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Level 66
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Posted: 6/7/2014 at 11:05 AM Post #531
... Now I feel disturbed ...
Level 70
The Tender
Joined: 12/8/2013
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Posted: 6/8/2014 at 10:08 PM Post #532
Its okay, I feel a bit disturbed too XD disturb.... for some reason I dont really like using the word disturd... wierd isnt it XD
Level 66
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Posted: 6/9/2014 at 10:51 AM Post #533

The ****** of the echidna's heads react one at a time...

*throws up*
Level 66
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Posted: 6/11/2014 at 12:08 PM Post #534

Name: Shadow the Hedgehog
Age: 50+ (Psychically 15)
Species: Hedgehog
Personalty: N/A
History: SEGA Character. Has military skills. Apparently he has a GM Motorcycle. Oh, you don't want to make him mad because he has a large collection of weapons.
Chaos Powers
Chaos Spear
Chaos Blast
Chaos Control
Time Stopping
Super Speed
High Resilience
Enhanced Durability
Extreme Acrobatic Skills
Minor Super Strength
Crush: N/A
Pet: N/A
Edited By Crystal25152 on 6/12/2014 at 9:41 AM.
Level 39
Fancy Pants
Joined: 11/13/2013
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Posted: 6/12/2014 at 8:06 AM Post #535
I'm not disturbing >.<
Level 66
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Posted: 6/12/2014 at 9:43 AM Post #536
Geez, when you said that vampires creeped me out because I'm only 10 years old! Geez... Calling a 10 year sexy is like telling...
Level 66
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Posted: 6/12/2014 at 11:58 AM Post #537
I'm done with Shadow!
Level 39
Fancy Pants
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Posted: 6/12/2014 at 3:47 PM Post #538
WAIT!!! I didn't call you sexy >.< Things got really awkward.... I said vampires in general, ya know, the ones that actually drink blood... They're attractive... XD
Level 66
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Posted: 6/12/2014 at 8:05 PM Post #539
*rolls of rp cliff* ... ... ... ... ...
Level 39
Fancy Pants
Joined: 11/13/2013
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Posted: 7/6/2014 at 3:03 PM Post #540
(I finished the characters I started... Hope they are fine...)

Name: Catherine Tatoe
Age: Looks 23 but is 362 years old
Species: Vampire
Personality: Catherin is very loving and feels like she owes the people who help her her life. She never understood her emotions and often changes her mind on things abruptly. She hates hurting people and feels like murder is wrong.
History: Was born in a small town and was turned a vampire when she was 23. She never hurts humans and only takes a little blood from animals she catches. She took classes such as ballet and karate to improve her fighting skills because vampires was not a welcomed breed in the world. She met WItchy a few years ago and does small jobs for her for special powers that the witch provides her.
Power: Normal vampire but has an extra power like being invisible. She can disappear right in front of your eyes. Whatever she touches she can change invisible also.
Crush: I think Yuko should fall in love with her. He should see how different she is than a normal vampire and think she is worth fighting for <3... Whaddaya think?
Pet: None...

Name: Isil vigisante
Age: 16
Species: Time Warper
Personality: Graceful, she takes bad news with ease and often uses it to her advantage. Disingenuous, she is not very friendly and likes it when people just leave her alone. Adaptable, can thrive in almost any situation she is put in.
History: Isil figured out she was different when she was seven. People would make fun of her because she wasn't as pretty or as smart as all of the other students. She slowly started to lose her eyesight and had to drop out of school by age twelve. She was diagnosed with being blind by age thirteen and was from then on home schooled. She asked her family about the strange things that has been happening to her such as everything slowing down around her or speeding up, but no one would tell her. Her family was killed in a fire when she was fifteen and she was an orphan living on the streets. By age sixteen, the moon came up and never left and she visited Witchy. She asked the witch about all the weird things that had been happening to her and Witchy told her everything about her species. She feels like she owes Witchy for the information and the home the witch gave her.
Power: Is able to shift time by causing everything to slow down or speed up around her. She can disappear and reappear by using the time difference to warp.
Crush: Open
Pet: None

Name: Arina hummingbird
Age: 21
Species: Ice elemental
Personality: She's a risk taker and likes to throw her life on the line for the stupidest things. She generally trusts people unless they have done something to her in her past. She is very honest and tell people the truth no matter who it hurts.
History: Her home life was different than most humans. She never went to school and she rarely left the house. Her family used the air conditioner all year, even through the winter, and she talked to nobody. When the moon took over she left her family behind to start her life. She came across Witchy one day and decided that she would start her friendship there. She did things for Witchy and Witchy gave her what she most desired in return. Witchy gave her wings...
Power: Is able to freeze people and shoot icicles from her hands like daggers. Although, it takes awhile for her ice to build up so she is a master at hand to hand combat. She can also fly and extend or shrink her wings at will. This helps for when she is trying to hide and such.
Crush: Open
Pet: None

