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Forum Index > Artwork Trades > The Kitsch Niche--Free Art
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Level 75
The Carver
Joined: 3/31/2017
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Posted: 12/2/2019 at 8:22 PM Post #41
I... think it looks better without it xD
Level 64
The Artistic
Joined: 10/8/2014
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Posted: 12/2/2019 at 8:26 PM Post #42

Y'know, it was kinda growing on me...
Sad little blue line gotta be erased now.
It had a short life.
I should write a eulogy.

Wait, no.

Ignore me, i'm magnanimously tired right now.

And that was irony you just read. I like it better without as well^^
Level 75
The Carver
Joined: 3/31/2017
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Posted: 12/2/2019 at 8:29 PM Post #43
;D You can put the little blue line somewhere else in the drawing xD I'm sure you'll find a place to hide it
Level 64
The Artistic
Joined: 10/8/2014
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Posted: 12/2/2019 at 8:33 PM Post #44
...maybe. We'll see. It'll be an adventure.

Oh, also, you mentioned an art trade?
I didn't mean to ignore you on that! It just slipped my mind!

As I said, you don't have to pay me for the art, it's free. But I'll never reject an offer from a fellow artisan to draw me something^^
If it'll make you happy, go right ahead, my friend!
Level 75
The Carver
Joined: 3/31/2017
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Posted: 12/2/2019 at 9:03 PM Post #45
Oh cool! Is there something specific you might want drawn? [I do better with human/humanoid figures than animals though, just keep it in mind xD]
Level 75
High Priest
Joined: 8/24/2018
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Posted: 12/2/2019 at 11:05 PM Post #46
Its so pretty!

Can I put it on my profile?
Level 64
The Artistic
Joined: 10/8/2014
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Posted: 12/3/2019 at 11:51 AM Post #47
Yes, go right ahead!

I'm very happy you like it :D
Level 64
The Artistic
Joined: 10/8/2014
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Posted: 12/3/2019 at 11:52 AM Post #48

I finished your art, I hope you like it!

Level 75
Joined: 2/19/2018
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Posted: 12/3/2019 at 11:54 AM Post #49
waiodaodk it's amazing! Thank you so much <3
Level 64
The Artistic
Joined: 10/8/2014
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Posts: 717
Posted: 12/3/2019 at 12:09 PM Post #50
Nah. I'm pretty lax about stuff and generally don't have strong opinions. Unless somebody's drawing one of my OCs. Then I get pretty finicky about the details^^

That being said,
I get stressed out when drawing stuff for people without any direction, so I'll give ya a suggestion, if you're the same way. Don't wanna unnecessarily stress you out.

I like cephalopods. If you don't know what those are, that's OK. It's a long word anyway and only used by scientists and the odd home-schooler (cough cough). They're a class of undersea mollusks that lack bones. A few members of class cephalopoda are: octopus, squid, nautilus, etc. etc.

I just reallllllly like tentacles O.o
Plus their morphing ability surpasses that of the chameleon, but weirdly that cute little reptile gets all the oohs and aahs. Octopus generally get a basic, yuck, it's sticky! Though I can respect the chameleon's obvious ingenuity, I must place my admiration for color change on the cephalopods.

Long story short,
since my obsession with them would be incomplete without art derived from their pure awesomeness, you said you're better at drawing humans/humanoids?
Draw me a human-cephalopod^^

Unless you don't do tentacles.
Purely understandable.

In that case, I have no preference. I will like basically whatever you do, since art is a creative journey and the end product is produced to please only if the creator had fun doing it. In my completely reliable opinion, of course^^

This was way more talking than I intended. Did you get your fill of RI yet? (RI = random information)
I could go on and on about cephalopods otherwise.

Lemmie know!
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