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Level 65
Majestic Green Thumb
Joined: 7/3/2020
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Posted: 7/12/2021 at 8:43 PM Post #551
(this will be.. er... interesting...)

Entomophobia (Bugs)

(this design should totally make sense-)

Arachnophobia (Spid-AAAAAAAAAH)

Astraphobia (Thunderstorms)

Autophobia (Being Alone, losing friends)

Oneirophobia (Dreaming (is the reason for some of my phobias))

Hoplophobia (Firearms)

Necrophobia (dead things)

Sedatephobia (Silence)

Pittakionophobia (Stickers and Labels)

I tired to explain the dream that made me have this Phobia.
Dude the dream was years ago

(i will try to do all of mine, hope it goes well-)

I might not do my other one cuz it's not a thing lol

Phobias my best friend has that I don't have:

Nyctophobia (The Dark)

Edited By Zolnixi on 7/15/2021 at 10:31 AM.
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/5/2016
Threads: 293
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Posted: 7/12/2021 at 11:03 PM Post #552
I love all your designs! Now for my critique I would like to suggest that for your Astraphobia you make the g3 a white color. By making it white you will better replicate the lightening seen during storms. I would also make the purples just a tad darker to look scarier, and maybe move that bright purple into the eyes to replace the blue! I would either do the mention of make the eyes a little more indigo, it stands out a bit and doesn't seem to belnd that well. I love the trais you chose though and all the other colors are topnotch!

Fear of the Ocean

Fear of the Color Yellow
Edited By Limor on 7/12/2021 at 11:07 PM.
Level 65
Majestic Green Thumb
Joined: 7/3/2020
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Posted: 7/13/2021 at 7:03 AM Post #553
(sending a 20k CoD, forgot i got an extra 20k, whoops)
Edited By Zolnixi on 7/13/2021 at 7:03 AM.
Level 69
Frosty Hands
Joined: 1/2/2021
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Posted: 7/13/2021 at 6:23 PM Post #554

I love love love this! The design really captures the moment of the reference photo, and looks very cute over all! Kinda like a trap, you know? Like the ocean itself! The dark colors actually look incredible together, with the light greys and blue, and that little dash of yellow all coming together to make this ocean inspired Luff absolutely stunning! The traits are also super well chosen!! So basically I'm in love and this is dope as heck

Did not know this was a thing! Very well balanced, but I believe the Fairy Tail throws it off a bit. I suggest switching it to Fire Dancers Mane and playing with the colors a bit more. The colors are very good already, it being yellow but not too yellow. Very cool, single colors are hard to work with!
Original-------------------------------- > Critiqued

My designs

Fear of the deep sea

Fear of blood

Fear of thunder and lightning

Fear of death or dead things


Fear of fish

Fear of happiness

Edited By Frostfire on 7/15/2021 at 7:58 PM.
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/5/2016
Threads: 293
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Posted: 7/14/2021 at 5:32 PM Post #555
Midway through the week, get those entries in!
Level 70
The Sweet Tooth
Joined: 11/2/2020
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Posted: 7/15/2021 at 1:37 AM Post #556
I think that this design is very nice and the traits work very well but the main body seems a bit to light compared to the fear (if that makes any sense). Darkening C1 a decent amount and G1 just a tad would bring in more of that dead feel. You could also darken G2 a bit as well, if you would like.

Fear of Spiders

Fear of Death/Dying

Fear of Plants

Fear of Halloween

Fear of technology

Edited By Noha on 7/15/2021 at 1:52 AM.
Level 70
Joined: 3/17/2020
Threads: 5
Posts: 249
Posted: 7/15/2021 at 12:30 PM Post #557
~~ Hypnophobia (fear of nightmares) ~~

~~ Autophobia (fear of being alone) ~~
This design was inspired by a flower known as a foxtail amaranth. It symbolizes hopelessness and loneliness

~~ Critique: ~~

I really liked this one. The muted browns and grays with a bit of red symbolizing how people with arachnophobia see spiders as bad and unpleasant (since most often than not color red is pinned to evil things). I also liked your choice of M2, because the orbs around the horns look like multiple eyes to me and, since spiders have many eyes, it fits perfectly. The only thing that I changed is play around with colors.
Before and After:

