1. Pet for leveling: TomoyaRussell | Level 65 plz | Element: fire| Proficiencies: intelligence and dexterity
2. Pet for leveling: Brigita| Level (to be leveled to): 65 | Element: light | Proficiencies: intelligence x2
Are you okay with any of my helpers leveling your pet, rather than myself?: yes
If yes to the previous question, would you like to be notified if your pet changes owners? (Y/N): yes
Would you like to be given level updates? (Y/N): nope, not now.
If yes to the previous question, specify what levels (optional): both 65
Would you like to be notified if your pets are off the waiting list? (Y/N): yes please
Do you want me to pick up your pets immediately, or only after they are off the wait list?: sorry, I dont know what you mean.
Tips (optional): 10k
Other: thank you for leveling my pets, remember I need a high level helper.
Edited By Minlifalcon on 7/22/2020 at 12:47 AM.
Level 51
Frosty Hands
Joined: 5/31/2020
Threads: 21
Posts: 811
Posted: 7/2/2020 at 2:15 PM
Post #579
User ID:143553
1. Pet for leveling:https://www.sylestia.com/view/pets/?petid=5660367 | Level (to be leveled to):60 | Element:earth | Proficiencies: health
2. Pet for leveling:https://www.sylestia.com/view/pets/?petid=3163468 | Level (to be leveled to):60 | Element:earth | Proficiencies: strength
3. Pet for leveling: | Level (to be leveled to): | Element: | Proficiencies:
Are you okay with any of my helpers leveling your pet, rather than myself?: yes
If yes to the previous question, would you like to be notified if your pet changes owners? (Y/N): yes
Would you like to be given level updates? (Y/N): yes
If yes to the previous question, specify what levels (optional): all
Would you like to be notified if your pets are off the waiting list? (Y/N): yes
Do you want me to pick up your pets immediately, or only after they are off the wait list?: immediately
Tips (optional):
Edited By Tamer234 on 7/2/2020 at 2:33 PM.
Level 75
The Tactician
Joined: 5/15/2018
Threads: 104
Posts: 17,000
Posted: 7/2/2020 at 2:25 PM
Post #580
They're not set up for me ^^
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