(I suppose.)
Prussia put his sticky buns in the oven and leaned against the table, yawning. "You done yet?" he asked, smirking.
I glare at him but dont reply I could feel a headache coming on and it worried me slightly I didnt get sick easily
Level 65
The Artistic
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Posted: 11/1/2018 at 10:54 AM
Post #5312
((No Problemo))
"America and Russia don't get along for various reasons. One of the large reasons was the rights over the custody of Lithuania." Japan said.
Level 62
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Posted: 11/1/2018 at 10:56 AM
Post #5313
"America and Russia don't get along for various reasons. One of the large reasons was the rights over the custody of Lithuania." Japan said.
She frowned, "Why couldn't Lithuania decide for himself?"
Level 75
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Posted: 11/1/2018 at 7:42 PM
Post #5314
OC Form:
Name of Country/Empire/Territory/City/State/City-State/Region/Province:
Astrana, Same size as Taithlon and Eliope, Located at Taithlons Southeast.
November 12, 1925
She is easily the hardest of the triplets to remember. She prefers to lurk in the shadows and observe. She doesnt try to be funny when she is, shes just brutally honest and says what she thinks not what someone wants her to say. She is also values her sisters and anyone else she trust well-beings, accomplishments, and loves over her own. She is very forgetful, so if you told her something a while ago, you have to jumpstart her memory. She has a quick temper, but it dies away easily and she can never remember enough to hold a grudge. She lacks self-confidence and tends to shy away from unfamiliar situations, or at least see someone else do it first. She doesn't think she's book smart or even got with common sense, but she has a quick wit. She hates the spotlight and flattery and attention she doesnt deal with really well. Usually her head is filled in her own imagination, so if you dont make sure you get her attention before you start talking, she will interpret it wrong.
When she first meets people, she likes to observe how they act in different environments before she will openly talk to someone. She hates being touched unless its by her sister or someone she trusts. The fastest way to earn her trust is to save her sisters lives or to be one of their friends.
She enjoys animals as she trusts them more than she trusts humans. She likes them in whatever shape or size they come in. She just does not like those that threaten her loved ones. She isnt as good with the cold as Taithlon, but she cant stand the heat as much as Eliope, shes kinda the middle ground temperature-wise so shell usually wear something you would see people wear during fall (based on normal human standards).
Her country is technically under Russian control, but over the years Russia slowly forgot about them as they went along so she rules her country independently most of the time. Russia forget to mention to her about the war, so by the time Russia remembered, the war was over.
She enjoys storytelling and martial arts. She enjoys storytelling as she is sharing someone elses story and she is just the messenger not the hero. She enjoys martial arts as it lets her use her speed and flexibility to help others. She isnt the best as martial arts as she is terribly clumsy. When she fights she enjoys talking to the person she is fighting as saying words distracts the opponent, but helps her concentrate.
After seeing Russia get drunk, Astrana vowed to never drink. When she goes to parties, she likes to stand and watch and comment on what other people do. She is also afraid of Baba Yaga. She isnt as afraid of them as Thaithlon, but she is still afraid of it nonetheless, and avoids chickens, shabby huts, and people who eat people alive for that matter.
Astrana has more to her than meets the eye. While she normally is bashful, her family can bring out a confident side in her. In some ways, she is like her pet. Playful but reserved, but can turn into a ferocious competitor. Astrana is also competitive by nature and even though her bashfulness can keep her from announcing it to the world, she perseveres and does her best to win. She enjoys tinkering as she can do that in the background and doing things with computers and technology help her to do something with her nervous energy and creativity.
She is the exact same height as taithlon and eliope the only difference between them is that she has light pastel light purple (balance of blue than pink) hair she wears in a long braid (it goes down halfway between her shoulders and her hip). She has eye the same color as Eliopes and the other eye is the same color as Taithlon. Her skin is not tan as tan as Eliopes but not quite as pale as Taithlon.
Casual Wear:
She wears light pink shirt. The shirt is tight, but does not construct movement. She then wears a pastel purple skirt, that is short. Finally, she wears light blue leggings. If it gets colder then she likes (below -20 degrees) she will wear a purple scarf and earmuffs. She might even put on a fur jacket. She wears an anklet of braided strings, one of the strings is pink, the next is purple, the other blue. She switches between going barefoot, wearing white sandals, or white boots depending on the temperature.
Battle Wear:
Her battle wear is the same as her casual wear, except for the fact that she wears arm and chest protectors. This is because she believes that whatever you where normally will be the easiest for you to use on a battlefield if you add extra protection.
She enjoys fighting with her hands in feet. She enjoys martial arts and thats how she fights. She hides a slingshot in her skirt, and uses them when the enemy is far away. (She is also pretty good with a sword if it is light, if it is heavy she has trouble manipulating it)
Allegiance (Axis/Allies/Neutral):
She is technically an allied country as she is a Russian territory, but as Russia does not control her territory tightly so it mostly runs independently. She was neutral during the war because of this.
Pet (If any):
Baby Arctic Fox - Snowfrost
Anything else:
Real name is Ilyushka Beriya. She is flexible as she likes practicing martial arts with involves kicking. She also likes to run for fun which builds up her endurance and speed. She is kinda of a clutz which hinders her from being a good gymnast or figure-skater like her sisters.
Reason why no one knew about her was because she was the forgotten twin. She was always in the middle, which she didnt mind, but it left people who saw her confused if they were talking to one of her sisters. Thats why Russia does not have a tight grip on her because she likes to stay in the shadows.
(Also I checked with Grape and Ivy)
(Also I pinged Ivy and Grape just incase you wanted to change anything.)
Edited By Lalalanmao on 12/4/2018 at 11:23 AM.
Level 65
The Artistic
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Posted: 11/2/2018 at 9:45 AM
Post #5315
Level 65
The Artistic
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Posted: 11/2/2018 at 9:50 AM
Post #5316
The oven dinged and Prussia put on oven mitts. "They're done!" he said, pulling out a pan of buns.
Level 75
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Posted: 11/2/2018 at 9:54 AM
Post #5317
Where do you want me to start?
Level 65
The Artistic
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Posted: 11/2/2018 at 9:57 AM
Post #5318
You can jump in after I respond to Ivy's post. Just ping all of us for your first entry.
Level 71
The Kind-Hearted
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Posted: 11/2/2018 at 9:58 AM
Post #5319
I finish prepping mine and put them in *great job Prussia* I say absentmindedly i hasnt checked in with my boss in a while I figured I should probably call and check how things were doing
Edited By Grapejuice on 11/2/2018 at 10:01 AM.
Level 65
The Artistic
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Posted: 11/2/2018 at 10:00 AM
Post #5320
"I have not idea." Japan said blandly.
America was complaining about getting something to eat. "Dudes, I'm hungry, and it's cold" he said.
"You're cold because you're wearing a t-shirt." Japan said.
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