Name: Divinis
Place of Residence: Valley of the Winds
"I want to join the raffle please!"
Dress Up Contest:
Story time!
Little Yellow Fairy Wings and the Big Bad Lupora (based quite loosely off of Little Red Riding Hood)
Little Yellow Fairy Wings (henceforth known as Sunny) had gone out one fine morning to pick apples from the orchard in Sweet Blossom. Soon the fair would be at Ethernia, and she wanted to win the Pie Competition with her secret weapon: Granny's Apple Pie Recipe. Granny was too old to make the long trek to Ethernia from the Valley of the Winds anymore - but she was still great at making pies.
Along the way from the orchard to Granny's she encountered a Lupora. Having never met a Lupora before, she had no idea that they were quite clever, and quite hungry. There were plenty of woodsmen around at the time, so she felt comfortable to stop and chat with him for a moment. The Lupora asked where she was headed off to with her lovely basket of apples and she replied, "Why, just over to Granny's in the Valley of the Winds. We've got to start on our pies for the great Pie Competition at the Ethernia fair."
Now the Lupora concocted a grand plan very quickly. You see, his belly was quite empty and he would have loved to gobble up Sunny right there on the spot, but the mention of those apple pies made his mouth water. Maybe there was a way to gobble up the pies, Sunny, AND Granny. He said fairwell to Sunny and ran off to the apple orchard just as fast as he could. After gathering up as many apples as he could, he booked it to Granny's house hoping Sunny would take her time dawdling along the path as most children seemed to.
He was in luck, as Sunny meandered towards Grandma's house she encountered a group of bees, and being the sort of girl who couldn't pass up a chance at a nice jar of fresh honey - she followed them back to their hive.
Meanwhile, the Lupora found Granny's house and quickly knocked on the door.
"Who's there?" Said Granny.
"It's me Sunny" said the Lupora doing his best impression. "I've brought the apples to make our delicious pies!"
"Well come in! Quickly! We really need to get started child!"
Since Granny's eyes weren't all that great anymore, she didn't even notice that the person who walked into her door was not, in fact, Sunny. She gave the Lupora directions on how to make her super secret absolutely delicious apple pie - which of course we can not print here for fear of incurring Granny's wrath. After Lupora removed the pies from the oven, Granny instructed him to place the pies in the window sill, which he did, and promptly afterwards he devoured her whole.
It was good timing too, as it was about this time Sunny finally made it to Granny's place. She looked up from the flower she was fiddling with along the way and immediately noticed something strange. There were apple pies already in the window sill! Who had helped Granny with the pies she wondered? Sunny cautiously worked her way around the house, peeking into windows.
There's that Lupora I met earlier today, she thought. He sure has put on some weight in the last few hours though... and I don't see Granny anywhere... She gasped a little as she put together what had happened. And not quietly enough! The Lupora heard her and raced out of the house, eager to get in his next meal.
It was here that her Little Yellow Fairy Wings came in quite handy and she flitted away to the nearest Woodsman for assistance. The Lupora chased her, not quite sure how he was going to get her out of the air, but none the less determined. He was so busy looking up at Sunny that he didn't notice he was running straight towards a Woodsman with a nice sharp axe in his hands. In one graceful movement, he sliced open the wolf, managing to free Granny! The Lupora was no more, but Granny was thankfully just fine - albeit a little confused as to her surroundings. Sunny and Granny thanked the Woodsman and invited him over to enjoy some of their amazing apple pie.
And in case you were wondering, Sunny won the Pie contest that year, and she used her winnings to launch a "Don't Talk to Luporas" campaign that spanned all of Sylestia.