the lands. His mother though, only wanted him to marry an Aerdini, for she felt that any other species was inferior.
One night there was a huge thunderstorm causing torrents of rain to pour down from the sky. Anything outside was immediately drenched from head to toe. The royal family were talking and laughing as they ate their dinner. In the middle of one of the king's many corny jokes, the family heard a timid knock at the door. The queen exclaimed, "Who would be out in this ghastly weather?!" as the Bulbori left his post and went to open the door.
Outside the door stood a completely drenched Nephini. Though, her beauty was evident even through the rain. The prince stood in awe as the queen glared at her. The queen despised her as soon as she saw the look that her son gave the petite Nephini. "My son will NOT marry a Nephini! I refuse it!" the queen thought to herself as she came up with a plan.
The Bulbori welcomed the beautiful Nephini into the house and offered her a warm towel. "So, little Nephini, what have you come to our palace for? It must be important if you were willing to travel in this weather" the King asked while gesturing to the ceiling. " Well I heard that the prince was looking for a bride and my parents thought that it would be a match made in heaven" she said, beaming. The prince's smile got even wider when he heard that. "Well, little Nephini, there is a test that you have to pass to be able to wed my son", the queen said, "but you should get your rest, first clean up though." The Nephini gathered her things and went to the bathroom to clean up before bed. As she was busy, the queen set to work taking the mattresses off the bed and put a bowling ball at the very bottom of 20 mattresses and 20 eider-down beds. "We shall see if she feels that" the queen thought triumphantly to herself. The royal family said goodnight to the Nephini as she settled down in bed.
The next morning the queen asked how she had slept. "Very poorly! I have bruises all over my body! I don't know what was wrong but there was something frighteningly hard under my bed! I was tossing and turning all night!!!" The Nephini exclaimed while rubbing her sore back. The mother was impressed for only one contestant had made it this far. "I am very sorry my dear!! I shall have our maids take off the mattresses and look to be sure nothing is there." The mother said soothingly offering the girl a nice pack to help her poor back.
While the maids were pulling off the eider-down beds and the mattresses the queen quickly took the bowling ball and replaced it with a tangerine. "This small fruit is sure to not be felt," thought the queen, smirking. "Nobody will marry my son," the queen whispered, "especially not that filthy peasant."
That night the little Nephini tossed and turned all night long. She just could not fall asleep!!! No matter how hard she tried, it always felt like a huge rock was right under her. It was terrible! The next morning the queen asked how her sleep was again. "I am sorry to say this dear queen, but it was even worse!!! I am afraid that I have broke my back! I was tossing and turning all night and got very little sleep because of this darn lump in the bed!!" The queen was quite surprised at this for no one had ever felt the tangerine, this last test would have to be so difficult so that the Nephini would not pass. "Nobody will marry my son," the queen whispered.
"Excuse me?" Asked the Nephini, as she had been watching the queen the entire time. "Oh..umm... I just said that I was sorry! I will get that fixed!!!" The queen said hurriedly, snapping out of her daze. That night, before the Nephini went to sleep the queen replaced the tangerine with the smallest pea she could find, so small it was barely seen to even her eyes which were as sharp as a hawk's.
That night the Nephini couldn't sleep at all! There was an even bigger lump in the bed and no matter where she turned she couldn't sleep! It was absolutely terrible!!! That morning the queen asked the Nephini how she slept, positive that she wouldn't feel the pea. "Absolutely terrible!!! I swear!!! I am done with your beds!!! Could you PLEASE test me already!" the Nephini demanded, raising her voice for the first time in years. The queen was down right astonished!! "Well m'dear you have passed the test, you may marry my son!" The queen exclaimed, still in shock.
In two months a huge celebration was held and the prince and the Nephini got married and became the new King and Queen of Ethernia.
The End
The Pea The Princess The Prince
Accepting Yam's offer, I head off to the beach volleyball court with a little nephini. Apparently she is better at beach volleyball than I though! She has some hops!
*ran out of time near the end so sorry about the sloppiness :(
Edited By Ember2000 on 9/4/2014 at 9:44 PM.
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