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Forum Index > Games, Contests, and Giveaways > Design Contest - 1 Million in Gold Prize...
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Level 75
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Posted: 9/27/2018 at 4:03 PM Post #41

Edited By Hopeless on 9/27/2018 at 6:44 PM.
Level 68
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 8/17/2018
Threads: 145
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Posted: 9/27/2018 at 4:48 PM Post #42

Fall Time

Just load the links into the Generator so you can see colors, traits, and mutations.
Edited By Ladyshannon on 10/2/2018 at 6:32 PM.
Level 75
Master Sylestiologist
Joined: 3/10/2014
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Posted: 9/30/2018 at 12:08 AM Post #43
Level 75
Master Sylestiologist
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Posted: 9/30/2018 at 7:07 PM Post #44
Level 75
Master Sylestiologist
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Posted: 10/2/2018 at 3:53 PM Post #45
18 days left to enter for a chance to win up to 150K gold.
Level 75
Master Sylestiologist
Joined: 3/10/2014
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Posted: 10/2/2018 at 3:54 PM Post #46
Please re-read the rules. If your post isn't edited by October 20th all of your entries will be disqualified.

If you have any questions about the rules please send me a private message or ping me here.
Level 68
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 8/17/2018
Threads: 145
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Posted: 10/2/2018 at 5:04 PM Post #47
Sorry about the traits and mutations. I have corrected them.
Level 75
Master Sylestiologist
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Posted: 10/2/2018 at 6:28 PM Post #48
Please re-read rule #1.
Level 75
Master Sylestiologist
Joined: 3/10/2014
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Posted: 10/2/2018 at 6:39 PM Post #49
Hi all,

I know it's hard to keep track of things, so I'm sending a reminder that you have until October 20th to submit up to 5 designs! The more you offer, the higher your chances of having 3 picked and winning up to 150K.

You are receiving this ping because:
- You don't have 5 entries.
- You said in your post you will add more.

Feel free to ignore this if you're satisfied with your entries.

Great work so far and good luck!
Level 75
Master Sylestiologist
Joined: 3/10/2014
Threads: 398
Posts: 11,722
Posted: 10/2/2018 at 6:40 PM Post #50
Hi all,

I know it's hard to keep track of things, so I'm sending a reminder that you have until October 20th to submit up to 5 designs! The more you offer, the higher your chances of having 3 picked and winning up to 150K.

You are receiving this ping because:
- You don't have 5 entries.
- You said in your post you will add more.

Feel free to ignore this if you're satisfied with your entries.

Great work so far and good luck!
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