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Level 75
The Carver
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Posted: 9/16/2019 at 8:42 PM
Post #41
I really appreciate you taking the time to write that! I feel like you could actually do that kinda stuff for gold XD So if ive got this right its like: If the letter N is in your combo theres a 50% chance it will be Nothing, so this means NN would be 100% nothing right? [idk if you can even get NN] A is most Dominant after N and B is 2nd most after A and N and so on for the whole alphabet. The newest released traits must be bred with a pet of the exact same trait in that slot for it to be carried or vis?
And with the case of NC Lucky Runes and NG Electric Shock, why are they 50/50 with eachother is C is higher than G? Does Hidden dominance only work on another hidden?
Level 70
Ghost Writer
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Posted: 9/16/2019 at 8:52 PM
Post #42
Each letter has a 50% chance of being passed down from the parent who has it.
NA means you have Nothing [N] in one slot and a trait [A] carried under it. So any offspring will have one or another of those two things in that slot.
If you have another pet with, say, CD, then you have a 50% chance of getting a [C] from them, or a 50% chance of getting the [D].
So when you breed the two together, the possible results are like this, all equally likely:
NC - Nothing is visible, C is carried
AC - A is visible, C is carried
ND - Nothing is visible, D is carried
AD - A is visible, D is carried
In order to get either C to show visibly, you'd need to breed the CD sylesti with another who has letters C or higher. The earlier letter is always dominant visually, so an A will always be visible over anything else (except N, which just means nothing visible.)
Dominance ONLY affects which traits are VISIBLE, not which traits are passed down. The chance of passing down a trait to an offspring is always the same. 50% it'll be the first letter, 50% it'll be the second.
Edited By Asviloka on 9/16/2019 at 8:54 PM.
Level 75
The Carver
Joined: 3/31/2017
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Posted: 9/16/2019 at 9:00 PM
Post #43
omg this is all so complicated ;-; #RespectToTheBreeders.
But seriously, tysm for your info its all been very helpful!
Level 75
Hand of Destiny
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Posted: 9/16/2019 at 9:23 PM
Post #44
why would NN not be possible? Three of the slots that that luff pair would produce would be NN.
NN is just a trait slot with nothing in it at all
As Asviloka says, what gets passed down from the parents in each slot is 50/50 on if it's the first or second letter.
think of it like...
Each parent has traits like this:
When they have an offspring, each indovidual trait slot can pass down either [1] or [2], and each is selected completely individually from all the other slots
so it could pass on
G1: [1]
G2: [1]
G3: [2]
M1: [1]
M2: [2]
M3: [1]
so in G1, parent 1 will pass down an [N] 100% of the time, since both trait letters are [N]
P2 however, has a 50/50 chance of passing down either the [N] or the [A]
So the offspring, in G1, can get any of
P1 [N]1 + P2 [N]1 = (NN),
P1 [N]1 + P2 [A]2 = (NA),
P1 [N]2 + P2 [N]1 = (NN),
P1 [N]2 + P2 [A]2 = (NA)
(which amounts to a 50% chance of NN and a 50% chance of NA)
@Scathreoite Alright, I think ive got a pretty good idea how this works now [your a pretty good teacher] tysm again for your help, ill try to remember all this <3 Thank you Alphalizzyflame, Orca2Whale, Asviloka, and Encryption for your input too!
Level 74
Joined: 11/1/2018
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Posted: 9/16/2019 at 9:50 PM
Post #46
One last thing: traits always skip from M to O, theres no trait N
(No problem, Silver ;) )
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