(I'm done writing the history... They all met Witchy along some sad, messed up story... GAWD >.<)

Name: Sydney Blagtail
Age: 20
Personality: Quiet, she never really talks much and is often seen crying. Lonely, by never talking to anyone she has no friends. Scared, she hates how everything around her seems like it is falling apart slowly. Hateful, she hates herself for everything she did in the past. She used to have problems controlling her powers and it often led to innocent peoples deaths.
History: When Sydney was a little girl she began practicing bending metal. It started when she learned how to bend spoons on television. Of course she knew what they were doing and saying was a huge scam but she still wanted to try. She learned that she could and it started to get harder not bend things. Even when she didn't realize it her mind would take off and bend something around her which would cause people to keep away from her. She grew up alone without any friends and usually locked herself in her room. She loves animals and often staring out her window, staring at birds.
Species: Metal Bender
Power: She can bend and shape metal to whatever she wants. It isn't a good power in a close ranged battle because it takes a lot of concentration. She can use this as a weapon though because with her mind, she break away pieces of metal and use them as bullets. It is very effective!
Crush: Open
Pet: A small robin names Robby.

Name: Jackson (Whatever Zach's last name is)
Age: 23
Species: Dark Angel
Personality: Loner, never travels with people and takes justice into his own hands. Angry, all he feels towards the world is hatred. He could never get anywhere in life when the Sun shown and it stayed the same way when the sun never came back up. Constantly making the same mistakes, he never learns from them and always gets stuck in the same situations.
History: Just gonna throw this in, he is Zach's brother... Yep, I went there. *PLOT TWIST*
Power: Dark angels are below Fallen Angels because they don't want to go back to Heaven and embrace Hell as there lifestyle. They've lost all of there humanity and don't care about others unless you strike a chord with them. It's hard to tell a Dark Angel from an Angel because there wings are white. He doesn't have any other power but flying though he is skilled with a blade.
Crush: Open
Pet: None

Name: Henri Picwinscar
Age: 18
Personality: Dependant, often relies on others to help him and he never takes the first step in his life. Mischevious, is often getting in trouble with his brother because he likes to pull pranks and tease people. Lonely, him and his brother never really talk to anyone and often stay up in trees so no one tries to approach them.
History: As a child Henri practised his powers everyday. His father left when he was young and his mother was constantly ill in bed. He would rely on his older brother Senri to keep his life going but that only lasted for so long. Senri was only a few hours older than him so he didn't know much more than Henri did about life. There mother couldn't work so there was no income and that led to them being evicted. Soon later there mother died and Senri and Henri lived out on the streets. When the sun went down and never came back up, it didn't bother them at first. They knew they had each other and they believed that was all they needed.
Species: Fire Elementalist
Power: As a Fire Elementalist all of his abilities are unknown. He is able to summon fire at will and use it against his enemies. He can make fire appear out of nowhere, just with his mind and he is able to catch his whole body on fire without even burning himself. Of course summoning fire takes a lot of energy and he usually relies on his brother to help him
Crush: Open
Pet: Nope

Name: Senri Picwinscar
Age: 18
Personality: Independant, he knows what he needs to do and gets things done. Comfortable, he is fine with his life just having his brother in it. he is a loner by heart and never really talks to anyone but his brother. Cold, he doesn't have a strong sense of humor and often only laughs at his brothers jokes.
History: As a child, Senri had to support the family. His mother was ill and his father had left a long tie ago They had no income so Senri would pickpocket people on the street in hopes he could get enough to take care of the family. Of course this didn't leave him with much time to practice his power and he was never around his mother. Senri tried his hardest but he couldn't keep up with the bills for the house and him and his family was evicted. Soon after his mother died and he had to support his brother. They lived on the street for most of there life but he is fine with that as long as he has his brother.
Species: Ice Elementalist
Power: As an Ice Elementalist all of his abilities are unknown. He is able to summon Ice at will and use it against his enemies. He can make Ice appear out of nowhere, just with his mind and he is able to freeze anything he wants without worry of hurting himself. Of course summoning ice takes a lot of energy and he usually relies on his brother to help him
Crush: Open
Pet: None

Name: Casper Evans
Age: 21
Personality: Carelessly reckless, often throws himself into situations without thinking hih causes a lot of problems for him in the future. Loner, is never seen around anyone and would often just walk around doing nothing by himself.
History: Rp out...
Species: Demon
Power: I wanna keep it a secret... Rp out...
Crush: Open
Pet: None

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