Got her favorite mouse ball stuck under the garbage (I laughed at her for at least ten minutes before getting it , because she refused to give up)
Edited By Sonrisa on 2/25/2022 at 4:06 PM.
Level 75
The Artistic
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Posted: 4/27/2022 at 4:08 PM
Post #43
Finally moved some pics from phone to Imgur, so... I can finally share pics of my baby Gabby <3
Here he is just hanging out on the couch with me. The blanket under him is to protect the couch from his love to knead. Having been an outdoor cat for the first 5-ish years of his life, he came to me with very sharp claws. Thankfully he's incredibly good about having those claws trimmed, so now the blanket is just there because he likes it ^.^
As soon as he got comfortable in the new house, Gabby decided that my bonsai tree was going to be his best friend. At first I thought the tree was just in the way of where he wanted to lay in the window, so I moved it to the other side. No sooner did I move the tree but the cat moved to lay next to it again. He never touches it, just lays next to it. Kind of cute, in a weird way, haha!
When hanging out in the living room, Gabby really likes to be on soft, flat things. He has a nice cushy cat bed, but at Christmas time he apparently preferred the tree skirt to either the bed or his blanket on the couch.
Further proof that cats will be cats, the scratching board is Gabby's favourite thing to sleep on while I'm working from home. Again, there are much nicer places for him to sleep (including the cat bed that came upstairs when I noticed he was using the scratching board to sleep on). Chose this picture, though, as he just looks rather regal; Gabby: king of the scratching board!
This cat knows how to live in luxury when he wants to, though. Whether the bed is made or not, he will burrow his way under the blankets and go to sleep. If I don't see the cat before bed, have to poke all the lumps before getting in, or he'll think it's play time. And even trimmed, those claws can catch sometimes >>
With the weather being quite nice here this week, Gabby got to explore the balcony while I read. He discovered that the table had a perfect shelf just for him, and that's where he stayed. He has a harness and leash on so that he gets used to the idea that if he wants to go outside now, he has to be on his leash. Thankfully, for a cat who used to live outside, he's far more interested in going back in the house, thank you very much, lol!
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Shadow of the Moon
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Posted: 4/28/2022 at 1:08 AM
Post #44
This is Lilly. We arent sure how old she is. Vet can only say 12-14 weeks xD
I saw a listing for free kittens on gumtree(like craigslist) where she used to live was just gross. The fellow who owned the cats let them breed from as soon as they were able to so there were kittens ranging from newborn and up. The adult cats were still very very young and some were pregnant. There were kittens ranging in colour to one ginger to black and white and black. The fellow was only giving away the cats cause his landlord demanded it. Lilly's mama was given away the day before and she was still very young < 4 weeks old but she took to wet food and life here really well
This is under my desk. She likes to stay close to her mama
This lounge is at the end of my desk. She likes to stretch out along it too
Lilly is growing so fast, its crazy how fast really. She is only 5 months old right now, has a little bit more growing i think but she has mostly hit what her size will be as an adult. She is very light still though, the kitty next door is smaller in frame and length but heavier xD its weird
Oh and the under the sea blankie is her blankie. Mum bought it second hand for the kids next door and put it on top of the couch till she could wash it and Lilly claimed it xD
Edited By Kaitt on 7/1/2022 at 9:53 PM.
Level 75
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 5/16/2022 at 3:25 AM
Post #45
my single spoiled queen
we rescued her directly off the street so i don't even know how old she is. she was an indoor only cat and her owners moved away and shoved her outside. kids are smart. it was my kid's (6th? 7th? who knows) birthday and i hadn't told them a thing, just that there was a surprise and it wasn't a toy. my kid approached the steps to the house, looks at me and goes, "is it a cat? it's a cat isn't it" i was in tears and when he saw her he screeched delightedly.
she isn't a cuddler but she has her own ways of cuddling such as walking across your lap a hundred times without really going anywhere, or putting her butt in your face so you will bongo it like the drums. she also likes to sniff foreheads and bite them in what i presume is a loving manner.
i hope my silly stories about my goofy baby brightened your day! every cat in this thread is CUTE
Level 73
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 5/19/2022 at 5:52 PM
Post #46
Poe Cat!
Rook! Or Doot.
Panini and Truffles!
Level 66
The Perfectionist
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Posted: 5/31/2022 at 3:08 AM
Post #47
I've got two cats. One is 15 years old, she's my calico named Toki. The other is 3 years old, my Maine coon, Xena
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Posted: 8/24/2022 at 3:27 PM
Post #48
i am here with cat tax :3
This is Delilah! Newest edition to my parent's house. She's very asleep in this picture hehe
My parent's other cat, Mini! Perpetually grouchy and very bad at sticking to her diet. Also likes to sticky out the leggies
These two are mine! Mister Flame and Drake. Both found as kittens by the side of the road and taken to the vet office my mom works at. Then she ended up taking them home for me and my brother. Flame is polydactyl!
Flame is very cuddly and very spoiled. He demands to be held 24/7 and I am loathe to refuse him.
feets :>
a round man
and a baby drake to round out the end
Level 75
Frosty Hands
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Posted: 11/10/2022 at 10:52 PM
Post #49
My kitties! The handsome kitty at the top is Lazav, who we adopted and the kitty in the other 2 pictures is Chonky, who adopted us.
Level 61
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Posted: 3/20/2023 at 6:38 AM
Post #50
My cat Daisy
She flop
Edited By Skylarrose on 7/12/2023 at 2:18 PM.
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