Even if it's simple, it's pretty good. I liked how you used the Mechanical traits set, when it's often hard to incorporate into a design without it looking bad. But, there are a few things I have changed. First of, if the design is too busy, it's bad, but it's the same way if the design is too plain and bland. So, I added a trait in both G1 and G2, and tweaked the colors a little bit. The most important change would be making the base (C1) lighter, so it looked more like steel and iron, with a metalic sheen.
Before and After:
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/5/2016
Threads: 293
Posts: 19,132
Posted: 7/18/2021 at 10:52 PM Post #558


Super glad to see more entries this week!!! I'm glad to see some of y'all we haven't seen in a while participating this challenge (or at least opting out!) but Im super happy to see it and I hope the participation keeps on rising! Remember guys, to help get participation theirs a referral system! more information about it in this screenshot:

(Remember if you are chosen, you need to claim your prize before the next deadline otherwise you will forfeit it.)


@Frost- Please send me a CoD for 20k, you had a very good critique this time around, good job!

1st PLACE~


I adore this design. It is spot on for a spider, those horns just give you the creepy crawlies looking at them! Even without the fear listed it was quite easy to figure out what the design was based on, those deep hints of red really reminded me of a black widow - which are quite deadly spiders. Overall a suburb creepy design - Great job and for a prize choose from these (1) (2) (3) (4) stables and pick a pair to get a baby from and send a CoD for 20k! In addition you may also look in Celticnuru's GROUP stable and pick a pet from there if you would like to forgo a pet from me.

2nd PLACE~


Nice to see you again Saro - it's been a minute! With your first challenge in awhile you put some great designs. I love this one, its so creative and not the direction I would have gone but it works in the best ways possible. The pinks and greys blend together so well, and knowing the meaning of why you chose the colors only ads to the design. Great job and Send a CoD for 15k please and please keep up the good work, I look forward to seeing what you make in the future!

3rd PLACE~


Grey scale designs aren't always my favorite but something about this one sticks with me. It represents your chosen fear well, and not sure if you meant for this but it really reminds of those old timey black and white movies that don't have sound - which is a perfect tie in for this design. The shades of gray you chose are excellent. They all stand out against each other and don't just blend into one jumbled shadowy mess. Great job this challenge and send me a CoD for 5k - keep up the great work!

Mystery prize winner will be DMed shortly.
Level 72
The Kind-Hearted
Joined: 7/5/2016
Threads: 293
Posts: 19,132
Posted: 7/18/2021 at 11:12 PM Post #559
"Mushrooms and Toadstools" Challenge

Hi guys, lets keep up that streak of having more entries - and make a goal to get even more this week! For this challenge lets take a look at our fungal friends, mushrooms and toadstools to be exact! Did you know mushrooms come in many different shapes and colors? From purple to blue to pink their are so many different mushrooms to take inspiration from this round!

Those who have opted out:


1.)Your design must be based on a Mushroom or a Fungi
2.) You must include the name of your Mushroom or Fungi
3.) You must include a reference photo of the mushroom or fungi
4.) With in your design post, you must ping not only myself but the designer that posted directly before you only. Reason being, you must create a paragraph (3 to 4 sentences long) giving them friendly feedback and or suggestion on improvement on the design and or designs currently present at that time. Please include a copy of their design you are speaking about, along with a design of your own referencing the suggestions you made so they can see visibly what you are trying to say. (The only except is the first designer to post.)
4.) Designers, if someone critiques/comments on your design you must make an attempt to make the changes the critiquer is suggesting. It is through another's opinion/vision you can see what you haven't/couldn't see before and in so doing improve on what is already done. It is a way for you to learn how to take riskses and test yourself. When you have done so, place your altered piece next to the original so we can see the changes you made in comparison. (DO NOT COPY AND PASTE their direct suggested image and take it as your own. That will not help you improve in the slightest, but will be seen as a form of cheating/theft.)

1.) All core group rules are in play!
2.) Don't be afraid to ask for help, feedback and or anything. We are here for you!


Amanita Muscaria

Edited By Limor on 7/19/2021 at 5:14 PM.
Level 75
Majestic Brewmaster
Joined: 4/4/2019
Threads: 42
Posts: 3,012
Posted: 7/18/2021 at 11:48 PM Post #560
Laccaria amethystina

Trametes versicolor (this is more of a fungus than a mushroom, so idk if it'll be counted but I thought it looked cool so I wanted to do a design on it)

Edited By ToxinNotFound on 7/18/2021 at 11:59 PM.
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