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Level 61
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Posted: 4/18/2020 at 10:42 AM Post #41
Alexis gave a small smile "it's fine he's just protective of his pups it's only natural" she said and sat down and sniffed into her human form and picked up the pups woth her good arm so she could hold them both and smiled at buddy "im glad no my else was hurt during the Hunting party" she said and looked at buddy and tatiana " is it true that there's going to be an arranged marriage soon between James and the alpha's daughter from another pack?" She asked as moonlight feel alseep and luna laid down in her arms feeling more relaxed that no one was sad (pup logic)


James's mother a beautiful and breathtaking she-wolf who James got his eyes from gave him a small smile " don't worry my dad is just stressed, the pack is concerned that next time it won't be a moose" she said and walked over towards the him her blondish brown and grey fur was dull in the shadows if the alpha's cave
Level 57
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Posted: 4/19/2020 at 3:20 PM Post #42
"Same. I'm worried for everyone. Do you think I can do anything as it stands, maybe go around and check the borders?" James asks, hoping to help out and distract his mind from the incoming marriage and his love for Alexis since she didn't seem to like him back. He had been a fool, but he hadn't outright denied being the Alpha's son... Right?


Buddy and Tatiana exchange a look. "Yes, it is true." Tatiana says quietly, "Though a rumor has it that James doesn't want to. We will never know." Tatiana smiles at Alexis, wondering why Alexis had asked, but not pushing.
Level 61
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Posted: 4/19/2020 at 4:38 PM Post #43
Alexis gave her a smile "ah, I just wanted to know as some of the younger females are talking about it and i heard there are white werewolves like me in that pack and wanted to know" she said perhaps maybe he was related to one of them and wouldn't be alone she was found injured with severe amnesia so I couldn't remember anything before being discovered by the pack amd hoped to learn about her past

His mother smiled " go ahead I'm sure you need time to clear your mind you can take some of the trolls with you if you like or go alone" she said and gave him a smile she kbew james new about the arranged marriage and that he wasn't allowed to go and be too Friendly with other females within his or any other pack "i need to meet with a old friend and his daugher take care son" she said giving him a nuzzle and than left
Level 57
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Posted: 4/19/2020 at 4:51 PM Post #44
James gave her a glad smile, "Thank you. Travel safe." He says, before being left with his dad. James trots out of the den, a new spring in his step. At least he was able to patrol around and not be stuck thinking and dreading and wishing.
As he was patrolling alone, he noticed something that wasn't there before. James headed over to it in wolf form, sniffing it hesitantly to see if he could determine what was there. A wolf jumps out of seemingly no where, growling and raising its hackles threateningly. James returns the growl, barking to keep the wolf at bay.
He didn't recognize the wolf, and therefore noted that the wolf shouldn't be at the borders. While he was distracted, another wolf kreeps past to try and enter the territory.
Level 61
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Posted: 4/19/2020 at 5:19 PM Post #45
Alexis was about to say something when when she suddenly bolted up dispite her injuries and started sniffing around "oh no, body we have tresspasses near the alpha's then" she set out loud her voice filled with concern and she glanced at the two adult wolves "the alpha female alone" she said and tried her quickly run to the alpha's then she knew the alpha female was alone as James's father was out and she didn't know where James was and ran

The alpha female who was james mother arrived at the meet up point "Garth, I apologise I was late" she said greeting the Alpha Garth and his oldest daugher Eclipse and his second daugher Cassandra both his daughters were extremely beautiful they were half sisters as cassandra's mother died during pup birth and he remarried Eleanor's mother and she later gave birth to their daughter Eleanor. Harth smiled "its alright, wr glad you made it.....where is your mate?" He asked and she frowned " he is doing business I apologise he can attend" she said as it was easier saying he stormed off in a hufff like a pup
Edited By Apache on 8/15/2020 at 8:27 AM.
Level 57
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Posted: 4/19/2020 at 5:25 PM Post #46
"How are you able to figure that out so fast?" Buddy mutters, following Alexis at a quick pace. There were too many things infiltrating their borders today. They needed to upgrade their security. And quickly.

