the Sundried Spice lup should be 2vis ^w^ they both have different dads so you might be able to get a breeding pair
thank youu :> I'm working on an HN ligh project so I'd be happy to donate some extras in the future! They're pretty hard to come by and they're so beautiful,, I'd love to give others the chance to have them.
edit: if at all possible, I'd like to do a project with the lups and if they're all siblings I cannot do that :') if not dw about it, I can find unrelated ones.
131 and 134 are related only via the father, 133 is not related to either of the other 2, i also bred them with ones on AS that have multiple traits so I hope the eggs hatch nicely for you ^w^
you can donate whatever themes you wish at any time ^w^ I hope your projects go well ^w^
if they all hatch the same gender you can let me know and i can swap the gender if at all possible since i am breeding a couple more just in case ^w^
Level 74
Joined: 1/16/2017
Threads: 46
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Posted: 9/30/2021 at 1:25 PM
Post #50
thank you so much! they'll have an excellent home :> I finally got a good HN ligh female so I should be able to help populate that theme quite a bit. such a waste of an excellent theme,, there really aren't enough of them.
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