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Forum Index > Find Roleplayers > World of many universes [Signups]
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Level 64
The Artistic
Joined: 9/13/2017
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Posted: 12/19/2018 at 4:22 PM Post #41
Yeah, but it has to be from a game or show/movie. Sorry if I didn't clarify enough or anything >_<;
Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/7/2013
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Posted: 12/19/2018 at 5:31 PM Post #42
Name: White Indoraptor (Bianca)
Age: ??
Personality: unlike her brother she is calm and rather submissive which made her an instant target to be eliminated. Bianca is motherly and rather sweet though does have moments when she snaps and goes into one of her rages.
-laying in the sun
-chasing butterflies
-blood shed
~her brother
~being put in a cage
Backstory:She was the second, the one they discarded. Now she stalks the shadows waiting for her moment to rise.

Universe: Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
Level 64
The Artistic
Joined: 9/13/2017
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Posted: 12/23/2018 at 1:52 PM Post #43
Did you ever get my ping Hazel? You need to change your character's universes.
Level 34
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 2/10/2018
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Posted: 12/23/2018 at 4:07 PM Post #44
Yes, I'm still trying to think of another universe to use....
Level 64
The Artistic
Joined: 9/13/2017
Threads: 101
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Posted: 12/24/2018 at 8:19 AM Post #45
Alright! No time limit or anything, just wanted to make sure it went through! ^-^
Level 75
Joined: 5/22/2018
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Posted: 1/1/2019 at 7:18 PM Post #46
I hope the RP isn't dead yet! It seems so awesome!

Name: Thaddeus Morocco

Age [if unknown then guess]: He's in his 140's, so I'm guessing 142 (Looks 21-25ish)

Personality: Being a genius, he is rather slow on the concept that someone has no idea what he's talking about, and will get mad and repetitive on the topic they (someone) don't understand. He is rather polite in public (Unless you don't understand the topic) and tends not to yell. If he sees something "supernatural" he will try to explain it to himself scientifically. Due to using the Vern device to live to over 140 years, he has some old time manners (kissing the hand of a woman you know well, his clothes, and other things). He understands Chase's complicated words very well, and can "translate" him if need be.

Likes: Things that are scientifically sound, his "Chamber of Youth", the inventions he makes.

Dislikes: Chase, thinking about the past, someone using magic just because "It is easier" than doing the actual work, universe collision, how Jules betrayed him (kind of).

Appearance: Not my art

Backstory [Of course the event may effect this]: Mostly what Chase had in his (when he went to France) but, in the beginning, when futures collapsed into present, Thaddeus remembered everything in his life. Jules quickly fell into a black hole portal thing, even though Thaddeus tried to save him. (I avoided spoilers! Yeah!)

Universe: Rescue Bots

Name: Chase

Age [if unknown then guess]: 200 (I honestly have no idea)

Personality: Once being a police vehicle, Chase tends to always side with current laws, except to save his friends. Chase is loyal to his friends and the law, although he might break the law if it is to help his friends. He tends to be cautious on high levels of buildings since the universes collided. He tends to over-complicate things, in both wording and situations.

Likes: The law, people that are loyal to the law, people that are loyal, people that don't let the past get them down, dictionaries, mystery novels, his (bad) jokes, writing.

Dislikes: Villains, those who break the law just for fun, people that would betray any and everyone.

Appearance: (Had to use two to show the "eyes" and the whole body))

(Ignore the hat)
Not my art, both are canon images.

Backstory [Of course the event may effect this]: When he and Chief were patrolling, they notice the ground breaking apart and black hole like things sucking the falling Earth down. When Chief try to save his daughter but ended up dying with her, Chase quickly went to France (when the universes collided, the futures collided with the present timeline, causing Jules and Thaddeus Morocco to be in present France verses Future France) to save Thaddeus. A blue-ish portal appeared, and Chase grabbed Thaddeus's Chamber of Youth and Thaddeus himself (who had both Vern devices) and jumped into it.

Universe: Rescue Bots

Note: He has several weaknesses, including public speaking.
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