James rolls away from the blow of one of the two wolves, hoping he didn't end up in the claws of the other. The one doing most of the attacking was big and bulky, claws dangerously sharp and reflexes surprisingly quick. James just managed to not get hit before he retaliates with his own attack, going low to the ground to jump over the wolf, bouncing back off the tree behind to land neatly on the wolf's back, already bitting down. Hard. The wolf yelps, running around like a mad man, trying to shake James off. The wolf suddenly shifts into it's human wolf, and it rolls, crushing James beneath them for a moment. James pushes the wolf off, and regains his balance, turning into his half-and-half form.
We really should upgrade our guards... This is insane.
Level 61
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Posted: 4/19/2020 at 5:44 PM Post #47
Alexis srugged " I don't know I can smell it seems that the only good thing about me is my nose" she said and ran faster and they arived at the scene "James?! Hey leave him alone" she said and growled at them

The biggest wolf look at her and started laughing hysterically " you can barely stand what threat are you to me" he said and lickrd his lips " hmm despite your injuries you will make a good mate" he said and Alexis growled "i rather die" she snaped and watched as the big wolf was avout to attack but buddy got their first "great job buddy!!" She said and looked at james worried about him. Her expression showed concerned it seemed that she didn't really hate James after all maybe had a chance to befriend her or more "james" she whispered softly and looked at the second intruder " you are stupid you can't answer a packs territory did you really think it and end well" she snapped and limped forward " I'm giving you a warning take your friends and leave now before my friend kills him and I called the rest of the Pack" she said amd glared at him " leave why you still got your lives amd all your lims" she added
Level 57
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Posted: 4/19/2020 at 6:55 PM Post #48
The second one was young and terribly scrawny - the first one that had threatened James, surprisingly enough. The young wolf looked scared out of her mind at the threat. "I, uh, w-we, um, we're just l-leaving. Y-yeah." the young werewolf nods her head rapidly, enough to make James since for the poor wolf. the young wolf high-tail it out of there, tail tucked between her legs. James was so glad Alexis and Buddy were here... which might sound strange because he and Buddy were definitely not friends.

"Oh, aren't I glad to see you." James says .
"Don't get used to it. I still hold the honor of skinning your hide later because you nearly got us all killed." Buddy growls, though his time wasn't angry... More... Affectionate than would be thought to come with the threat. James sighs, and accepts that.

However, they both semi failed to remember that the bigger threat had not left. The werewolf wasn't about to give his ground up.
"You guys are pathetic. What pack allows their borders to be so poorly guarded? You might be surprised to find that not all of your pack is loyal after this experience." The wolf threatens, his own blood dripping down his back. James growls, taking a threatening step towards the werewolf.
"You're just saying that to mess with our heads. Get. Out." Jane's voice drops to a dangerously venomous level. Buddy stands next to James, ready to back him up in case anything happened.
The werewolf was apparently smarter than he seemed, and finding himself outnumbered, he gave the group a sarcastic smile accompanied with a murderous glare before heading in the direction the other wolf had gone.

James sighs in relief, all his previous courage and dominating aura seeming to disappear. He shakes his head. "We really have to figure this out."
Level 61
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Posted: 4/22/2020 at 12:38 PM Post #49
Alexis nervous of the bigger wolves intentions glaced at james and buddy and than towards another werewolf a male werewolf called Dominick and winked at him and quickly Alexis and Dominick ran after the two wolves and cornered them both. quickly Alexis pounded on the female "i applogise she wolf bit blame your friend" she said as the female werewolf liked terrified "oh no, you survive as i need you to deliver a message" she said and nodded to Dominick who quickly killed the larger male werewolf who threated james's pack "if anyone else enters our territory they suffer the same fate and be mounted as a warning to others" she said and smirked. Alexis looked at dominick smiled and she looked at her ince she knew the female understood she let her go and watched as she fled and turned to dominick "i think they got the message" she said.

Selene gasped seeing Dominick come back covered in blood and alexis walk behind her "he dead and we left a message to the female" he said and smiled "he seemd to be a beta or someone of high rank hopefully it sent a message" he said and selene nodded "the sooner we uninte our pack with the pack near the mountings the better" she said and looked at alexis and james
Level 57
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Posted: 4/23/2020 at 8:09 PM Post #50
"Wow, I wouldn't have thought of that. Thank you. And you're right." Even if I don't want to be the peace offering. I don't even know the female well. And I think I like Alexis instead. She's smart and sweet and cute and you have to stop thinking about her. James shakes his head, backing up a step.

"Thank you, Dominick, Alexis. I must tell this to the Alpha immediately." Buddy growls, and takes off, not believing that another animal had broken through, and this time they had been dangerous.

The Alpha storms out of his den, hearing a commotion. "WHAT IS IT?" He bellows.
"Sir, Alpha, sir." Buddy says, trotting up to him. "There was an attempted invasion to our <direction> side of our territory. We have chased them off and taught them a lesson, but this must be addressed."
"You don't think I know that? I know everything that happens in my territory. I agree with you, Buddy. We must find a solution. And fast." The Alpha says, beginning to pace.
No body has seen the Alpha like this for a while, and so naturally a few onlooking wolves were a little bit more than nervous.
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