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Level 60
Joined: 1/10/2013
Threads: 7
Posts: 82
Posted: 1/12/2013 at 2:10 PM
Post #51
Hello, I joined Sylestia a couple of days ago and figured it was time to say hi!
I'm a software engineer that enjoys virtual pets (obviously), video games usually in the RPG genre, and drawing. Some of my favorite games include Morrowind, Skies of Arcadia, Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross, Final Fantasy 7, Secret of Mana, Sonic Adventure 1 and 2, and the Megaman X series.
Level 60
Joined: 1/11/2013
Threads: 12
Posts: 104
Posted: 1/13/2013 at 3:44 AM
Post #52
*pokes her head in* Hello. I'm Natalie, but you can all call me Apple. Titles such as "Almighty Evil Empress" and "The Great and Powerful" are optional. ;3
I just joined yesterday (well, technically the day before yesterday, it's that in-between time of three-thirty in the morning here... XD), but I'm already really enjoying this site. It's really sucked me in--Talon's already beaten me to a pulp, and I just found my first essence earlier today. The storyline so far has been pretty fun, and the beta here is better than the finished versions of some other sites I've been on.
As for me, I'm a grad student going for a masters in library science, specifically youth services (I'm hoping to work as a children's librarian in a public library). My undergrad was a double-major in creative writing and the humanities. Outside of classes, I spend most of my free time walking, reading/writing/doodling, and eating apples--usually all at the same time. The rest of the time I'm parked in front of a TV streaming netflix either wandering around the internet or exercising my geekiness (currently through pokemon). I've been on-and-off addicted to petsites since middle school.
Oh, and I'm a shameless vegetarian health-food snob.
Anyways, I'm running out of things to do other than level grind and fail at making money, so I thought I'd poke my nose into the community here and see if it got bitten off. Just a warning; it tastes terrible and makes a mess until I go to get it sewn back on. XD
Edited By 1112 on 1/13/2013 at 3:49 AM.
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