If you stuff my stocking, Ill usually stuff yours (if I have what your looking for lol) ^^
-Nixi essences
-Philters of Infertility
-Philters of Amnesia
Thanks in advance! :D
Level 65
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Posted: 12/24/2019 at 3:42 PM
Post #43
(Pinging my sister to get her attention)
I'd like anything,l 'll try to stuff back when I can don't have much I can stuff lol. My dreams are any trait disruption stuff and Vene essences.
My Stocking
Merry Christmas and thanks in advance!
Edited By Squidliy on 12/24/2019 at 3:42 PM.
Level 70
Fancy Pants
Joined: 8/2/2018
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Posted: 1/2/2020 at 4:05 AM
Post #44
Hi there! I've been out of town and didn't get the chance to return some stocking stuff before it closed. I just wanted to ping you and let you know why you received something random from me xD Sorry for the delay, and enjoy! I tried to find things on your wishlist, and thanks so much for the gift!!! <3
Level 70
Candy Dispenser
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Posted: 1/2/2020 at 4:14 AM
Post #45
Yay thank you! merry xmas and happy new years! ganna send you a pm
Edited By Jaidi on 1/2/2020 at 4:14 AM.
Level 75
Vanquisher of Undead
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Posted: 1/2/2020 at 4:22 AM
Post #46
Ah, it's okay! And thank you, I hope your Holidays were great!
Level 75
Guardian of the Realm
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Posted: 1/2/2020 at 5:19 AM
Post #47
Thanks so much, Bunne, it is greatly appreciated!
Level 75
The Artistic
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Posted: 1/2/2020 at 9:37 AM
Post #48
Thank you very much ^.^
Level 75
Guardian of the Realm
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Posted: 1/3/2020 at 3:08 AM
Post #49
Oh my how kind of you, thank you so much Bunne, I love the gift! <3
Level 75
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Posted: 1/3/2020 at 10:13 PM
Post #50
Aw that's very sweet of you, thanks a ton! I'm glad you enjoyed your gift and hope your holidays were very good ones! <3
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